Category:Possible Rijksmonumenten

Images for which the RCE has a Rijksmonument identifier are tagged with {{Rijksmonument}}. All other images are tagged with {{Possible Rijksmonument}} putting them in one of the subcategories of Category:Possible Rijksmonumenten. You can help by figuring out if the image is of a Rijksmonument or not. For that the template contains two links to the Monuments database

  1. Link to the monuments database with exact address and location: Due to different notations or addresses you might not find the Rijksmonument
  2. Link to all Rijksmonumenten in a location: This only works for small villages which don't have too many Rijksmonumenten

This might help to find it, but won't find you every Rijksmonument.

Another way is to compare the lists on the Dutch Wikipedia, with the image in the category here.

When you're sure something is a Rijksmonument (or not) you have two links:

  1. Yes: It's a Rijksmonument and you know the id. You'll get a popup asking for the id. This will replace the {{Possible Rijksmonument}} with {{Rijksmonument|<the id you entered>}} and adds Category:Rijksmonumenten. A bot runs on Category:Rijksmonumenten to categorize the images in it so you don't have to change it to a more specific category (but you can of course do it).
  2. No: This will remove the {{Possible Rijksmonument}} template

See Commons:Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed for more on the collection.

On the 27th of January 2016 there are 78,899 rijksmonumenten to be identified. (The original number was likely between 200.000 and 300.000)

Pages in category "Possible Rijksmonumenten"

This category contains only the following page.