Messaging Interoperability

Enable users on your app in Europe to exchange messages with users on Messenger and/or WhatsApp in Europe, in accordance with the Digital Markets Act (DMA).

Learn about interoperating with Messenger or WhatsApp

To be considered eligible to interoperate with Messenger and/or WhatsApp, you must be able to comply with the terms of the Messenger and/or WhatsApp Reference Offer, which reflect requirements of the DMA. This includes being an app that provides messaging services to end users in Europe. It also includes being able to meet the technical requirements outlined in the Messenger and/or WhatsApp Developer Documentation Overview.

Steps to interoperate with Messenger or WhatsApp

Note: Separate documentation and applications are required for Messenger and/or WhatsApp

  1. Review: Review the Reference Offer, Developer Documentation Overview, and Application Guidelines above.
  2. Apply: If you believe you qualify, complete the form that’s linked in the Application Guidelines.
  3. Review: If you meet eligibility requirements, we will send you our detailed Developer Documentation under NDA for review of the detailed technical requirements for interoperating.
  4. Sign: If you can fulfill the relevant terms and technical requirements set out in the Reference Offer and want to request interoperability, sign the Interoperability Agreement that we will provide to you.
  5. Build: Start building interoperability.
  6. Enable: Complete the milestones outlined in the detailed Developer Documentation to enable interoperability.
  7. Launch: Work with Messenger and/or WhatsApp on a joint plan to launch interoperability.

Ready to take the next step to interoperate with Messenger and/or WhatsApp?

Complete the form that’s linked in the Application Guidelines. We will then review and reply back with next steps.

Get started with MessengerGet started with WhatsApp

Note: Separate applications are required for Messenger and WhatsApp.

For clarity, developers’ Interoperability Agreements with Messenger and WhatsApp (as may be updated from time to time), govern developers’ use and access to the interoperable messaging services of Messenger and/or WhatsApp (as applicable), and supersede any other developer terms(i.e., the Platform Terms and the Developer Policies) found elsewhere on this website.