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Paradise #5

Someone to Watch Over Me

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Leigh Kendall reveled in her stellar Broadway acting career and in her marriage to Logan Manning, scion of an old New York family. When her husband finds the perfect mountain property for their dream house, he decides to surprise Leigh with her first view of the site. Driving upstate on a winter's night, Leigh is run off the road in the midst of a blinding blizzard. When she awakes in the local hospital, seriously injured, the police inform her that her husband has mysteriously disappeared, and Leigh, although obviously distraught, becomes the focus of their suspicions. The more she discovers about her husband and his business affairs, the less she realizes she knew about Logan Manning. Now, Leigh is heading deeper and deeper into unknown territory... where friends and enemies are impossible to distinguish, and where the truth becomes the most terrifying.

549 pages, Paperback

First published February 18, 2003

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About the author

Judith McNaught

68 books7,531 followers
You can find Judith McNaught in facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjudith...

Judith McNaught is a #1 New York Times Best-Selling Author, with more than forty million copies of her novels in print, in over eighty countries and more than thirty languages. She was also the first female executive producer at a CBS radio station. McNaught is credited with inventing the modern Regency Historical romance subgenre.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 458 reviews
Profile Image for Jo.
957 reviews229 followers
September 29, 2020
“Of course I believe in fate." She smiled at that, so he continued lightly, "I believe you were meant to give that knight to me. You were meant to be my beacon."

I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS BOOK!!!!!!! One of the best books I have ever read!

We start the story with Broadway actress Leigh Kendall waking up in the hospital after being in a car accident on her way to meeting her husband, Logan Manning, at a secluded mountain cabin. And from there you get flashbacks, a bit of her life with her husband and also pieces of her life when she was in college, and then back to the present. And at present her husband is missing, and then after a while found dead. Leigh together with Michael Valente, a new business associate of her husband with a criminal past, are the prime suspects. As the story progresses Leigh finds out that her husband wasn’t who she thought he was, and the ways in which he betrayed her had me fuming.

"I was meant to watch over you. I was meant to be there for you when two punks tried to attack you. I was also supposed to keep you," he added bluntly, "but I screwed up and let Logan Manning have you. Do you know what else I believe?"
"I'm almost afraid to ask."
"I believe fate is giving me another chance to do my job."

Then there’s also the re-appearance of a man from Leigh’s past, one who loved her so much that fourteen years ago he didn’t fight for her, didn’t make his move, because he thought she deserved better than him. Only to watch her choose someone even more undeserving of her, someone who almost broke her with his betrayal and lies. But now he’s back in her life, and fate has given him a second chance at the only woman he has ever loved. And this time he’ll never let her go again, and he’ll prove to her that she was always meant for him.

Who is the real killer, and will the police find this person before it's too late?

Loving Leigh Kendall had always been an emotional roller-coaster ride for him. Long ago, he'd had to stay away from her, and that had been agonizingly hard. Now, he was with her, and he was growing so attuned to her that he could almost feel what she felt.

This book was spectacular!! I was hooked right from the start, so intrigued by who the killer could be, and why Logan was killed. The suspense and plot was fantastically done, enthralling me from the first page until the very end.

And the romance …. The romance was wonderful. I loved every single moment of the hero and the heroine together, and I loved that there was a secondary romance too, which just enriched the book.

It’s difficult to write this review without giving away any spoilers. I can’t even give the hero’s name, because it’s best to find it out for yourself. This book has one of the best plots I have ever read, the way it kept me guessing was amazing, and the romance was just magnificent. As soon as I finished it, I wanted to read the book again, which just tells you how incredible it was.

An epic love story of second chances and a suspenseful plot that will keep you captivated for the entire book. I can’t recommend this book enough. A MUST READ.

Profile Image for Yolanda.
666 reviews186 followers
February 5, 2017
Me ha mantenido intrigada todo el rato, ya no sabía de quién sospechar XDD
Profile Image for Sophie ♥.
125 reviews248 followers
March 26, 2013
I thought I might type up a review quickly for this one before I start a new book. So...

