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=== Inside the event horizon ===
The object reaches the singularity at the center within a finite amount of [[proper time]], as measured by the falling object. An observer on the falling object would continue to see objects outside the event horizon, [[Blue shift|blue-shifted]] or [[Redshift|red-shifted]] depending on the falling object's trajectory. Objects closer to the singularity aren't seen, as all paths light could take from objects farther in point inwards towards the singularity.
The amount of proper time a faller experiences below the event horizon depends upon where they started from rest, with the maximum being for someone who starts from rest at the event horizon. A paper in 2007 examined the effect of firing a rocket pack within the black hole, showing that this can only reduce the proper time of a person who starts from rest at the event horizon. However, for anyone else, a judicious burst of the rocket can extend the lifetime of the faller, but overdoing it will again reduce the proper time experienced. However, this cannot prevent the inevitable collision with the central singularity.<ref>{{