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In the feature film ''[[Spider-Man (film)|Spider-Man]]'', the killer was not a burglar. Instead of trying to break into the Parker home, he attempted to [[Carjacking|carjack]] Ben Parker. When Ben refused to surrender his vehicle, the robber shot him. Unlike the comics continuity, Ben lived just long enough for Peter to arrive upon the scene and share a brief, final moment with his uncle. Peter chased the killer to the warehouse, where the killer tripped and fell from a second-story window to his death. The movie credits list the character as "Carjacker", and he is portrayed by [[Michael Papajohn]].
In photos from the set of ''Spider-manMan 3'', it shows a flashback sequence where the Carjacker, Uncle Ben' and Flint Marko, a.k.a. Sandman are present at the scene where Uncle Ben was killed. It is believed that Sandman was the Carjacker's partner in crime.