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User:Zarzuelazen/Books/Reality Theory: Cosmology&Astrophysics: Difference between revisions

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Content deleted Content added
(14 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 27: Line 27:
:[[Age of the universe]]
:[[Age of the universe]]
:[[Air launch to orbit]]
:[[Air launch to orbit]]
:[[Air mass (astronomy)]]
:[[Alcubierre drive]]
:[[Alcubierre drive]]
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:[[Astronaut propulsion unit]]
:[[Astronomical catalog]]
:[[Astronomical catalog]]
:[[Astronomical engineering]]
:[[Astronomical engineering]]
Line 117: Line 120:
:[[Bucket argument]]
:[[Bucket argument]]
:[[Bussard ramjet]]
:[[Bussard ramjet]]
:[[Cargo spacecraft]]
:[[Cauchy surface]]
:[[Cauchy surface]]
:[[Causal loop]]
:[[Causal loop]]
Line 144: Line 148:
:[[Cold dark matter]]
:[[Cold dark matter]]
:[[Cold gas thruster]]
:[[Cold gas thruster]]
:[[Collision avoidance (spacecraft)]]
:[[Colonization of Mars]]
:[[Colonization of Mars]]
:[[Colonization of the Moon]]
:[[Colonization of the Moon]]
:[[Combustion tap-off cycle]]
:[[Combustion tap-off cycle]]
:[[Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence]]
:[[Communications satellite]]
:[[Communications satellite]]
:[[Comoving and proper distances]]
:[[Comoving and proper distances]]
Line 157: Line 163:
:[[Convection zone]]
:[[Convection zone]]
:[[Coordinate conditions]]
:[[Coordinate conditions]]
:[[Copernican principle]]
:[[Coronal cloud]]
:[[Coronal cloud]]
Line 163: Line 170:
:[[Coronal mass ejection]]
:[[Coronal mass ejection]]
:[[Cosmic Background Explorer]]
:[[Cosmic Background Explorer]]
:[[Cosmic background radiation]]
:[[Cosmic censorship hypothesis]]
:[[Cosmic censorship hypothesis]]
:[[Cosmic distance ladder]]
:[[Cosmic distance ladder]]
:[[Cosmic dust]]
:[[Cosmic dust]]
:[[Cosmic microwave background]]
:[[Cosmic microwave background]]
:[[Cosmic pluralism]]
:[[Cosmic ray]]
:[[Cosmic ray]]
:[[Cosmic time]]
:[[Cosmic time]]
Line 258: Line 267:
:[[Extra dimensions]]
:[[Extra dimensions]]
:[[Extragalactic astronomy]]
:[[Extragalactic astronomy]]
:[[Extraterrestrial intelligence]]
:[[Extravehicular activity]]
:[[Extravehicular activity]]
:[[Extreme trans-Neptunian object]]
:[[Extreme trans-Neptunian object]]
Line 353: Line 363:
:[[Great Attractor]]
:[[Great Attractor]]
:[[Great Filter]]
:[[Great Filter]]
:[[Ground segment]]
:[[Ground station]]
:[[Ground track]]
:[[Ground track]]
:[[Growing block universe]]
:[[Growing block universe]]
Line 383: Line 395:
:[[Hubble volume]]
:[[Hubble volume]]
:[[Hubble's law]]
:[[Hubble's law]]
:[[Human presence in space]]
:[[Human spaceflight]]
:[[Human spaceflight]]
:[[Hybrid-propellant rocket]]
:[[Hybrid-propellant rocket]]
Line 405: Line 418:
:[[Intergalactic star]]
:[[Intergalactic star]]
:[[Intergalactic travel]]
:[[Intergalactic travel]]
:[[Intermediate-mass black hole]]
:[[Internal heating]]
:[[Internal heating]]
:[[International Space Station]]
:[[International Space Station]]
Line 486: Line 500:
:[[Lunar eclipse]]
:[[Lunar eclipse]]
:[[Lunar phase]]
:[[Lunar phase]]
:[[Lunar resources]]
:[[Lunar rover]]
:[[Lunar rover]]
:[[Mach's principle]]
:[[Mach's principle]]
Line 528: Line 543:
:[[Missile defense]]
:[[Missile defense]]
:[[Mission control center]]
:[[Mobile launcher platform]]
:[[Mobile launcher platform]]
:[[Molecular cloud]]
:[[Molecular cloud]]
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:[[Optical telescope]]
:[[Optical telescope]]
:[[Orbit determination]]
:[[Orbit insertion]]
:[[Orbit insertion]]
:[[Orbit modeling]]
:[[Orbit modeling]]
Line 605: Line 622:
:[[Patched conic approximation]]
:[[Patched conic approximation]]
:[[Payload fraction]]
:[[Peculiar velocity]]
:[[Peculiar velocity]]
