Nonmetal: Difference between revisions

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→‎top: over 30 —> about 20. Current count is actually19
→‎Physical: Added a proper Se chain cites that does a mini review then discusses further.
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About half of nonmetallic elements are gases under [[standard temperature and pressure]]; most of the rest are solids. Bromine, the only liquid, is usually topped by a layer of its reddish-brown fumes. The gaseous and liquid nonmetals have very low densities, [[melting point|melting]] and [[boiling point]]s, and are poor conductors of heat and electricity.<ref name="Kneen">[[#Kneen|Kneen, Rogers & Simpson 1972, pp. 261–264]]</ref> The solid nonmetals have low densities and low mechanical strength (often being brittle or crumbly),<ref>[[#Phillips1973|Phillips 1973, p. 7]]</ref>{{Dubious|Dubious cites|date=August 2024|reason=This is not stated in the source given. The only relevant mention of "brittle" is on p270 where nonmetallic materials such as MgO are being discussed, not the elements.}} and a wide range of electrical conductivity.{{efn|The solid nonmetals have electrical conductivity values ranging from 10<sup>−18</sup> S•cm<sup>−1</sup> for sulfur<ref name="A&W"/> to 3 × 10<sup>4</sup> in graphite<ref name="Jenkins">[[#Jenkins|Jenkins & Kawamura 1976, p. 88]]</ref> or 3.9 × 10<sup>4</sup> for [[arsenic]];<ref>[[#Carapella|Carapella 1968, p. 30]]</ref> cf. 0.69 × 10<sup>4</sup> for [[manganese]] to 63 × 10<sup>4</sup> for [[silver]], both metals.<ref name="A&W">[[#Aylward|Aylward & Findlay 2008, pp. 6–12]]</ref> The conductivity of graphite (a nonmetal) and arsenic (a metalloid nonmetal) exceeds that of manganese. Such overlaps show that it can be difficult to draw a clear line between metals and nonmetals.}}
This diversity in form stems from variability in internal structures and bonding arrangements. Covalent nonmetals existing as discrete atoms like xenon, or as small molecules, such as oxygen, sulfur, and bromine, have low melting and boiling points; many are gases at room temperature, as they are held together by weak [[London dispersion force]]s acting between their atoms or molecules, although the molecules themselves have strong covalent bonds.<ref>[[#ZumDeC|Zumdahl & DeCoste 2010, pp. 455, 456, 469, A40]]; [[#Earl&W|Earl & Wilford 2021, p. 3-24]]</ref> In contrast, nonmetals that form extended structures, such as long chains of up to 1,000 selenium atoms,<ref>[[#Still|Still{{Cite 2016,journal p|last=Corb |first=B.W. 120]]</ref>{{Dubious|Dubiouslast2=Wei cites|datefirst2=AugustW.D. 2024|reasonlast3=ClaimAverbach is|first3=B.L. made|date=1982 in|title=Atomic amodels bookof whichamorphous citesselenium no|url= sources,|journal=Journal soof shouldNon-Crystalline notSolids be|language=en considered|volume=53 a|issue=1-2 reliable|pages=29–42 source|doi=10.1016/0022-3093(82)90016-3}}</ref> sheets of carbon atoms in graphite,<ref>[[#Wiberg|Wiberg 2001, pp. 780]]</ref> or three-dimensional lattices of silicon atoms<ref>[[#Wiberg|Wiberg 2001, pp. 824, 785]]</ref> have higher melting and boiling points, and are all solids, as it takes more energy to overcome their stronger bonding.<ref>[[#Earl&W|Earl & Wilford 2021, p. 3-24]]</ref>{{Dubious|Dubious cites|date=August 2024|reason=An O-level (i.e. 16 year old) chemistry textbook is not a good source to quote. It is used several times, better sources should be used.}} Nonmetals closer to the left or bottom of the periodic table (and so closer to the metals) often have [[Delocalized electron|metallic interactions]] between their molecules, chains, or layers; this occurs in boron,<ref>[[#Siekierski|Siekierski & Burgess 2002, p. 86]]</ref> carbon,<ref>[[#Charlier|Charlier, Gonze & Michenaud 1994]]</ref> phosphorus,<ref>[[#Taniguchi|Taniguchi et al. 1984, p. 867]]: "...&nbsp;black phosphorus&nbsp;... [is] characterized by the wide valence bands with rather delocalized nature."; [[#Carmalt|Carmalt & Norman 1998, p. 7]]: "Phosphorus&nbsp;... should therefore be expected to have some metalloid properties."; [[#Du|Du et al. 2010]]: Interlayer interactions in black phosphorus, which are attributed to van der Waals-Keesom forces, are thought to contribute to the smaller band gap of the bulk material (calculated 0.19&nbsp;eV; observed 0.3&nbsp;eV) as opposed to the larger band gap of a single layer (calculated ~0.75&nbsp;eV).</ref> arsenic,<ref>[[#Wiberg|Wiberg 2001, pp. 742]]</ref> selenium,<ref>[[#Evans|Evans 1966, pp. 124–25]]</ref> antimony,<ref>[[#Wiberg|Wiberg 2001, pp. 758]]</ref> tellurium<ref>[[#Stuke|Stuke 1974, p. 178]]; [[#Donohue|Donohue 1982, pp. 386–87]]; [[#Cotton|Cotton et al. 1999, p. 501]]</ref> and iodine.<ref>[[#Steudel|Steudel 2020, p. 601]]: "...&nbsp;Considerable orbital overlap can be expected. Apparently, intermolecular multicenter bonds exist in crystalline iodine that extend throughout the layer and lead to the delocalization of electrons akin to that in metals. This explains certain physical properties of iodine: the dark color, the luster and a weak electric conductivity, which is 3400 times stronger within the layers then perpendicular to them. Crystalline iodine is thus a two-dimensional semiconductor."; [[#Segal|Segal 1989, p. 481]]: "Iodine exhibits some metallic properties&nbsp;..."</ref>
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