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The Other Boleyn Girl (2008 film)

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The Other Boleyn Girl is a 2008 film that is a romanticized account of the life of the 16th-century aristocrat, Mary Boleyn, who was the sister of Anne Boleyn and one-time mistress of King Henry VIII of England.

Directed by Justin Chadwick. Written by Peter Morgan, based on the novel by Philippa Gregory.
The only thing that could come between these sisters... is a kingdom.taglines

Katherine of Aragon

  • You want me to creep away and become a nun? Well, I shall not. You want me to lie before God and admit my first marriage was consummated? Well, it was not. You want me to retire and give up my daughter's claim as sole rightful heir to the throne? Well, I shall not. Not in a thousand years. Not if you rack me to within an inch of my life. I am Katherine, Queen of England, the King's one true wife and mother of the heir to the throne. Beloved of the people, and beloved of a King you have bewitched.

King Henry

  • (furious, to Anne) I have torn this country apart for you!
  • I'm asking you because I trust you.
  • (to Mary) I would do nothing to hurt any part of you.


  • (crying) What will the King say when he finds out that I cannot bear children?
  • Younger than me, more beautiful than me, married before me. I'm eclipsed. I'm the other Boleyn girl.
  • The queen may yet give birth to a son.
  • I struck him today. What am I doing? I've destroyed it all on my own!
  • Looking, my Lord...still looking, my Lord...Ah, found one.(stop in front of the King)
  • It's a question women would ask themselves sometimes, but we concede men do have some value. So, we accept them equal. (In response to Henry VIII's question if women can match men.)
  • A man's love is worthless...Love has no value without power and position. ( In response to Mary's "I gave myself to a man I loved")


  • (to Anne) You have reached too high.
  • (earneslty) I gave myself to a man I loved, and he loved me.
  • [asked by Henry why she's trying to save Anne] Because she's my sister. And therefore, one half of me.



Lady Elizabeth Boleyn:

  • It costs a fortune to get this house ready for a royal visit.
  • When was it that people stopped thinking of ambition as a sin and started thinking of it as a virtue?
  • What's there to smile about? I'm a mother with one child ordered to marry a girl he hates, another banished abroad in disgrace, and a third...whoring in public with an adulterer. You say you're concerned for her happiness? Will Mary be happy when he leaves her, because you know that will happen in the end."

Sir Thomas Boleyn:

  • Risk nothing and you gain nothing.
  • To get ahead in this world, you need more than fair looks and a kind heart.

Duke of Norfolk: When you sleep with the king, it ceases to be a private matter.


Katherine of Aragon: What did I do to upset you that you should turn against me like this?
Anne Boleyn: You failed to give England an heir.
Katherine of Aragon: And that upsets you so?
Anne Boleyn: What upsets the King upsets me.
Katherine of Aragon: How dare you.

Mary Boleyn: Anne.
Anne Boleyn: I meant to come sooner. I'm sorry I did not. I've been kept occupied.
Mary Boleyn: So I hear… Amusing the king.
Anne Boleyn: Only that sister, I assure you; despite his best efforts...
Mary Boleyn: What, and not yours?
Anne Boleyn: How is it?
[glances towards Mary's belly]
Mary Boleyn: The child is strong, gives me no rest, like his father.
Anne Boleyn: Do you feel as awful as you look? You know, in France, no woman would allow herself to get in such a state.
Mary Boleyn: Why did you come Anne, if all you desire is to torment me?
Anne Boleyn: Perhaps now you know how it feels: to be deceived by your sister.
Mary Boleyn: I did nothing.
Anne Boleyn: You stole the king away, and then you betrayed me over Henry Percy!
Mary Boleyn: If that's what you think, fine, tell yourself that!
Anne Boleyn: I did, sister. Every day and every night I was in exile.
King's Messenger: [Messenger walks in, holding a gift] A gift, from the king.
Anne Boleyn: Give it to my sister.
King's Messenger: It's for you, mistress Anne.
Anne Boleyn: Me? Then send it back! Immediately!
[looks at Mary]
Anne Boleyn: How dare he! See? I have your interest at heart.
Mary Boleyn: Why? Why this cruelty? You know I love him.
Anne Boleyn: Well, perhaps you should stop.