:[[Penrose diagram]]
:[[Penrose diagram]]
Line 617: Line 635:
:[[Photometry (astronomy)]]
:[[Photometry (astronomy)]]
:[[Photon epoch]]
:[[Photon epoch]]
:[[Photon sphere]]
:[[Physical cosmology]]
:[[Physical cosmology]]
Line 644: Line 663:
:[[Pressure suit]]
:[[Pressure suit]]
:[[Primary (astronomy)]]
:[[Primary (astronomy)]]
:[[Primary life support system]]
:[[Primordial black hole]]
:[[Primordial black hole]]
:[[Primordial fluctuations]]
:[[Primordial fluctuations]]
Line 697: Line 717:
:[[Right ascension]]
:[[Right ascension]]
:[[Rindler coordinates]]
:[[Rindler coordinates]]
:[[Ring singularity]]
:[[Ring system]]
:[[Ring system]]
:[[Robotic spacecraft]]
:[[Robotic spacecraft]]
Line 766: Line 787:
:[[Soyuz (spacecraft)]]
:[[Soyuz (spacecraft)]]
:[[Space architecture]]
:[[Space capsule]]
:[[Space capsule]]
:[[Space colonization]]
:[[Space colonization]]
:[[Space debris]]
:[[Space debris]]
:[[Space elevator]]
:[[Space elevator]]
:[[Space environment]]
:[[Space exploration]]
:[[Space exploration]]
:[[Space habitat]]
:[[Space habitat]]
Line 778: Line 801:
:[[Space rendezvous]]
:[[Space rendezvous]]
:[[Space research]]
:[[Space research]]
:[[Space segment]]
:[[Space Shuttle]]
:[[Space Shuttle]]
:[[Space Shuttle program]]
:[[Space Shuttle program]]
Line 790: Line 814:
:[[Space-based solar power]]
:[[Space-based solar power]]
:[[Spacecraft design]]
:[[Spacecraft propulsion]]
:[[Spacecraft propulsion]]
:[[Spacecraft thermal control]]
:[[Spacecraft thermal control]]
Line 795: Line 820:
:[[Spacetime symmetries]]
:[[Spacetime symmetries]]
Line 915: Line 939:
:[[Velocity dispersion]]
:[[Velocity dispersion]]
:[[Very Large Array]]
:[[Very Large Telescope]]
:[[Very-long-baseline interferometry]]
:[[Very-long-baseline interferometry]]
:[[Viking program]]
:[[Viking program]]

Latest revision as of 13:19, 23 December 2021

Reality Theory: Cosmology&Astrophysics

88 modern constellations
A-series and B-series
Aberration of light
Absolute magnitude
Absolute rotation
Absolute space and time
Accelerating expansion of the universe
Accretion (astrophysics)
Accretion disk
Active galactic nucleus
Adaptive optics
ADM formalism
Aestivation hypothesis
Age of the universe
Air launch to orbit
Air mass (astronomy)
Alcubierre drive
Alderson disk
Alternatives to general relativity
Andromeda Galaxy
Angular diameter distance
Anthropic principle
Anti-ballistic missile
Anti-de Sitter space
Anti-satellite weapon
Antimatter rocket
Aperture synthesis
Apollo 11
Apollo program
Apparent magnitude
Apparent retrograde motion
Apsidal precession
Argument of periapsis
Ariane (rocket family)
Arrow of time
Artemis program
Artificial gravity
Asterism (astronomy)
Asteroid belt
Asteroid impact avoidance
Asteroid mining
Astronaut propulsion unit
Astronomical catalog
Astronomical engineering
Astronomical interferometer
Astronomical object
Astronomical radio source
Astronomical seeing
Astronomical spectroscopy
Astronomical survey
Astronomical system of units
Astronomical unit
Astrophysical jet
Astrophysical maser
Astrophysical plasma
Asymptotically flat spacetime
Atlas (rocket family)
Atmospheric entry
Attitude control
Autonomous spaceport drone ship
Axial precession
Axial tilt
B-theory of time
Baikonur Cosmodrome
Ballistic missile
Barred spiral galaxy
Baryon acoustic oscillations
Baryon asymmetry
Beam-powered propulsion
Big Bang
Big Bang nucleosynthesis
Big Bounce
Big Crunch
Big Rip
Binary black hole
Binary star
Black dwarf
Black hole
Black hole information paradox
Black hole thermodynamics
Blue giant
Boeing CST-100 Starliner
Boilerplate (spaceflight)
Boltzmann brain
Bond albedo
Booster (rocketry)
Born coordinates
Bow shocks in astrophysics
Brane cosmology
Brown dwarf
Bucket argument
Bussard ramjet
Cargo spacecraft
Cauchy surface
Causal loop
Causal structure
Causality (physics)
