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mentioned the latest research and evidence that graphology can also be considered a science, and where we can use this.
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[[File:Talks on graphology, the art of knowing character through handwriting (1892) (14781407362).jpg|thumb|260x260px|A piece of handwriting used in graphological analysis, supposedly showing traits of "frivolity" and "triviality" in the writer]]
Handwriting Analysis or '''Graphology''' is athe scientific methodanalysis of identifying,[[handwriting]] evaluatingwith andattempt to determine understandingsomeone's personality throughtraits. theNo strokesscientific andevidence patternsexists revealedto bysupport handwriting.graphology,<ref name="DriverBuckleyFrink1996">{{Citecite journal |lastlast1=ChampaDriver |firstfirst1=H.NRussell W. |last2=AnandaKumarBuckley |first2=K.RM. Ronald |datelast3=2010-08Frink |titlefirst3=AutomatedDwight HumanD. Behavior|title=Should PredictionWe throughWrite HandwritingOff Analysis |url= |journal=2010International FirstJournal Internationalof ConferenceSelection onand IntegratedAssessment Intelligent|date=April Computing1996 |volume=4 |issue=2 |pages=160–16578–86 |doi=10.11091111/ICIICj.20101468-2389.291996.tb00062.x }}</ref> Graphology is a science based on psychology and statistics that study concrete features from handwriting to find the psychological profile of the writer.<ref name=":0NYT1">{{Citecite journalnews |lastlast1=CollCohen |firstfirst1=Ricard |last2=Fornés |first2=Alicia |last3=Lladós |first3=Josep |date=2009-07Roger |title=GraphologicalIn AnalysisFrance, ofIt's HandwrittenHow TextYou DocumentsCross forthe Human Resources Recruitmentt's |url=https://ieeexplorewww.ieeenytimes.orgcom/abstract1993/document10/19/business/5277490in-france-it-s-how-you-cross-the-t-s.html |journalwork=2009The 10thNew International Conference on Document Analysis andYork RecognitionTimes |pagesdate=1081–108519 October 1993 |doi=10.1109/ICDAR.2009.213}}</ref> But beforeand it is generally considered a [[pseudoscience]]<ref name=nevo1986/><ref name=Graph_Beyer_PBS/><ref name="ReferenceA">{{Scientific American Frontiers|8|2|BEYOND SCIENCE? Paper Personality}}</ref><ref name = Dunning>{{Skeptoid|id=4363|number=363|title=All About Graphology|access-date=2 September 2016}}</ref> or scientifically questionable practice.<ref name=":1">{{cite encyclopedia|title=Graphology|encyclopedia=Encyclopædia Britannica|date=April 25, 2017|url= |quote=In general, the scientific basis for graphological interpretations of personality is questionable.}}</ref> However, Accuracyit ofremains handwritingin analysiswidespread dependsuse onin how[[France]]<ref skilled the analyst"NYT1"/><ref>{{Cite journalcite news|lasttitle=ChampaA |first=HFrench love affair..N. with graphology|last2first=AnandaKumar Hugh|first2last=K.R. Schofield|datework=2010-08BBC News|titlelocation=AutomatedParis|date=29 Human Behavior Prediction through Handwriting AnalysisApril 2013|url=https://ieeexplorewww.ieeebbc.orgcom/abstractnews/documentmagazine-22198554 }}</5571472ref> and has historically been considered legitimate for use in some court cases.<ref>{{cite book|journallast=2010Bishop|first=Paul|year=2017|title=Ludwig FirstKlages Internationaland Conferencethe onPhilosophy Integratedof IntelligentLife: ComputingA Vitalist Toolkit|pagespublisher=160–165 Routledge|doiisbn=10.1109/ICIIC.2010.299781138697157|page=5}}</ref> The term is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to [[questioned document examination|forensic document examination]], due to the fact that aspects of the latter dealing with the examination of handwritten documents are occasionally referred to as ''[[graphanalysis]]''.
