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  • Web Accessibility 2.1 Guidelines Approbal Level AA
  • Taiwan.gov.tw [ open a new window]
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  1. To assist users of the Department of Labor Website(“the Site”)to understand the operation of the Site and the application of their personal information, the Department of Labor has established the Privacy Statement(“the Statement”)to protect the privacy of users of this site.
  2. Within a reasonable scope, the Site welcomes links. In case of citation or reference, please indicate the source of origin.
  3. To fully respect and ensure personal privacy, all personal information provided for within this site will be protected under appropriate procedures and techniques.
  4. The Site will collect information such as the IP address and browsing activities of a user for its internal analysis. Email correspondence and bulletin messaging is not available for use until personal information is completed.
  5. All personal information obtained from the Site, unless otherwise specified or as set forth under relevant laws or regulations, will only be used within the scope of original intent.
  6. Cookie is a tool through which the server interacts with user's browser. The Site contains cookies as to provide a more flexible and adequate interface for users. However, users can choose to cancel or restrict such function by altering the preference option of their browsers.
  7. The Department of Labor does not control and is not responsible for any links to third party web sites within this Site. The user is responsible for viewing and abiding by the privacy statements and terms of use posted at those sites.
  8. To provide adequate protection for user's privacy, the Statement is subject to changes reflecting developments in technology or amendment to relevant laws and regulations. Amended articles will be posted on the Site immediately. Users may mail Department of Labor by Taipei City Petition System 1999 with any questions governing the Statement.