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On 20 July 1796, Hoche was rewarded by the [[French Directory]] for his immense service.<ref name=Charavay/> That same day, he was appointed to organize and command the [[Expédition d'Irlande|Expedition to Ireland]],<ref name=Charavay/> to assist the [[United Irishmen]] in a rebellion against [[British rule in Ireland|British rule]]. He survived an assassination attempt in Rennes on 16 October, when a worker at the local arsenal fired at him but missed.<ref name=Charavay/>
In [[Brest, France|Brest]], Hoche gathered andan army and forty-eight vessels for the expedition, under the command of Vice Admiral [[Justin Bonaventure Morard de Galles]].<ref name=Charavay/> The fleet set sail for Ireland on 15 December 1796, with Hoche and Morard de Galles aboard the frigate ''[[French frigate Aglaé (1788)|Fraternité]]''.<ref name=Charavay/> Due to a [[gale]], however, the frigate was separated from the expedition the day after its departure, and was afterwards chased by a British ship.<ref name=Charavay/> By the time it reached the Irish coast, on 30 December, the rest of expedition had already dispersed after a failed landing attempt.<ref name=Charavay/> The ''Fraternité'' re-entered France through the [[Île de Ré]] on 11 January 1797 without having effected its purpose.<ref name=Charavay/><ref name=EB1911/>
With the United Irish leader, [[Wolfe Tone]], who was to have landed with him in Ireland, Hoche reflected critically on the violent course of the Revolution. Tone, "heartily glad" to find Hoche of "a humane temperament", wrote in his memoirs:<ref>{{Cite book|last=Mansergh|first=Martin|title=The Legacy of History|publisher=Mercier Press|year=2003|isbn=9781856353892|location=Cork|pages=127}}</ref><blockquote>Hoche mentioned, also, that great mischief had been done to the principles of liberty and additional difficulties thrown in the way of the French Revolution, by the quantity of blood spilled: "for", he added, "if you guillotine a man, you get rid of an individual, it is true, but then you make all his friends and connections enemies for ever of the government".</blockquote>