Maps of Hokkaido prefecture

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:Cities designated by ordinance / :Cities / :Towns and Villages
English: Maps of Hokkaidō Prefecture, Japan.
Bahasa Indonesia: Peta Prefektur Hokkaidō, Jepang.
日本語: 日本国北海道の地図。



Sapporo city


Towns and Villages


Ishikari District (石狩郡)


Matsumae District (松前郡)


Kamiiso District (上磯郡)


Kameda District (亀田郡)


Kayabe District (茅部郡)


Futami District (二海郡)


Yamakoshi District (山越郡)


Hiyama District (檜山郡)


Nishi District (爾志郡)


Okushiri District (奥尻郡)


Setana District (瀬棚郡)


Kudō District (久遠郡)


Shimamaki District (島牧郡)


Suttsu District (寿都郡)


Isoya District (磯谷郡)


Abuta District (虻田郡)


Iwanai District (岩内郡)


Furuu District (古宇郡)


Shakotan District (積丹郡)


Furubira District (古平郡)


Yoichi District (余市郡)


Sorachi District (空知郡)


Yūbari District (夕張郡)


Kabato District (樺戸郡)


Uryū District (雨竜郡)


Kamikawa (Ishikari) District (石狩国の上川郡)


Kamikawa (Teshio) District (天塩国の上川郡)


Yūfutsu District (勇払郡)


Nakagawa (Teshio) District (天塩国の中川郡)


Mashike District (増毛郡)


Rumoi District (留萌郡)


Tomamae District (苫前郡)


Teshio District (天塩郡)


Sōya District (宗谷郡)


Esashi District (枝幸郡)


Rebun District (礼文郡)


Rishiri District (利尻郡)


Abashiri District (網走郡)


Shari District (斜里郡)


Tokoro District (常呂郡)


Monbetsu District (紋別郡)


Usu District (有珠郡)


Shiraoi District (白老郡)


Saru District (沙流郡)


Niikappu District (新冠郡)


Urakawa District (浦河郡)


Samani District (様似郡)


Horoizumi District (幌泉郡)


Hidaka District (日高郡)


Katō District (河東郡)


Kamikawa (Tokachi) District (十勝国の上川郡)


Kasai District (河西郡)


Hiroo District (広尾郡)


Nakagawa (Tokachi) District (十勝国の中川郡)


Ashoro District (足寄郡)


Tokachi District (十勝郡)


Kushiro District (釧路郡)


Akkeshi District (厚岸郡)


Kawakami District (川上郡)


Akan District (阿寒郡)


Shiranuka District (白糠郡)


Notsuke District (野付郡)


Shibetsu District (標津郡)


Menashi District (目梨郡)


Occupied Area

Kuril Islands (千島列島)
English: Shikotan, Kunashiri, Etorofu, Shana, Shibetoro, Uruppu, Shimushiru and Shumushu District are controled by Russia (USSR) from August, 1945.
Bahasa Indonesia: Distrik Shikotan, Kunashiri, Etorofu, Shana, Shibetoro, Uruppu, Shimushiru, dan Shumushu dikuasai oleh Rusia (Uni Soviet) sejak bulan Agustus 1945.
日本語: 紗那郡、蘂取郡、得撫郡、新知郡、占守郡は1945年8月以降ソ連、ロシアに実効支配されている。

See also