Causality conditions
Celestial coordinate system
Celestial equator
Celestial mechanics
Celestial pole
Celestial sphere
Centaur (small Solar System body)
Cepheid variable
Ceres (dwarf planet)
Chandrasekhar limit
Characteristic energy
Chronology of the universe
Chronology protection conjecture
Circular orbit
Circumpolar star
Circumstellar disc
Circumstellar habitable zone
Classical Cepheid variable
Closed timelike curve
Co-orbital configuration
Cold dark matter
Cold gas thruster
Collision avoidance (spacecraft)
Colonization of Mars
Colonization of the Moon
Combustion tap-off cycle
Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence
Communications satellite
Comoving and proper distances
Compact star
Conformal cyclic cosmology
Congruence (general relativity)
Conjunction (astronomy)
Convection zone
Coordinate conditions
Copernican principle
Coronal cloud
Coronal hole
Coronal loop
Coronal mass ejection
Cosmic Background Explorer
Cosmic background radiation
Cosmic censorship hypothesis
Cosmic distance ladder
Cosmic dust
Cosmic microwave background
Cosmic pluralism
Cosmic ray
Cosmic time
Cosmological constant
Cosmological constant problem
Cosmological horizon
Cosmological perturbation theory
Cosmological principle
Cryogenic fuel
Cryogenic rocket engine
Curiosity (rover)
Curved space
Cyclic model
Dark energy
Dark fluid
Dark galaxy
Dark matter
Dark matter halo
Dark nebula
De Sitter space
De Vaucouleurs's law
Debris disk
Decoupling (cosmology)
Delta (rocket family)
Delta-v budget
Desert planet
Distance measures (cosmology)
Distance modulus
Diurnal motion
Docking and berthing of spacecraft
Doppler spectroscopy
Drake equation
Dwarf galaxy
Dwarf planet
Dynamical friction
Dynamo theory
Dyson sphere
Earth mass
Earth observation
Earth observation satellite
Earth phase
Eccentric anomaly
Ecliptic coordinate system
Eddington luminosity
Effective radius
Effective temperature
Einstein field equations
Einstein manifold
Einstein ring
Einstein tensor
Einstein's constant
Einstein–Hilbert action
Electrically powered spacecraft propulsion
Electrodynamic tether
Electromagnetic stress–energy tensor
Elliptic orbit
Elliptical galaxy
Emission nebula
Energy condition
Entropic gravity
Epoch (astronomy)
Equation of state (cosmology)
Equatorial coordinate system
Equivalence principle
Escape velocity
Eternal inflation
Eternalism (philosophy of time)
Europa (moon)
Event (relativity)
Event horizon
Exact solutions in general relativity
Exotic star
Expander cycle
Expansion of the universe
Expendable launch system
Exploration of Mars
Exploration of the Moon
Extinction (astronomy)
Extra dimensions
Extragalactic astronomy
Extraterrestrial intelligence
Extravehicular activity
Extreme trans-Neptunian object
Extremely large telescope
Extremely Large Telescope
Faber–Jackson relation
Falcon (rocket family)
Fast radio burst
Fermi paradox
Fine-tuned Universe
Firewall (physics)
Fixed stars
Flatness problem
Flight dynamics (spacecraft)
Floating landing platform
Flyby (spaceflight)
Formation and evolution of the Solar System
Frame fields in general relativity
Free-return trajectory
Friedmann equations
Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric
Fundamental ephemeris
Fundamental plane (elliptical galaxies)
Fusion rocket
Future of an expanding universe
G-type main-sequence star
Galactic astronomy
Galactic bulge
Galactic Center
Galactic coordinate system
Galactic corona
Galactic disc
Galactic habitable zone
Galactic halo
Galactic quadrant
Galactic tide
Galaxy cluster
Galaxy color–magnitude diagram
Galaxy filament
Galaxy formation and evolution
Galaxy group
Galaxy groups and clusters
Galaxy merger
Galaxy morphological classification
Galaxy rotation curve
Galileo (satellite navigation)
Gamma-ray astronomy
Gamma-ray burst
Ganymede (moon)
Gas giant
Gas-generator cycle
