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* We cannot solve the problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them
** "Einstein's famous saying in Copenhagen", as quoted in a ''[[w:Foreign Broadcast Information Service|FBIS]]'' [ ''Daily Report'']: East Europe (4 April 1995), p. 45
** May have originated from Einstein's May 1946 telegram quoted in [ this New York Times story], where he wrote "The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe." Some later sources added the sentence "We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive" to the end of this quote (it does not appear in the original New York Times story), for example in a 25 May 1966 hearing before the US Committee on Foreign Relations on the topic "Psychological Aspects of International Relations", there was a statement given by Dr. Charles E. Osgood, Director of the Institute of Communications Research at the University of Illinois, where on [ p. 23 of the transcript] he gave this Einstein quote with the extra sentence. The same quote with the extra sentence added appears in later sources like a [ March 1979 story] on p. 82 of ''The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists'', along with modifications like "It has become essential that mankind formulate a new mode of thinking if it wishes to survive and to reach a higher level" from [ p. 4] of the 1967 English translation of Josué de Castro's ''The Black Book of Hunger''. Later authors used the quote in a more general psychological context not explicitly about world problems like nuclear war and hunger, for example the [ website of the author Will Tuttle] includes a link to his [ 1988 dissertation titled ''The Role of Intuition in Education''] where he writes on p. 158 "It is being increasingly recognized that the problems created by rationalistic, separatistic thinking cannot be solved by applying more of the same kind of thinking; rather, as Einstein stressed, a 'new mode of thinking is required'", and [ p. 168] of Lynne Garnett's 1990 book ''Finding the Great Creative You: A Seven Step Adventure'' attributes to Einstein the quote "You can't solve a problem using the same kind of thinking that got you into the problem in the first place."
of thinking; rather, as Einstein stressed, a 'new mode of thinking is required'", and [ p. 168] of Lynne Garnett's 1990 book ''Finding the Great Creative You: A Seven Step Adventure'' attributes to Einstein the quote "You can't solve a problem using the same kind of thinking that got you into the problem in the first place."
* If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies