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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Jacobwhite (talk | contribs) at 20:54, 2 November 2010 (→‎Decline of Thunderstone mythology). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Throughout Europe, Asia, Polynesia, in fact in almost all parts of the world where their use had been forgotten, flint arrowheads and axes turned up by the farmer's plow are considered to have fallen from the sky, are often thought to be thunderbolts and are called "Thunderstones". It was not until travelers returned from far places where these implements were in actual use that their origin was known. Even then these travelers' tales received little popular credence. [1]

Thunderstone Folklore

In Scandanavia thunderstones were frequently worshiped as family gods who kept off spells and witchcraft. Beer was poured over them as an offering and they were sometimes anointed with butter. In Switzerland the owner of a thunderstone whirls it, on the end of a thong, three times round his head, and throws it at the door of his dwelling at the approach of a storm to prevent lightning from striking the house. In Italy they are hung around children's necks to protect them from illness and to ward off the Evil eye. In Roman times they were sewn inside dog-collars along with a little peace of coral to keep the dogs from going mad. In Sweden they are protection from elves. In the French Alps they protect sheep, while elsewhere in France they ease Childbirth. In Burma they are used as a cure and preventative for appendicitis. In Japan they cure boils and ulcers. In Malay and Sumatra they are used to sharpen the kris, are considered very lucky objects, and are credited with being touchstones for gold. Among the Slavs they cure warts on man and beast, and during Passion Weekthey have the property to reveal hidden treasure.

Further Examples of Thunderstone Folklore

In the British Isles some idea of their original use is retained, and they are often referred to as elf-shot, fairy-shot, or elf-arrows, and are said to have been shot by the fairies at a person or animal to bewitch them. On the other hand, they are thought, for the most part, to protect the possessor from these little people. The presence of flint instruments found in British cinerary urns of the Roman Era is explained by two theories: 1) they were used by the mourners to lacerate themselves; 2)flints (like all fire-producing stones) are potent magic for preventing the return of the dead. In Ireland flint stones are soaked in water to make a medicine which is good for man or beast. Mounted in silver they are worn as protection against elf-shot. In North Carolina and Alabama there is a belief that flint stones placed in the fire will keep hawks from molesting the chickens, a belief which probably stems from the European idea that elf-shot protect domestic animals. In Brazil flint is used as a divining stone for gold, treasure and water.

During the Middle Ages many of these well-wrought stones were venerated as weapons, which during the "war in heaven" had been used in driving forth Satan and his hosts; hence in the eleventh century an Emporer of the East sent to the Emperor of the West a "heaven axe"; and in the twelfth century a Bishop of Rennes asserted the value of thunder-stones as a divinely-appointed means of securing success in battle, safety on the sea, security against thunder, and immunity from unpleasant dreams. Even as late as the seventeenth century a French ambassador brought a stone hatchet, which still exists in the museum at Nancy, as a present to the Prince-Bishop of Verdun, and claimed for it health-giving virtues.

Native American Thunderstone Folklore

The flint was an object of veneration by most American Indian tribes. According to the Pawnee Origin myth, stone weapons and implements were given to man by the Morning Star. Among the K'iche' people of Guatemala, there is a myth that a flint fell from the sky and broke into 1600 pieces, each of which became a god. Tohil, the God who gave them fire, is still represented as flint. This myth provides a parallel to the almost universal belief in the thunderstone, and reminds us that Jupiter (mythology) was once worshiped in the form of a flint stone. The Cherokee shaman invokes a flint when he is about to scarify a patient prior to applying his medicine. Among the Pueblos we have the Flint Societies which, in most tribes, were primarily concerned with weather and witchcraft, but sometimes had to do with war and medicine.

Fossil Echinoids as Thunderstones

In many parts of southern England until the middle of the nineteenth century, another name commonly used for fossil Echinoids was 'thunderstone'. This was a name that in all likelihood formed part of another folk tradition that was almost certainly brought to Britain by Danish and Anglo-Saxon invaders more than 1500 years ago. In 1677 Dr. Robert Plot, the first keeper of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, published his classic book The Natural History of Oxfordshire. Plot recorded that in Oxfordshire what we now call fossil echinoids were called thunderstones, as they were thought to have descended from the heavens during a thunderstorm. The St. Peter's Church in Linkenholt, England, was built in 1871 near the location of the old St. Peter's, which had stood for nearly 700 years. The 1871 version of the church included fossil echinoids built into the walls surrounding the windows, a style adopted from the original. This implies that Thunderstone folklore was retained for at least 700 years in England, and had its roots in pagan folklore.

