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Spanish by Choice/SpanishPod newbie lesson A0131

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I Miss Them


In this lesson, JP and Liliana teach us how to ask what's wrong, how to express homesickness, how to give an advice, and how to approve of an idea. Well, not all possibilities but enough to get us started. The keyword is extraño – I miss.

Audio Lesson


hombre: ¿Qué te pasa?
mujer: Extraño a mi familia.
hombre: ¡Llámalos!
mujer: Buena idea.

Dialogue with Translation

hombre: ¿Qué te pasa?
what (to) you (it) happens
man: What's happening to you?
mujer: Extraño a mi familia.
(I) miss to my family
woman: I miss my family.
hombre: ¡Llámalos!
call them
man: Call them!
mujer: Buena idea.
good idea
woman: Good idea.
la familia – the family
llamar – to call

Vocabulary for Dialogue

el hombre noun (masculine) the man
la mujer noun (feminine) the woman
¿qué? interrogative pronoun what?, how?
te indirect object pronoun (to) you (informal, singular)
pasar verb (infinitive) to happen
(él/ella) pasa verb (present tense) he/she(/it) happens
extrañar verb (infinitive) to miss
(yo) extraño verb (present tense) I miss
a preposition to
mi possessive adjective my
la familia noun (feminine) the family
llamar verb (infinitive) to call
¡(tú) llama! verb (imperative) (you) call! (informal, singular)
los direct object pronoun them
¡(tú) llámalos! phrase (you) call them! (informal, singular)
bueno/buena adjective (m./f.) good
la idea noun (feminine) the idea
la comida – the food

Vocabulary for Audio Lesson

la comida noun (feminine) the food
(yo) extraño la comida phrase I miss the food
el país noun (masculine) the country
(yo) extraño mi país phrase I'm homesick
(yo) extraño Méjico/México phrase I miss Mexico
enfermo/enferma adjective (m./f.) sick
de preposition of
la casa noun (feminine) the house
estar verb (infinitive) to be
(yo) estoy homesick phrase I'm homesick


More Vocabulary

This section includes grammatically related words. Some of them are required by the exercise Dialogue Recast.

me indirect object pronoun (to) me
te (to) you (informal, singular)
le (to) him/her(/it)
le (to) you (formal, singular)
nos (to) us
os (to) you (informal, plural)
les (to) them
les (to) you (formal, plural)
pasar infinitive to happen
(yo) paso present tense I happen
(tú) pasas you happen (informal, singular)
(él/ella) pasa he/she(/it) happens
(usted) pasa you happen (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) pasamos we happen (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) pasáis you happen (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) pasan they happen (m./f.)
(ustedes) pasan you happen (formal, plural)
extrañar infinitive to miss
(yo) extraño present tense I miss
(tú) extrañas you miss (informal, singular)
(él/ella) extraña he/she(/it) misses
(usted) extraña you miss (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) extrañamos we miss (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) extrañáis you miss (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) extrañan they miss (m./f.)
(ustedes) extrañan you miss (formal, plural)
mi possessive adjective my
mis poss. adjective (plural) my
tu possessive adjective your (informal, singular)
tus poss. adjective (plural) your (informal, singular)
su possessive adjective his/her(/its)/their
sus poss. adjective (plural) his/her(/its)/their
su possessive adjective your (formal)
sus poss. adjective (plural) your (formal)
nuestro/nuestra poss. adjective (m./f.) our
nuestros/nuestras poss. adj. (plural, m./f.) our
vuestro/vuestra poss. adjective (m./f.) your (informal, plural)
vuestros/vuestras poss. adj. (plural, m./f.) your (informal, plural)
llamar infinitive to call
¡(tú) llama! imperative (you) call! (informal, singular)
¡(usted) llame! (you) call! (formal, singular)
¡(nosotros/-as) llamemos! (let's) call! (m./f.)
¡(vosotros/-as) llamad! (you) call! (informal, plural, m./f.)
¡(ustedes) llamen! (you) call! (formal, plural)
me direct object pronoun me
te you (informal, singular)
lo/la him/her(/it)
lo/la you (formal, singular, m./f.)
nos us
os you (informal, plural)
los/las them (m./f.)
los/las you (formal, plural, m./f.)


Dialogue Translation

Translate from Spanish to English. Click each bar to check your answer. If possible, read the Spanish sentences aloud.

¿Qué te pasa?
What's happening to you?
What's happening to you?
Extraño a mi familia.
I miss my family.
I miss my family.
Call them!
Call them!
Buena idea.
Good idea.
Good idea.

Dialogue Recall

Now translate from English to Spanish. Remember to say the Spanish sentences aloud.

What's happening to you?
¿Qué te pasa?
¿Qué te pasa?
I miss my family.
Extraño a mi familia.
Extraño a mi familia.
Call them!
Good idea.
Buena idea.
Buena idea.

Dialogue Remix

Translate this variant of the dialogue from English to Spanish.

What's happening to you?
¿Qué te pasa?
¿Qué te pasa?
Well (= good) ...
Bueno ...
Bueno ...
I miss my country and (= y) the food.
Extraño mi país y la comida.
Extraño mi país y la comida.
Well ...
Bueno ...
Bueno ...
¡And I miss my family!
¡Y extraño a mi familia!
¡Y extraño a mi familia!
Call them!
Good idea.
Buena idea.
Buena idea.

Dialogue Recast

This translation exercise requires some of the words from the More Vocabulary section.

What's happening to you? (formal)
¿Qué le pasa?
¿Qué le pasa?
I miss my family.
Extraño a mi familia.
Extraño a mi familia.
Call them! (formal)
Good idea.
Buena idea.
Buena idea.

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