There are two things you need to know about this book
1. I would classify this as crime fiction not romance
2. There are essentially two main characters. We read Leigh's story but in between you'll read just as much about Sam (the female detective who is assigned to the case)

Before I started reading this I had mixed expectations. The reviews for this book hardly provoked any excitement but because it was Judith McNaught I was thinking "surely this can't be that bad?" And it wasn't but neither was it that good. To put it simply, I couldn't see any of the things I love about Judith McNaught in this book. My impression was that she was trying too hard to write a sophisticated crime thriller whilst still keeping her trademark romance in it and in the end the book fell flat because it wasn't her trademark romance and I just wasn't that interested in the complex murder investigation. We never really get to know the characters and from what I did learn about them, Leigh seemed like a shallow, nothing-special girl and although I liked Michael I couldn't help thinking there must be something wrong with him if he fell that hard in love with Leigh. The romance was poorly developed and the characters hardly knew each other. I liked Sam but I didn't find her relationship with Mack interesting at all and the same thing goes - we never really get to know them.

All in all, this was a 3-star read for me.
Profile Image for Geo Just Reading My Books.
1,378 reviews327 followers
January 13, 2020
Alertă, frumoasă și plină de răsturnări de situație. O poveste de dragoste fierbinte și învăluită în suspans!
Profile Image for Esra Kara.
375 reviews31 followers
November 30, 2023
Yıllar sonra Judith okumuş olmamın verdiği mutluluk harikaydı. Ne varsa eski yazarlarda var, bu eski yazarların kaleminden aldığım tat asla yeni yazarlarda yok. Keşke daha fazla kitabın olsa Judith abla da ben de bol bol okusam. Her şeyiyle tam yerinde ve dozunda, kendini keyifle okutturan güzel bir romandı. Judith ablamın tek sorunu, son derece sert erkek karakterler yazıyor olması. Tabii çoğu kadın bunu çok seviyor, güzel de oluyor ama Judith abla az kıs şu agresifliğin altını.
1 review
March 30, 2013
I was somewhat biased towards this book due to the endless negative remarks and reviews I read. I ignored it for a long time until I finally decided to leave aside the comments and have my own opinion of book as a priority .Judith Mcnaught once again encapsulated my heart with her unending humor and profound love.

My only advice to whoever reads this review is to be flexible, casting aside other's comments, and producing your own true opinion of this book. I did it, and it I was able to see beyond the short-mindedness of so many people.
Profile Image for Precious ✨.
585 reviews103 followers
March 14, 2022

I am going to start this off by saying Someone to Watch Over Me reminded me of a K-Drama called Descendants of the Sun. Not because anything was similar in the slightest but because I had a hard time recognizing who was the main couple as the book progressed. The good news is, I really liked both of the couples and was rooting for them each. The bad news is, it took away from being able to develop the main couple or flesh them out longer. While I wouldn't call this "insta-love" as there was some foundation already laid, it was still fast-paced to keep up with the investigative side of the storyline.

With that being said. This is another winner from J.M! The incorporation of two couples on opposite sides of the equation kept this book engaging on all sides and helped eliminate the need to create unnecessary drama at the 80% marker to keep the book going which has happened in just about every Judith book I have read. There was always*one* incident that just pushed the book over my capacity limit. That did not take place in this story.

Leigh Kendall: Broadway sweetheart with a horrible husband and a stalker? Okay, cool.

He brushed his knuckles against her soft cheek, wiping a tear she'd missed. "I gave Logan my girl," he said with disgust, "and look what he did to her."