Decline of Thunderstone mythology

Andrew Dickson White described the discovery of the true origin of thunderstones as a "line of observation and thought... fatal to the theological view." In the last years of the sixteenth century Michael Mercati tried to prove that the "thunder-stones" were weapons or implements of early races of men; but from some cause his book was not published until the following century, when other thinkers had begun to take up the same idea. In 1723 Antoine Laurent de Jussieu addressed the French Academy on "The Origin and Uses of Thunder-stones". He showed that recent travelers from various parts of the world had brought a number of weapons and other implements of stone to France, and that they were essentially similar to what in Europe had been known as "thunderstones". A year later this fact was clinched into the scientific mind of France by the Jesuit Joseph-Francois Lafitau, who published a work showing the similarity between the customs of aborigines then existing in other lands and those of the early inhabitants of Europe. So began, in these works of Jussieu and Lafitau, the science of Ethnology. It was more than 100 years until, after the French Revolution of 1830, the political climate in Europe was freed enough of religious sentiment that archaeological discoveries could be investigated that indicated human existence in a period vastly earlier than any theologian had dreamed of.

Boucher de Perthes

In 1847, a man previously unknown to the world at large, Boucher de Perthes, published at Paris the first volume of work on Celtic and Antediluvian Antiquities, and in this he showed engravings of typical flint implements and weapons, of which he had discovered thousands upon thousands in the high drift beds near Abbeville, in northern France. So far as France was concerned, he was met at first by what he calls "a conspiracy of silence," and then by a contemptuous opposition among orthodox scientists, led by Elie de Beaumont. In 1863 the thunderstone myth was further discredited by Charles Lyell in his book Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man. Lyell had previously opposed the new ideas about human antiquity, and his changing sides gave further force to the scientific evidence.Jacobwhite (talk) 20:54, 2 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]



This is looking nice! When it's complete, you should add this text to the current entry: Thunderstone (folklore). From an archaeological viewpoint, it would be useful to have a section that outlines the main events and discoveries that led to revision of "scientific" explanations of thunderstones. This would include information collected during the Age of Discovery that revealed non-Western peoples were still practicing flintknapping and producing arrowheads, projectile points, flint tools, celts and other flaked lithic and ground stone artifacts similar or identical to those that had been identified as thunderstones. The discovery of these kinds of artifacts in archaeological contexts--especially Paleolithic ones--eventually resulted in the scientific explanation that these objects were crafted by humans and not the result of lightning or the activities of supernatural beings. Hoopes (talk) 15:18, 26 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

In general, it's good style to keep the text of your hyperlinks as close to that of the actual Wikipedia entries as you can. That way, the reader has a better idea of where following that hypertext will take them. Hoopes (talk) 15:25, 26 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Also, you have yet to include any references. Note that all of your statements of fact should be followed by footnotes to reliable source material. Hoopes (talk) 15:27, 26 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

You should probably also make some changes to links on the existing Thunderstone (folklore) entry. For example, the current categories listed do not include Archaeology. Hoopes (talk) 18:42, 26 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

To develop your article for this assignment, please set up a dedicated user subpage for it and save the link on your main userpage. You would do this by creating a name consisting of a backslash followed by the proposed article title (or "Draft" or any text). It should be coded like this: [[/Article title]]. Click on that link to create the new subpage, which will be created at User:Student username/Article title. You can cut the content you've written below, save it, and then continue by clicking on that link. You can then transclude your working draft subpage onto your main userpage so it's visible from there by adding User:Student username/Article title to the main userpage somewhere. (This is a neater way to organize your User page.) After you're done working on the sections here, you can either copy-and-paste or merge them with the exisiting entry on Thunderstone (folklore). Hoopes (talk) 18:36, 26 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

  1. ^ Leach, Maria. ""Flint"." Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend. 3rd ed. New York, New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1972. Print.