Everything[[Schlicht]], thatan isacademic writtenhistorian, bystates thethat handwhile isgraphology processedfailed fromto brainbecome wherea isscientific candiscipline, givemany certainexperts frequencyin bands[[experimental orpsychology]] waveformand for[[psychiatry]] participated in the personality.<refendeavour to study graphology within a broader, more recognized science of expression, and that name=":2">{{Citeto journalqualify |last=Akilasomething |first=Nas Fpseudoscience |last2=Nasircan |first2=Ethus Measily Nresult Ein Man |last3=Fuadunsystematic |first3=Nexamination |last4=Wahabof |first4=Mohda Helmyhistorical Abdconstellation of knowledge production."<ref>{{cite journal|last5last=Idrus Schlicht|first5first=Syed Zulkarnain Syed Laurens|dateyear=2020-09-01 |title=AGraphology Reviewin ofGermany Humanin Graphologythe Analysis1920s and Brainwaves |url= 1930s|journal=IOPNTM ConferenceZeitschrift Series:für MaterialsGeschichte Scienceder andWissenschaften, EngineeringTechnik |language=enund Medizin|volume=917 28|issue=1 2|pages=149–179|doi=10.10881007/1757s00048-899x/917/1/012048/meta 020-00246-8|issnpmid=175732333033|doi-899Xaccess=free}}</ref> Graphology canhas showbeen tocontroversial thefor interviewermore somethan hiddena aspectscentury. ofAlthough the applicant’s personality and itsupporters allowspoint to find any desired skill the job[[anecdotal requires,evidence]] likeof leadership,positive teamworktestimonials oras organizationa capabilities.<ref>{{Citereason journalto |last=Colluse |first=Ricardit |last2=Fornésfor |first2=Aliciapersonality |last3=Lladósevaluation, |first3=Josepempirical |date=2009-07studies |title=Graphologicalfail Analysisto ofshow Handwrittenthe Textvalidity Documentsclaimed forby Humanits Resources Recruitment |url=<ref |journalname=2009 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition |pages=1081–1085 |doi=10.1109"DriverBuckleyFrink1996"/ICDAR.2009.213}}></ref> Handwriting reveals the true personality including emotional outlay, fears, honesty, defenses and many others.<refname="Furnham1987">{{Citecite journal |lastlast1=ChampaFurnham |firstfirst1=H.N.Adrian |last2=AnandaKumarGunter |first2=K.R. |date=2010-08Barrie |title=AutomatedGraphology Humanand Behaviorpersonality: PredictionAnother throughfailure Handwritingto Analysisvalidate |url= analysis |journal=2010Personality Firstand InternationalIndividual ConferenceDifferences on|date=January Integrated1987 Intelligent|volume=8 Computing|issue=3 |pages=160–165433–435 |doi=10.11091016/ICIIC.2010.290191-8869(87)90045-6 }}</ref> It has also been rated by mental health professionals as one of the top five most discredited psychological tests.<ref>{{Cite journal |last1=Norcross |first1=John C. |last2=Koocher |first2=Gerald P. |last3=Garofalo |first3=Ariele |date=2006 |title=Discredited psychological treatments and tests: A Delphi poll. |url= |journal=Professional Psychology: Research and Practice |volume=37 |issue=5 |pages=515–522 |doi=10.1037/0735-7028.37.5.515 |issn=1939-1323 |quote=Five tests rated by at least 25% of the experts in terms of being discredited for a specific purpose received mean scores of 4.0 or higher: Luscher Color Test, Szondi Test, handwriting analysis (graphology), Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test (for assessment of neuropsychological impairment), eneagrams, and Lowenfeld Mosaic Test |via=}}</ref>
Handwriting experts have sometimes been elected as advisors in court cases and their verdicts have undeniably been influential in some cases.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Nicolas |first=Serge |date=2015/1 |title=Alfred Binet and Crépieux-Jamin: Can intelligence be measured scientifically by graphology? |url= |access-date=01/11/2022 |}}</ref> The basic factor which prevents the scientific investigation of graphology in America today is the paucity of psychologists who know enough about handwriting analysis to participate effectively in its investigation.<ref>{{Citation |last=Anthony |first=Daniel S. |title=Graphology |url= |work=Taboo Topics |doi=10.4324/9781315130576-7/graphology-daniel-anthony |access-date=2022-11-01}}</ref>
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== Professional status ==