Gauss's law for gravity
General relativity
Generation ship
Geocentric orbit
Geodesic deviation
Geodesics in general relativity
Geodetic effect
Geometric albedo
Geostationary orbit
Geosynchronous orbit
Giant planet
Giant star
Global Positioning System
Globally hyperbolic manifold
Globular cluster
Grandfather paradox
Gravitational acceleration
Gravitational binding energy
Gravitational collapse
Gravitational compression
Gravitational constant
Gravitational energy
Gravitational field
Gravitational instability
Gravitational lens
Gravitational microlensing
Gravitational potential
Gravitational redshift
Gravitational singularity
Gravitational time dilation
Gravitational two-body problem
Gravitational wave
Gravity assist
Gravity drag
Gravity well
Great Attractor
Great Filter
Ground segment
Ground station
Ground track
Growing block universe
Gödel metric
H II region
Habitability of binary star systems
Habitability of red dwarf systems
Hall-effect thruster
Hamilton–Jacobi–Einstein equation
Hartle–Hawking state
Hawking radiation
Health threat from cosmic rays
Heat death of the universe
Heavy-lift launch vehicle
Heliospheric current sheet
Hertzsprung–Russell diagram
Hill sphere
Hohmann transfer orbit
Hole argument
Horizon problem
Horizontal coordinate system
Horseshoe orbit
Hot dark matter
Hot Jupiter
Hot Neptune
Hour angle
Hubble sequence
Hubble Space Telescope
Hubble volume
Hubble's law
Human presence in space
Human spaceflight
Hybrid-propellant rocket
Hydrostatic equilibrium
Hyperbolic trajectory
Hypergolic propellant
HZE ions
Ice giant
Ice planet
Impact event
In situ resource utilization
Inflation (cosmology)
Inflationary epoch
Infrared astronomy
Ingenuity (helicopter)
Initial value formulation (general relativity)
Interacting galaxy
Intercontinental ballistic missile
Intergalactic dust
Intergalactic star
Intergalactic travel
Intermediate-mass black hole
Internal heating
International Space Station
Interplanetary contamination
Interplanetary dust cloud
Interplanetary magnetic field
Interplanetary medium
Interplanetary scintillation
Interplanetary spaceflight
Interstellar ark
Interstellar cloud
Interstellar communication
Interstellar medium
Interstellar object
Interstellar probe
Interstellar travel
Intracluster medium
Introduction to the mathematics of general relativity
Invariable plane
Ion thruster
Iridium satellite constellation
Irregular galaxy
James Webb Space Telescope
Jupiter mass
K-type main-sequence star
Kaluza–Klein theory
Kardashev scale
Kelvin–Helmholtz mechanism
Kennedy Space Center
Kepler orbit
Kepler's laws of planetary motion
Kerr metric
Kerr–Newman metric
Kinetic bombardment
Kruskal–Szekeres coordinates
Kuiper belt
Lagrangian point
Lambda-CDM model
Lanczos tensor
Lander (spacecraft)
Laniakea Supercluster
Laplace plane
Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector
Large extra dimension
Large Magellanic Cloud
Laser communication in space
Laser propulsion
Launch escape system
Launch pad
Launch vehicle
Launch window
Lense–Thirring precession
Lenticular galaxy
Life support system
Light cone
Light curve
Light echo
Linearized gravity
Liquid rocket booster
Liquid rocket propellant
Liquid-propellant rocket
List of missions to Mars
List of missions to the Moon
List of spaceflight-related accidents and incidents
Local Bubble
Local Group
Local Interstellar Cloud
Local Sheet
Location of Earth
Long March (rocket family)
Longitude of the ascending node
Low Earth orbit
Luminosity distance
Luna programme
Lunar eclipse
Lunar phase
Lunar resources
Lunar rover
Mach's principle
Magnetic sail
Magnitude (astronomy)
Main sequence
Mars landing
Mars rover
Mass distribution
Mass driver
Mass in general relativity
Mass ratio
Mass segregation (astronomy)
Mass-to-light ratio
Mathematics of general relativity
Matrioshka brain
Max q
