
Ukrainian edition of Wiktionary


The Ukrainian (adjective sense) national flag.
Mykola Podrezan, a disabled Ukrainian (noun sense) who has visited 50 countries of the world.

From Ukraine +‎ -ian (suffix meaning ‘from; like; related to’, forming adjectives; or ‘one belonging to, from, like, or relating to’, forming nouns).[1]





Ukrainian (not comparable)

  1. Relating to Ukraine or its people or language.
    • 1762, George Sale et al., “Sect. III. Language, Learning, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce of Russia.”, in The Modern Part of An Universal History, From the Earliest Account of Time. [], volume XXXV, London: [] T[homas] Osborne, [], →OCLC, page 155:
      The Muſcovite, Novogrodian, and Ukrainian dialects, are the moſt uſed in Ruſſia, together with that of Archangel, which greatly reſembles the Siberian.
    • 1799, William Tooke, “Section IV. Agriculture.”, in View of the Russian Empire During the Reign of Catharine the Second and to the Close of the Present Century. [], volume III, London: [] T[homas] N[orton] Longman and O[wen] Rees, []; and J[ohn] Debrett, [], →OCLC, book X (Social State of the Inhabitants), page 263:
      The ukrainian peaſantry ſovv far more ſummer-grain, becauſe the vvinter-ſovving in their vvet and ſnovvleſs vvinters is apt to rot and ſo to render the harveſt doubtful, vvhich in the northern provinces is exactly the reverſe. Inſtead of the light hook-plough, they uſe the large heavy ukrainian plough, and for the horſe vvhich in Ruſſia is almoſt the only beaſt uſed for ploughing, here oxen are put to, of vvhich ſometimes eight are ſeen harneſſed to one plough.
    • 1883, Stepniak [i.e., Sergey Stepnyak-Kravchinsky], “Preface”, in Underground Russia: Revolutionary Profiles and Sketches from Life [], New York, N.Y.: Charles Scribner’s Sons, page vii:
      In fact, the publications of the Revolutionists which have been issued during the last three years abroad and from the secret press of St. Petersburg, present a rich source of information respecting the modern Revolutionary movement, but all these materials, being in the Russian or Ukrainian language, have scarcely contributed anything to the works written in other languages, and have remained for the most part unknown to Europe.
    • 1995 August 12, “700-year-old oak in Ukraine dies”, in The Times-News, volume 90, number 224, Twin Falls, Ida.: Times-News Pub. Co., →OCLC, page A-7, column 1:
      The 118-foot tree grew-on the southern Ukrainian island of Khortitsa, which lies in the middle of the Dnipro River and once was home to Ukraine's largest Cossack settlement.
    • 1998, George [Herbert Walker] Bush, Brent Scowcroft, “A House Divides”, in A World Transformed (A Borzoi Book), New York, N.Y.: Alfred A[braham] Knopf, →ISBN, page 515:
      From Moscow on August 1, we flew down to Kiev for a quick visit to Ukraine and a meeting with Leonid Kravchuk, chairman of the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet.
    • 2022 May 12, “Ukrainian summits Everest ‘for her people’ as records tumble”, in France 24[1], archived from the original on 12 May 2022:
      Everest saw a clutch of records on Thursday including the most summits for a woman and the first all-Black team – and a Ukrainian climber reached the top of the world for her war-torn country. [] The wave of summits also saw the only Ukrainian climber this season, Antonina Samoilova reach the top with her country's flag, her expedition company 14 Peaks Expedition confirmed.
    • 2022 June 28, “Kyiv asks US to Label Russia State Terror Sponsor as Mall Strike Toll Rises”, in EFE[2], archived from the original on 28 June 2022:
      Ukraine's president on Tuesday urged Washington to recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism after a missile strike on a crowded shopping mall in the central Ukrainian city of Kremenchuk killed at least 18 people.
    • 2024 September 4, Vitali Vitaliev, “A salute to Ukraine's 'Second Army'”, in RAIL, number 1017, page 49:
      My son, a Canada-based IT professional who often travels to Ukraine, told me about the exhilarating atmosphere on those Ukraine-bound trains, bringing home hundreds of the unwilling refugees, mostly women and children (including the babies, born in exile on the way to meet their Ukrainian fighter fathers for the first time). The difference between Ukrainian refugees and other reluctant exiles is that Ukrainians are desperate to return.

Alternative forms




Derived terms






Ukrainian (plural Ukrainians)

  1. A citizen of Ukraine or a person of Ukrainian ethnicity.
    • 1799, William Tooke, “Section IV. The Form of Government.”, in View of the Russian Empire During the Reign of Catharine the Second and to the Close of the Present Century. [], volume II, London: [] T[homas] N[orton] Longman and O[wen] Rees, []; and J[ohn] Debrett, [], →OCLC, book V (The Government of the Empire, or the Monarch), page 433:
      In general, it is permitted the ſubjects to utter their complaints and to make a repreſentation of them. Thus, the nobility may ſend deputies: this the Ukrainians have long been accuſtomed to do, as also the Livonians and Eſthonians: []
    • 1803, Mary Hays, “Catherine II. (Concluded.)”, in Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries. [], volume III, London: [] Richard Phillips, [] [b]y Thomas Davison, [], →OCLC, page 129:
      Zavadoffsky, a young Ukrainian, was favoured in private with the smiles of the empress [Catherine the Great].
    • 1886, W. R. M., “RUSSIA”, in The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature, 9th edition, volume XXI, Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, →OCLC, page 80, column 2:
      In western Russia, while an antipathy exists between Ukrainians and Poles, the Russian Government, by its harassing interference in religious, educational, and economical matters, has become antagonistic, not only to the Poles, but also to the Ukrainians; printing in Ukrainian is prohibited, and "Russification" is being carried on among Ukrainians by the same means as those employed in Poland.
    • 2024 September 4, Vitali Vitaliev, “A salute to Ukraine's 'Second Army'”, in RAIL, number 1017, page 49:
      My son, a Canada-based IT professional who often travels to Ukraine, told me about the exhilarating atmosphere on those Ukraine-bound trains, bringing home hundreds of the unwilling refugees, mostly women and children (including the babies, born in exile on the way to meet their Ukrainian fighter fathers for the first time). The difference between Ukrainian refugees and other reluctant exiles is that Ukrainians are desperate to return.



Derived terms




Proper noun



  1. The East Slavic language of Ukrainians, and the official language of Ukraine.
    • 1888, Stepniak [i.e., Sergey Stepnyak-Kravchinsky], chapter I, in The Russian Peasantry: Their Agrarian Condition, Social Life, and Religion, 2nd edition, volume II, London: Swan Sonnenschein and Co. [], →OCLC, page 573:
      It [Old Slavonic] is the root of both branches of the living Russian language: of Great Russian, which is the literary and official Russian, as well as of Ukrainian, or Southern Russian. There are, moreover, no popular dialects in our country. The fourteen millions of Ukrainians, settled in the plains of south-west Russia, all speak exactly the same language.



See also




Further reading
