
Haigh Tameamseo. Maolaigh ar do luas anseo. Ní gá go mbeadh athsheolaidh do gach uille athruithe, mí-litriú nó aistriúchán do n'ainmneacha sin! Guliolopez 14:47, 16 Bealtaine 2008 (UTC)Reply

Help please

Hi could you help me translate the Dustin the Turkey article, and the Charlotte Perrelli article into beautiful irish. thanks.-- 15:15, 16 Bealtaine 2008 (UTC)Reply

Irish names

Hi there, and thanks for adding the articles on GAA players. One request though - please use the Irish language version of the name, since that is the one that we prioritise here on the Irish language Wiki. If you need help finding the Irish versions of names, just let me know and I can help out. Go raibh maith agat. --Antóin 19:55, 12 Iúil 2008 (UTC)Reply

Glad to see that you are adding new articles with the Irish names now, keep it up! One thing - I noticed in the Antóin de Nais article that you took the Irish version from the English Wiki, and it was incorrect. Unfortunately, we can't always trust the info there, a mistake that I have made myself more than once :). A good source of info is here

It's fairly reliable and extensive. --Antóin 17:47, 15 Iúil 2008 (UTC)Reply


Haigh Tameamseo,

Agus tú ag cruthú ailt nua, an féidir leat an leagan Gaeilge a chur i liosta na h-idirvicí ar an leathanach Béarla, le do thoil. Muna bhfuil sé déannta ní féidir le duine ar bith dul ón leagan Fraincis, Gearmáinis srl dul chuig an leagan Gaeilge.

Hi Tameamseo. Just a quick request for you! When you write an article on the Irish language wikipedia, could you please add the Irish link to the corresponding English language version, please. This enables viewers from other wiki's to click into the Irish version if they so choose. Only one link to one other language version would suffice as the bots would do the rest of the work. E.g. on the Foynes article there is no corresponding Irish language link. All you need to do is go into the English language version, click on edit and scroll down to the end of the page where you will see the link to other languages, eg: [[fr:Foynes]], [[de:Foynes]] etc. Just add [[ga:Faing]] to that article and it will update on the rest of the pages.

Regards, --MacTire02 14:59, 12 Lúnasa 2008 (UTC)Reply


Sa leagan Béarla de Vicipéid tá seo a leanas "Causes

Functional thyroid tissue producing an excess of thyroid hormone occurs in a number of clinical conditions. The major causes in humans are:

  • Graves' disease (the most common etiology with 70-80%)
  • Toxic thyroid adenoma
  • Toxic multinodular goiter"

Éóg1916 21:28, 21 Mí na Nollag 2008 (UTC)

The GFDL and "carving out" articles from principle pages

Hi. I *think* I understand why you have chosen to "copy and paste" sub-sections of certain articles into their own stand alone pages. However, I'm not so sure that (without addressing some issues) it's entirely appropriate. The problems I see are:

  • GFDL/Authorship history: According to the GFDL license under which we publish content here, the history of authorship should be maintained. The system you have used to "copy and paste" has meant this history is lost. Under the GFDL this isn't quite fair. As the original author has a right to acknowledgement for their work. If you copy anything else, be ABSOLUTELY SURE to ascribe credit where credit is due.
  • Context: I see that in some cases you've made an effort to give a new lead-in to the articles. However - out of context - these new "snippet articles" are sometimes still missing some key info. Making them hard to read/understand on their own. (EG: Without context, who are "Na Bána"?) Also the formatting is not always fully up to scratch in the new context. (Heading levels for example)
  • Redundancy: This is less of an issue than the above two, but - unless the intent is for these new articles to be extended into something different or new from the originals - it is more than a little redundant to have copy and paste verbatim copies. Unless we are chasing some kind of "article count" (WHICH WE SHOULD NOT BE DOING), then a redirect might be a better alternative.

Please consider these points before engaging in any more "copy and paste" exercises. Guliolopez 18:54, 16 Feabhra 2009 (UTC)Reply

A Ghuliolpez, go raibh maith agat as do mholtaí. I'll take those on board. Tameamseo 23:55, 16 Feabhra 2009 (UTC)Reply

João Bernardo Vieira

Oops! Ghabh mo leithscéal, ach bhí an-tuirseach orm ar an am (I copy-pasted another article as a template. Serves me right! :) ) Brón orm - Alison 21:46, 4 Márta 2009 (UTC)Reply

Laethanta cothrom roghnaithe -> Laethanta roghnaithe

 Y Déanta go léir anois. Sorry about the delay! - Alison 06:47, 11 Márta 2009 (UTC)Reply


An bhfuil Pyramideaca an Gaeilge de "Pyramids"? Níl sé in aon foclóir a chonaic mé. Sioraf 18:04, 15 Aibreán 2009 (UTC)Reply

Féach: Guliolopez 09:03, 16 Aibreán 2009 (UTC)Reply

Tesco Ireland

GRMA as ucht do ghlanadh ar an leathanach Tesco Ireland. Ní fhaca mé na botúin a ndearna mé mé féin! (Footyfanatic3000 21:13, 28 Aibreán 2009 (UTC))Reply


Ba chóir go mbeadh tú i do riarthóir de bharr do chuid oibre. Tá sé tuilte agat, dar liom. (Footyfanatic3000 20:09, 8 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC))Reply


Bhuel, tá mo gaeilge olc...nil aistreoidh mé vicipéid as gaeilge anois.... =[[

Bhuel, ní gá go mbeadh do Ghaeilge foirfe agus tá brón orm, ach bhi orm an droch-Ghaeilge a fheabhsú. Agus loitiméireacht a bhí i gceist agat le gach rud eile a rinne tú agus "Tá Sasana aerach" á scríobh agat. Tá cead agat rud maith simplí a scríobh, ach ní haon mhaith duit bheith ag scríobh rudaí mar "Tá Sasana aerach" agus ag iarraidh aistriúchán deacair atá i bhfad thar do chumas a dhéanamh. Tameamseo 15:10, 18 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)Reply


Tá vóta ar siúl faoi láthair faoi tusa a bheith i do riarthóir ag Plé Vicipéide:Riarthóirí. Tá mé féin, Alison agus MacTire02 tar éis vóta a chaitheamh ar do shon, ach an féidir leat teachtaireacht a chuir ar an leathanach ag rá an bhfuil tú ag iarraidh a bheith i do riarthóir nó nach bhfuil. Go raibh maith agat. --Footyfanatic3000 17:41, 4 Meitheamh 2009 (UTC)Reply