Maxwell's equations in curved spacetime
Mean anomaly
Measure problem (cosmology)
Medium Earth orbit
Medium-lift launch vehicle
Mercury (planet)
Meridian (astronomy)
Messier object
Meteor shower
Methods of detecting exoplanets
Metric expansion of space
Metric tensor (general relativity)
Micro black hole
Micro-g environment
Milky Way
Minor planet
Missile defense
Mission control center
Mobile launcher platform
Molecular cloud
Momentum exchange tether
Monopropellant rocket
Moon landing
Multiple time dimensions
Multistage rocket
N-body problem
Naked singularity
NASA facilities
Natural satellite
Near-Earth object
Nebular hypothesis
Negative energy
Negative mass
Neptune trojan
Neutron star
Neutron star merger
Newton's law of universal gravitation
No-hair theorem
Nodal precession
Non-exact solutions in general relativity
Non-rocket spacelaunch
Novikov self-consistency principle
Nuclear astrophysics
Nuclear power in space
Nuclear pulse propulsion
Nuclear thermal rocket
O'Neill cylinder
Oberth effect
Observable universe
Observational astronomy
Ocean planet
Odd radio circle
Olbers' paradox
Oort cloud
Open cluster
Opposition (astronomy)
Optical telescope
Orbit determination
Orbit insertion
Orbit modeling
Orbit phasing
Orbital decay
Orbital eccentricity
Orbital elements
Orbital inclination
Orbital maneuver
Orbital mechanics
Orbital node
Orbital period
Orbital plane (astronomy)
Orbital resonance
Orbital spaceflight
Orbital speed
Orbital state vectors
Orbital station-keeping
Orion (spacecraft)
Orion Arm
Osculating orbit
Outer space
Pair-instability supernova
Parabolic trajectory
Particle horizon
Pass (spaceflight)
Patched conic approximation
Payload fraction
Peculiar velocity
Penrose diagram
Penrose–Hawking singularity theorems
Perihelion and aphelion
Period-luminosity relation
Perseverance (rover)
Perturbation (astronomy)
Phantom energy
Philosophical presentism
Philosophy of space and time
Photometry (astronomy)
Photon epoch
Photon sphere
Physical cosmology
Plane of reference
Planetarium hypothesis
Planetary equilibrium temperature
Planetary flyby
Planetary habitability
Planetary mass
Planetary migration
Planetary nebula
Planetary protection
Planetary science
Planetary system
Plasma propulsion engine
Pogo oscillation
Pole star
Poles of astronomical bodies
Position of the Sun
Positive energy theorem
Pre-main-sequence star
Pressure suit
Primary (astronomy)
Primary life support system
Primordial black hole
Primordial fluctuations
Project Mercury
Propellant depot
Propellant mass fraction
Proper motion
Proton (rocket family)
Protoplanetary disk
Proxima Centauri
Quadrant (instrument)
Quintessence (physics)
Radial velocity
Radiation pressure
Radiation zone
Radio astronomy
Radio galaxy
Radio telescope
Rare Earth hypothesis
Raychaudhuri equation
Reaction control system
Reaction engine
Recombination (cosmology)
Reconnaissance satellite
Red dwarf
Red giant
Redshift-space distortions
Reduced mass
Reflecting telescope
Reflection nebula
Refracting telescope
Regenerative cooling (rocket)
Regge calculus
Reissner–Nordström metric
Relative angular momentum
Relativistic angular momentum
Relativistic beaming
Relativistic mechanics
Relativistic rocket
Retrograde and prograde motion
Reusable launch system
Ricci curvature
Riemann curvature tensor
Right ascension
Rindler coordinates
Ring singularity
Ring system
Robotic spacecraft
Roche limit
Rocket engine
Rocket engine nozzle
Rocket engine test facility
Rocket propellant
Rogue planet
Rotating black hole
Rotation period
Rover (space exploration)
Sachs–Wolfe effect
Sagittarius A*
Salyut 1
Salyut programme
Satellite constellation
Satellite galaxy
Satellite imagery
Satellite system (astronomy)
Saturn (rocket family)
Scalar curvature
Scale factor (cosmology)
Scattered disc
Schwarzschild coordinates
Schwarzschild geodesics
