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User:Ghastlyman/Pages of personal interest: Difference between revisions

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Here's a list of Wikipedia pages I intend to work on:

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== A ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Action description language]]
* [[Action selection]]
* [[Actuator]]
* [[Adaptable robotics]]
* [[Adaptive control]]
* [[Additive manufacturing]]
* [[Admissible heuristic]]
* [[Affective computing]]
* [[Agent Systems Reference Model]]
* [[AIBO]]
* [[Anthrobotics]]
* [[Anticipation (artificial intelligence)]]
* [[Any-angle path planning]]
* [[Anytime algorithm]]
* [[Artificial brain]]
* [[Artificial consciousness]]
* [[Artificial Imagination]]
* [[Artificial intelligence]]
* [[Artificial Intelligence System]]
* [[Artificial intelligence systems integration]]
* [[Artificial intelligence, situated approach]]
* [[Artificial life]]
* [[Artificial neural network]]
* [[ASIMO]]
* [[Assistive technologies]]
* [[ATLANTIS architecture]]
* [[Attributional calculus]]
* [[Audio analysis]]
* [[Audiotrope]]
* [[Automated planning and scheduling]]
* [[Automated reasoning]]
* [[Autonomic computing]]
* [[Autonomous agent]]
* [[Autonomous robot]]

== B ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Backward chaining]]
* [[Ballbot]]
* [[Bayesian network]]
* [[Behavior-based robotics]]
* [[Behaviour tree]]
* [[Belief-Desire-Intention model]]
* [[Bio-inspired computing]]
* [[Biomimetic]]
* [[Bionics]]
* [[Biorobotics]]
* [[Blackboard system]]
* [[Bottom-up design]]
* [[Boustrophedon cell decomposition]]

== C ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller]]
* [[Child development]]
* [[Cobot]]
* [[Cog (project)]]
* [[Cognitive architecture]]
* [[Cognitive robotics]]
* [[Cognitive science]]
* [[Combs method]]
* [[Commonsense reasoning]]
* [[Computational creativity]]
* [[Computational intelligence]]
* [[Computer vision]]
* [[Connectionist expert system]]
* [[Constrained Conditional Models]]
* [[Control engineering]]
* [[Control systems]]
* [[Cybernetics]]

== D ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Decision list]]
* [[Developmental robotics]]
* [[Digital image processing]]
* [[Disability robot]]
* [[Disability studies]]
* [[Distributed architecture for mobile navigation (DAMN)]]
* [[Dynamic window approach]]

== E ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Embedded system]]
* [[Embodied agent]]
* [[Embodied cognition]]
* [[Embodied cognitive science]]
* [[Emergent behavior]]
* [[Engineering cybernetics]]
* [[Erlang (programming language)]]
* [[Evolutionary algorithms]]
* [[Evolutionary computation]]
* [[Evolutionary developmental robotics]]
* [[Evolutionary robotics]]
* [[Evolving intelligent system]]
* [[Expert system]]
* [[Exploration problem]]

== F ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Feedback control]]
* [[Finite-state machine]]
* [[FPGA]]
* [[Frame problem]]
* [[FreeRTOS]]
* [[Fuzzy agent]]
* [[Fuzzy control system]]
* [[Fuzzy logic]]

== G ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Gazebo simulator]]
* [[Genetic algorithm]]
* [[Gödel machine]]
* [[GOFAI]]
* [[GraphSLAM]]
* [[Guidance, navigation, and control]]

== H ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Hackerspace]]
* [[Hardware description language]]
* [[HERO (robot)]]
* [[Hierarchical control system]]
* [[Human-robot interaction]]
* [[Hybrid intelligent system]]
* [[Hybrid neural network]]

== I ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Incremental heuristic search]]
* [[Intelligent agent]]
* [[Intelligent control]]

== K ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Kidnapped robot problem]]
* [[Knowledge-based systems]]
* [[Knowledge compilation]]
* [[Knowledge level]]
* [[Knowledge representation]]

== L ==
{{flatlist |
* [[LIDA (cognitive architecture)]]
* [[Linear actuator]]
* [[List of artificial intelligence projects]]
* [[List of programming languages for artificial intelligence]]