Although graphology had some support in the scientific community before the mid-twentieth century, more recent research rejects the validity of graphology as a tool to assess personality and job performance.<ref name=nevo1986>Nevo, B ''Scientific Aspects Of Graphology: A Handbook'' Springfield, IL: Thomas: 1986</ref><ref name="kingkoehler">{{cite journal |last1=King |first1=Roy N. |last2=Koehler |first2=Derek J. |title=Illusory correlations in graphological inference |journal=Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied |date=2000 |volume=6 |issue=4 |pages=336–348 |doi=10.1037/1076-898X.6.4.336 |pmid=11218342 |citeseerx= }}</ref><ref>{{cite document |last1=Lockowandt |first1=Oskar |title=Present status of the investigation of handwriting psychology as a diagnostic method |publisher=American Psychological Association |year=1976 }}</ref> Sometimes it consider as a science<ref name="nevo1986" /><ref name=":1" /><ref name=":2" /> and also sometimesToday it is considered to be a [[pseudoscience]]. <ref name=":0" /><ref name=nevo1986/><ref name='Graph_Beyer_PBS'>{{cite web|url= |title=Barry Beyerstein Q&A |access-date=2008-02-22 |work=Ask the Scientists |publisher=[[Scientific American Frontiers]] |archive-url= |archive-date=2007-02-20 }} "they simply interpret the way we form these various features on the page in much the same way ancient oracles interpreted the entrails of oxen or smoke in the air. i.e., it's a kind of magical divination or fortune telling where 'like begets like'".</ref><ref name="ReferenceA">{{Scientific American Frontiers|8|2|BEYOND SCIENCE? Paper Personality}}</ref><ref name="NYT1">{{cite news |last1=Cohen |first1=Roger |date=19 October 1993 |title=In France, It's How You Cross the t's |work=The New York Times |url=}}</ref><ref name="Dunning">{{Skeptoid|id=4363|number=363|title=All About Graphology|access-date=2 September 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |author=Goodwin CJ |title=Research In Psychology: Methods and Design |url= |year=2010 |publisher=John Wiley & Sons |isbn=978-0-470-52278-3 |page=36}}</ref> Many studies have been conducted to assess its effectiveness to predict personality and job performance. Recent studies testing the validity of using handwriting for predicting personality traits and job performance have been consistently negative.<ref name="nevo1986"/><ref name ="kingkoehler"/>
In a 1987 study, graphologists were unable to predict scores on the [[Eysenck Personality Questionnaire]] using writing samples from the same people.<ref name="Furnham1987">{{cite journal |last1=Furnham |first1=Adrian |last2=Gunter |first2=Barrie |date=January 1987 |title=Graphology and personality: Another failure to validate graphological analysis |journal=Personality and Individual Differences |volume=8 |issue=3 |pages=433–435 |doi=10.1016/0191-8869(87)90045-6}}</ref> In a 1988 study, graphologists were unable to predict scores on the [[Myers-Briggs Type Indicator|Myers-Briggs]] test using writing samples from the same people.<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Bayne |first1=R. |last2=O'Neill |first2=F. |title=Handwriting and personality: A test of some expert graphologists' judgments |journal=Guidance and Assessment Review |volume=4 |issue=4 |year=1988 |pages=1–3 }}</ref> A 1982 [[meta-analysis]] drawn from over 200 studies concludes that graphologists were generally unable to predict any kind of personality trait on any personality test.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Jennings |first1=D. L. |last2=Amabile |first2=T. M. |last3=Ross |first3=L. |chapter=Informal covariation assessment: Data-based versus theory-based judgments |pages=211–238 |chapter-url= |editor1-first=Daniel |editor1-last=Kahneman |editor2-first=Paul |editor2-last=Slovic |editor3-first=Amos |editor3-last=Tversky |year=1982 |title=Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases |publisher=Cambridge University Press |isbn=978-0-521-28414-1 }}</ref>
Measures of job performance appear similarly unrelated to the handwriting metrics of graphologists. Professional graphologists using handwriting analysis were just as ineffective as lay people at predicting performance in a 1989 study.<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Neter |first1=Efrat |last2=Ben-Shakhar |first2=Gershon |title=The predictive validity of graphological inferences: A meta-analytic approach |journal=Personality and Individual Differences |date=January 1989 |volume=10 |issue=7 |pages=737–745 |doi=10.1016/0191-8869(89)90120-7 }}</ref> A broad literature screen done by King and Koehler confirmed dozens of studies showing the geometric aspects of graphology (slant, slope, ''etc.'') are essentially worthless predictors of job performance.<ref name="kingkoehler"/>