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==The Racial Make-Up and Mixing of The Moors and Iberians==
[[Image:Moorishchief.jpg|thumb|right|Moorish Chief.]]
There were white Moors, especially because of their part Berber ancestry and after they had lived in Europe for centuries and had been ‘whitened’ by mating with Europeans.The mixed racial make-up of the Moors is confirmed by their own writing: the Moorish historian Ali ibn Abd Allah, writing in the 1300s, (recall that the Moors were only finally expelled from Spain in 1452) said that a Moorish Sultan of the time , Mohammed ben Idriss is described as “blond” while Abou el-Hassan el Said had as mother “a Nubian slave . . . dark and of mixed blood,” . <ref>‘''Aoudh ci Kartas''’, by Ali ibn Abd Allah, translated by Beaumier pp. (25), (61), (190), (257), (288), (367)</ref>