== M ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Machine learning]]
* [[Machine listening]]
* [[Machine perception]]
* [[Machine vision]]
* [[Materials science]]
* [[Mechatronics]]
* [[Microcontroller]]
* [[Minix 3]]
* [[Mobile robot]]
* [[Mobile robot navigation]]
* [[Model-based reasoning]]
* [[Model of computation]]
* [[Moravec's paradox]]
* [[Morphogenetic robotics]]
* [[Motion planning]]
* [[Multi-agent system]]

== N ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Nao (robot)]]
* [[Natural language processing]]
* [[Navigation function]]
* [[Navigation research]]
* [[Neural modeling fields]]
* [[Neural network]]
* [[Neuro-fuzzy]]
* [[Neurorobotics]]
* [[Neuroscience]]

== O ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Object Action Complex]]
* [[Obstacle avoidance]]
* [[Occupancy grid mapping]]
* [[Odometry]]
* [[Ontology learning]]
* [[Open-source hardware]]
* [[Open-source robotics]]
* [[OpenCL]]
* [[OpenCog]]
* [[Outline of artificial intelligence]]

== P ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Pepper (robot)]]
* [[Percept (artificial intelligence)]]
* [[Perceptual computing]]
* [[Perceptual robotics]]
* [[Personal robot]]
* [[Petri net]]
* [[Planner (programming language)]]
* [[Pleo]]
* [[Power electronics]]
* [[Probabilistic logic network]]
* [[Probabilistic roadmap]]
* [[Programming by demonstration]]
* [[Progress in artificial intelligence]]

== Q ==
{{flatlist |
* [[QRIO]]

== R ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Rapid prototyping]]
* [[RB5X]]
* [[Real-time operating system]]
* [[Recurrent neural network]]
* [[Reinforcement learning]]
* [[Rescue robot]]
* [[Robosapien v2]]
* [[Robot control]]
* [[Robot end effector]]
* [[Robot Interaction Language]]
* [[Robot kit]]
* [[Robot learning]]
* [[Robot locomotion]]
* [[Robot navigation]]
* [[Robot operating system]]
* [[Robot software]]
* [[Robotic laws]]
* [[Robotic mapping]]
* [[Robotic pet]]
* [[Robotic sensing]]
* [[Robotics middleware]]
* [[Robotics simulator]]
* [[Robustness (computer science)]]
* [[Rough fuzzy hybridization]]
* [[Rule-based system]]

== S ==
{{flatlist |
* [[Search algorithm]]
* [[SeL4]]
* [[Self-management (computer science)]]
* [[Self-reconfiguring modular robot]]
* [[Sense Plan Act]]
* [[Sensor]]
* [[Sensor fusion]]
* [[Service robot]]
* [[Servo motor]]
* [[Servomechanism]]
* [[Shakey the robot]]
* [[Signal processing]]
* [[Simbad robot simulator]]
* [[Simultaneous localization and mapping]]
* [[Situated]]
* [[Situated robotics]]
* [[Soar (cognitive architecture)]]
* [[Soccer robot]]
* [[Social robot]]
* [[Society of Mind]]
* [[Sociorobotics]]
* [[Software agent]]
* [[Sound localisation]]
* [[Spreading activation]]
* [[State space planning]]
* [[Stepper motor]]
* [[Steve Grand (roboticist)]]
* [[Subsumption architecture]]
* [[Symbol level]]
* [[Symbolic artificial intelligence]]
* [[Systems engineering]]
* [[SystemVerilog]]

== T ==
{{flatlist |
* [[The Emotion Machine]]
* [[Timeline of artificial intelligence]]
* [[Topo (robot)]]
* [[Type-2 fuzzy sets and systems]]

== U ==
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* [[Unified theory of cognition]]
* [[Vision Guided Robotic Systems]]
* [[Visual odometry]]
* [[Visual Servoing]]

== W ==
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* [[Wake-up robot problem]]
* [[Workshop]]

Latest revision as of 13:49, 21 July 2022