For those anti-cheaters, fabulous news. No cheating is involved in this story. Although, in my inflated opinion it would have been great because I HATE LOGAN MANNING. As I sit here and write this review. I can't really come up with much outside of the fact that this poor girl was basically a sucker when it came to her husband. She like... really loved this guy while unbeknownst to her he was literally just the scum of the earth and sleeping with everyone she knew. So once his missing person's case becomes a murder one, she is suspect number one. Like damn, how many slaps to the face was she gonna get? The only silver lining is she keeps her job and gets a much better man. A person that had been there before for her before she got caught up with her husband. She was very much a burst of dignified marshmallow just trying to be a good person while going through the worst months of her life. One thing I really did like about her is once she realizes who Michael is she's in his corner for it all.
I think to have a better connection to her we needed more screen time to get her fleshed out. More internal dialogue maybe?

Michael Valante: Mister tall, dark, and intimidating Italian? Yes.


He realized Valente hadn't left. The man was sitting on an uncomfortable chair at the far end of the living room, next to the hallway leading to the master bedroom. His head was bent, his forearms propped on his thighs, hands clasped loosely in front of him. He was listening to the anguished weeping of the woman down the hall. He had stationed himself there like a centurion.

Men who think they aren't good enough for you >>
but men who don't let you slip through your fingers a second time >>>

Michael Valente comes into Leigh Kendall's life like a knight in shining armor. He meets her again at her husband's party the night before he disappears and he's hit with that love bug for a second time. Even though he knows his actions will probably be misconstrued into a case against him, he just cannot stop himself from taking care of Leigh and being there for her. & I freaking love it. Also him saying he's not about to let himself be put in the friend zone, dead. Because I feel you bro, don't. I really like the guys that are there emotionally for heroines, not just guns blazing shit. This guy telling her to cry because he knew she was keeping it in 🥺 my heart.

With a smile of defeat, Leigh turned her face and kissed his palm. He tipped her face up as he lowered his head. "A kiss on the hand, he warned tenderly against her mouth, "is equal to two nods. Very, very binding"

Mitchell McCord: Legendary NYPD detective with a shit-ton of charisma? Yes.

McCord watched her walk away; then he reached for his phone and noticed his doodling on the yellow pad. The page contained only one word, written several time in different scripts. Mine.


That pretty much sums it up. You can tell the author had to catch herself multiple times when writing this story because even though he's not really described as handsome, he like just does all the right things and Sam didn't stand a chance. His little jealous moment too was just 😍

But for someone not the ML, he sure has a lot of page time.

Sam Littleton: Rookie Detective with making sure she's recognized and not being all meek? Yes, please.


I really enjoyed Sam. She stuck with her gut and made sure not to let her feelings for McCord cloud her own theories about the murderer. She held her own and made sure to be respected, I felt that she had more depth than Leigh but not by much.

Logan Manning: nothing to see here but a grave in HELL. I couldn’t care less about him being a criminal and more about all the ways he was the WORST husband in history. Just light his corpse on fire, kthx.


Anyways, really liked this and the two couples. Even though it was 500 pages apparently it didn't feel like it and I would've been happy with more.
Profile Image for Ashley.
9 reviews9 followers
May 25, 2017
"Of course, there is one small drawback to being loved by him: It apparently allows the entire criminal justice system a license to spy, to malign, to misrepresent, and to persecute-not only him, but you as well. It allows them to violate every civil right the Constitution promises and that they have sworn to uphold."

What can I say? As a novel, as piece of romance, as a stab at social and criminal justice, Judith McNaught's Someone to Watch Over Me has all my heart and soul. It's difficult to review this book without giving away some of the most exciting and incredible surprises, but I will do my best!

Leigh Kendall, successful Broadway actress and dedicated wife, has just been in a severe car accident, one so potentially fatal it's a miracle she survived. And to add to our heroine's emotional trauma, she wakes in the hospital to find her husband missing. In the desperate search for Leigh's husband several twists and turns occur in a masterfully detailed and gripping police investigation; meanwhile, Judith McNaught slowly crafts the figure of her all-time greatest hero...