Schwarzschild metric
Schwarzschild radius
Search for extraterrestrial intelligence
Self-replicating spacecraft
Semi-major and semi-minor axes
Sersic profile
Service module
Shape of the universe
Shapiro time delay
Shell theorem
Shenzhou (spacecraft)
Shenzhou program
Skyhook (structure)
Small satellite
Small Solar System body
Small-lift launch vehicle
Soft gamma repeater
Sojourner (rover)
Solar core
Solar cycle
Solar dynamo
Solar eclipse
Solar energetic particles
Solar flare
Solar mass
Solar particle event
Solar prominence
Solar sail
Solar System
Solar wind
Solid rocket booster
Solid-propellant rocket
Solutions of the Einstein field equations
Sounding rocket
Soviet crewed lunar programs
Soyuz (rocket family)
Soyuz (spacecraft)
Space architecture
Space capsule
Space colonization
Space debris
Space elevator
Space environment
Space exploration
Space habitat
Space launch
Space Launch System
Space manufacturing
Space probe
Space rendezvous
Space research
Space segment
Space Shuttle
Space Shuttle program
Space station
Space suit
Space sunshade
Space telescope
Space tether
Space vehicle
Space weapon
Space weather
Space-based solar power
Spacecraft design
Spacecraft propulsion
Spacecraft thermal control
Spacetime symmetries
Spacetime topology
SpaceX Dragon
SpaceX reusable launch system development program
SpaceX South Texas launch site
SpaceX Starlink
SpaceX Starship
Specific impulse
Specific orbital energy
Specific relative angular momentum
Sphere of influence (astrodynamics)
Spherical astronomy
Spherically symmetric spacetime
Spiral galaxy
Sputnik 1
Square Kilometre Array
Stability of the Solar System
Staged combustion cycle
Standard gravitational parameter
Standard ruler
Star catalogue
Star chart
Star cluster
Star formation
Star lifting
Star system
Star tracker
Star trail
Starburst galaxy
Stellar black hole
Stellar classification
Stellar collision
Stellar dynamics
Stellar engine
Stellar evolution
Stellar halo
Stellar kinematics
Stellar magnetic field
Stellar nucleosynthesis
Stellar parallax
Stellar population
Stellar pulsation
Stellar wind
Stress–energy tensor
Strong gravitational lensing
Structure formation
Sub-orbital spaceflight
Submillimetre astronomy
Sudarsky's gas giant classification
Sun-synchronous orbit
Super heavy-lift launch vehicle
Supergalactic coordinate system
Supergiant star
Superluminal motion
Superluminous supernova
Supermassive black hole
Supernova nucleosynthesis
Supernova remnant
Surface brightness
Surface gravity
Syzygy (astronomy)
Terrestrial planet
Tests of general relativity
Theory of relativity
Thermal rocket
Thick disk
Thin disk
Three-body problem
Tiangong space station
Tidal acceleration
Tidal force
Tidal heating
Tidal locking
Time in physics
Time travel
Timeline of the far future
Titan (moon)
Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit
Trans-Neptunian object
Transfer orbit
Transit (astronomy)
Trojan (celestial body)
True anomaly
Tsiolkovsky rocket equation
Tully–Fisher relation
Twin paradox
Two-body problem
Type Ia supernova
Type Ib and Ic supernovae
Type II Cepheid
Type II supernova
Ultimate fate of the universe
Ultraviolet astronomy
Universal extra dimension
Unmanned spacecraft
Vacuum solution (general relativity)
Van Allen radiation belt
Variable star
Velocity dispersion
Very Large Array
Very Large Telescope
Very-long-baseline interferometry
Viking program
Virgo Supercluster
Vis-viva equation
Visible-light astronomy
Void (astronomy)
Vostok (spacecraft)
Vostok programme
Voyager program
Vulcan (rocket)
Warm dark matter
Warm–hot intergalactic medium
Warp drive
Weak gravitational lensing
Weather satellite
Weyl tensor
White dwarf
White hole
Working mass
World line
X-ray astronomy
X-ray binary
X-ray pulsar
Yarkovsky effect
Young stellar object
Zero-energy universe
Zero-propellant maneuver
Zoo hypothesis