Sir Thomas Boleyn: Alright, now, open!
[advising Mary to open her eyes]
Sir Thomas Boleyn: I am to become an earl, your brother a viscount. In addition, we have received a number of new grants and estates, so are debts are paid and there's more: George, the king will arrange a match between you and Jane Parker.
George Boleyn: [frantic] I beg you father, no.
Sir Thomas Boleyn: I thought you had ambitions for this family. The girl is well connected, her father is cousin to the king.
George Boleyn: Must I actually marry her?
Sir Thomas Boleyn: Of course you must marry her. Have you no pride? Or would you rather leave everything to Mary?

King Henry VIII: [talking in secret] Your sister is gone as you wished. Will you give yourself to me now?
Anne Boleyn: No. When you are loyal to me above all others.
King Henry VIII: But, I am.
Anne Boleyn: No. You are loyal to the queen above all others.
King Henry VIII: I barely see Catherine.
Anne Boleyn: But she sits on a throne beside you. Your right hand in matters of state.
King Henry VIII: For appearances sake only.
Anne Boleyn: Still, she is your queen. And ever present.
Anne Boleyn: I feel her eyes on me. And those of her spies. Look at us. Forever reduced to meeting in secret like this. Speaking in whispers. Hardly conducive to passion.
King Henry VIII: What you have me do then?

King Henry VIII: What's so amusing?
Anne Boleyn: I was merely offering my thoughts on the new French king. With such great power, yet such meager authority as a man.
King Henry VIII: Continue.
Anne Boleyn: His pettiness is astounding. He will bear a mortal grudge at the mildest of slights. Spoiled cub with a spike in his paw. Riveted with resentment. Unable to forgive or forget. A great king, a great man rises above such things.
King Henry VIII: And what would you know of great men?
Anne Boleyn: I've read enough books and heard enough talk to believe I'd know one if he were before me.
King Henry VIII: Then look about you. I am curious. Do you see one here?
Anne Boleyn: Looking my lord... still looking, my lord.
Anne Boleyn: [looking at the king] Ah! There. Found one.
King Henry VIII: [laughs to himself as the subjects in the room start to laugh]

Mary Boleyn: [in Henry's bedchamber] So, this is it?... Where the king of England sleeps?
King Henry VIII: And reads and writes. Finds a few moments each day to himself.
Mary Boleyn: [nervously] And yet you invite me here?
King Henry VIII: Because I like you and trust you.
Mary Boleyn: You hardly know me.
King Henry VIII: I am lied to a hundred times a day. Petitioned. Lobbied. One learns how to decipher a face.
[caresses Mary's face]
King Henry VIII: Yours is as the sun. One shouldn't gaze too long.
King Henry VIII: My flattery makes you uncomfortable?... Because compliments in your family are usually for someone else. The elder sister... That's something I understand. What it is to be the second child. Forever in the shadows... I'm making you uncomfortable again.
[Mary smiles, shaking her head as Henry leans in and kisses her]

Mary Boleyn: Mother, please! Speak to father... Do something... I don't want to go!
Lady Elizabeth: This is not a request. We have been summoned.
[gets up and leaves the room]
Mary Boleyn: [to Anne] Please don't be angry with me... You think I desired to go for this purpose?
Anne Boleyn: All I know is that a man who didn't know who you were was with you in that room for a half-hour and came out completely besotted!
[starts to leave]
Anne Boleyn: Don't know what you said or did!
Mary Boleyn: Nothing sister! Except sing your praises and talk about my husband.
Anne Boleyn: Really? Well, you must show me how you did that sometime!
[leaves the room]

George Boleyn: [about Henry Percy] He's betrothed.
Anne Boleyn: Betrothed is not married... It is a long way on bended knee to the altar.

Mary Boleyn: We're sisters!
Anne Boleyn: And, therefore, born to be rivals.


  • The only thing that could come between these sisters... is a kingdom.
  • Two sisters divided for the love for a king.
  • In an age where a woman's destiny was determined by her father, one sister followed the rules. The other defied them.
  • What if you could have everything you ever wanted? What if all you had to do was betray the sister you loved?
  • They were the closest of sisters, until the most powerful man in the world made them rivals.
  • They are sisters, and therefore, born to be rivals.