*takes a step out of the serious book review circle and walks into full on emotional territory* I LOVE HIM. I cannot tell you who I love, but suffice it to say that when you discover the identity of this novel's hero you will fall deeper and deeper in love with a man who is the PRIME example of what a man ought to be. This book, and the story of its hero and heroine, goes so far beyond mere romance that it simply blows its competitors out of the water. Everything about this book is brilliant, but THIS MAN and his love for this woman was the incredibly rich, sweet, tear-inducing icing that made this my all-time favorite book.

But wait! Just when you thought this book couldn't get more successful, McNaught introduces a wonderful side romance! The romance between Lieutenant Mitchell McCord and Detective Samantha Littleton is given just enough attention to draw readers in, without annoying us with a seeming lack of focus. The characterization of them both was so well-done that I not only tolerate the side romance, I highly enjoy it! I cannot recall another book achieving that.

Someone to Watch Over Me is about true love, fate, sacrifice, forbearance, and loyalty. I dare you to give me another book that is so concurrently complex and simple. I dare you to find another man that can compare to this brilliantly crafted, heart-stabbingly great hero. I defy you to name an author better than McNaught. I have been a JM worshipper for years, and everything she touches turns to gold. This book, with all its drama and intimacy, is pure platinum. Believe me, I should know-I've read it three times.


Profile Image for Analia.
659 reviews
November 24, 2019
5/5 estrellas

Me siento INCAPAZ de dar una opinión sobre éste libro pero es que ha sido...un pedazo de novela. Mi primer Judith McNaught y me ha encantado. Madre mía cómo escribe ésta mujer, que debo decir que comienza muy lento, demasiado, pero se empiezan a dar escenas, situaciones que empiezan a dar ritmo a la novela y hace que uno quiera devorarsela, pero la leí despacio porque no quería perderme detalle alguno y bueh, saber quien mató a Logan Manning fue inesperado y más aún cuando conocí a Michael Valente. Solo decir que es un hombre de 41 años, muy lato, cabello negro, ojos color ámbar, atlético y musculoso. Por sus venas corre sangre italiana e irlandesa y es un magnate millonario cuya adolescencia lo llevó a cometer un homicidio culposo.

"Alguien que cuide de mi" es una novela de intriga, policial y romance con pocas cuotas de éste pero cuando aparece , yo como lectora suspiré de amor porque no sólo hay una historia de amor que vive Leight sino que tenemos a los detectives Sam y McCord que van a la par de los personajes principales y los encargados de investigar el asesinato de Logan.

Es una novela donde "no todo es lo que parece" y a medida que se van dando los acontecimientos todo encaja y convierte la trama en trepidante. Hay misterio, intriga, suspenso y amor.

Pedazo de novela que recomiendo leer ciegamente.
4 reviews
July 16, 2015
Wow!!!! Have you ever read a book with absolutely no expectations and it completely blew you away?? Well, this happened with me while reading STWOM.
It starts off as a mystery with Broadway star Leigh Manning severely injured and in hospital with no idea about her vanished husband Logan Manning. Both are highly successful in their respective careers and have had a perfect marriage. Or so Leigh thinks.
At this point a business associate of her husband, a mysterious billionaire with a highly dubious past enters her life-Michel Valente. He offers her a shoulder to cry on as truths about her husband start to slowly unravel her life.
In addition to that she is also a suspect accused in the murder of her husband!!!!
A large part of the book is devoted to detectives Samantha Littleton and her team about how they solve the mystery of Logan Manning's murder and also the truth about the past of the central characters. All this by itself makes for a hugely interesting read. But add to it what JM is famous for-the romance!! And there are not one but 2 romantic plotlines.
Romance by itself does not interest me unless I care for the characters. And I loved all the 4 main characters (yes one of them enters only halfway through the book, but plays a significant role). JM has succeeded in creating 4 vastly different yet near perfect characters and that is no mean feat. They all seem idealistic but believable.
I was so floored by this that I was eager to check out her other books but didn't not find them close to this.
Pick it up!
Profile Image for Olga.
1,046 reviews158 followers
February 6, 2017
El libro en general esta bien , la historia atrapa y te hace querer saber más sobre el
Porque de los personajes , pero la historia ( precipitada de ella) de amor entre leigh y falco Ufff... Me ha chirriado mucho, mucho ... No pasas dd llorar como una loca por tu marido ( aún te los ponga como un reno) a sentir amor ( de bueno) por un hombre al que hace 14 años que no ves (no,no,no)...

