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'''Legio X Gemina''', the ''twin legion'', was levied by [[Julius Caesar]] on [[58 BC]], for his invasion of [[Gaul]]. There are still records of the X Gemina in [[Vienna]] in the beginning of the [[5th century]] AD. The legion symbol is a bull. Early on its history, the legion was called '''X Equestris''' (''knights''), because Caesar often used the [[legionary|legionaries]] as cavalry.
In the [[Gallic wars]], X Equestris played an important role on Caesar's military success and for this reason is sometimes said to be his favourite. In Caesar's campaigns they were present in the [[battle against the Nervians]], the [[Roman invasion of Britain]], and the [[siege of Gergovia]]. They remained faithful to Caesar in the civil war against [[Pompey]], being present in the battles of [[Battle of Pharsalus|Pharsalus]] ([[49 BC]]) and [[Battle of Munda|Munda]] ([[45 BC]]). In 45 BC Caesar disbanded the legion, giving the veterans farmlands near Narbonne.
The legion was reconstituted in [[42 BC]] and fought for [[Augustus]], [[Lepidus]] and [[Marcus Antonius]] in the [[Battle of Philippi]] against the murderers of Caesar. After this, they followed Marcus Antonius in his campaign against Parthia and were defeated with him at [[Battle of Actium|Actium]]. Augustus then took control of the legion and settled the veterans in [[Patras]]. The legion rebelled and lost the title of Equestris as punishment. Reinforcements were added from other legions and the Tenth was rebaptized as Gemina.