Poola koridor: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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[[File:Polish Corridor.PNG|thumb|240px|Poola koridor 1923–1939]]
'''Poola koridor''' ([[saksa keel|saksa]] ''Polnischer Korridor''; [[poola keel|poola]] ''Pomorze, Korytarz polski''), tuntud ka kui '''Danzigi koridor''', '''Koridor mereni''' või '''Gdanski koridor''', oli maa-ala, mille kaudu [[II Rzeczpospolita|Poolale]] avanes väljapääs [[Läänemeri|Läänemerele]].<!-- , was a territory located in the region of [[Pomerelia]] ([[Pomeranian Voivodeship (1919–1939)|Pomeranian Voivodeship]], eastern [[Pomerania]], formerly part of [[West Prussia]]), which provided the [[Second Republic of Poland]] (1920–1939) with access to the [[Baltic Sea]], thus dividing the bulk of [[Germany]] from the province of [[East Prussia]]. The [[Free City of Danzig]] (now the Polish city of [[Gdansk]]) was separate from both Poland and Germany. A similar territory, also occasionally referred to as a corridor, had been connected to the [[Polish Crown]] as part of [[Royal Prussia]] during the period 1466–1772.<ref>''A History of Western Civilization'': ''Then came the acquisition of Prussia (separated from Brandenburg by the "Polish corridor")'' page 382, author Roland N. Stromberg Dorsey Press 1969.</ref><ref>''The Scandinavians in History''. "Brandenburg, by the acquisition of Eastern Pomerania besides other territories within the empire was firmly established on the Baltic, though a Polish corridor running between Eastern Pomerania and East Prussia to Danzig denied her all she desired", page 174, author Stanley Mease Toyne. Ayer Publishing 1970</ref>