Lo que sí me ha gustado es ver el Punto de vista de los investigadores ( aunque también me ha chirriado el amor entre sam y mack) y como se iba armando la investigación ..

El resto , según va pasando la historia , predecible ...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Anna.
1,088 reviews7 followers
June 3, 2022
Re-read! Very tasty, beautiful book. I was my first time reading in inglish, LOVED IT!! Too bad good books lost a lot of potential while translating.
Heroine was a bit spineless in the first part of the story... But later she showed us her strong character. HERO!! HEROOO !! HERROOOO!! Im in love with him!!!
Great hero
Profile Image for Ana.
523 reviews64 followers
February 9, 2022
Judith McNaught nunca desilude, promete e cumpre. Estes tipo de livros são mesmo algodão doce para o cérebro. Horas bem passadas na companhia destas páginas de puro entretenimento ( ◜‿◝ )♡
Profile Image for Evelina Pupelė - (Knygų Romanė).
171 reviews28 followers
January 19, 2022
Aww.... Na būtent dėl tokių knygų kaip ši, autorė yra visiškas mano praeitų metų atradimas. Atradau, ir tiesiog negaliu sustoti skaitydama vieną po kitos jos knygas.

Storuliukė apimtimi, bet kaip mane įtraukė. 507 puslapiai per pusantros dienelės.

Ką pastebėjau šios autorės knygose, kad jose būna persipynę istorijų veikėjai. Tad skaičius vieną knygą, kitose galima atrasti tuos pačius veikėjus, nors tai nėra tęsiniai, tačiau galima rasti sąsajų. Šioje, kaip pavyzdys, paminimi Metas ir Meredita, bei vienas iš veikėjų yra jų vairuotojas-asmens sargybinis. Tad pasiskolintas veikėjas iš seniau skaitytų knygų. Nors smulkmena, bet įdomi.

Pati istorija atrodė bus vėlgi panaši į visas tipines, milijonierius ir paprasta graži mergina. Tačiau šioje istorijoje pasirinkta iš paprastos gražios merginos išaugusi į genialią aktorę veikėja, ir buvęs "blogiukas-nusikaltėlis" išaugęs į verslo magnatą. Viskas įsukta į labai įdomią kriminalinę istoriją, kurioje piešiama tobula, turtinga, garsi Niujorko šeima, ir įvykis apvertęs ir parodęs realią visą padėtį ar tikrai ta šeima tokia tobula. Po to įsimaišiusi praeitis, kuri visiškai viską apvertė aukštyn kojomis.
Žinant, kad aš esu nelabai linkusi į detektyvines istorijas, pačiai keista, bet ji mane labai įtraukė ir sužavėjo.
Buvo kabliukų, kurie gal šiek tiek šiaip sau atrodė, bet nesureikšminau.
Kaip meilės romanui, gal ir nužudytų žmonių daugokai, bet visa istorija labai įdomiai susiskaitė, tad kas dar neskaitėte, rekomenduoju.
Ir žinoma, šioje istorijoje neabejotinai jau nuo pirmųjų puslapių mane pavergė Falko veikėjas. Visiškai būtent tokio tipo, kokie knygose visada patraukia mano dėmesį.
Profile Image for Zumbagirl.
154 reviews3 followers
November 19, 2011
After many years of not reading books regularly, I started reading again and it was sparked by McNaught. I didn't even know she had two new books that had been published - Every Breath You Take and this one. So I anxiously grabbed a copy and read it. I really enjoyed this book!!!
This is a murder-mystery and two love stories - many people complain about that in novels, but I actually liked it in this book. The heroine, Leigh, is a famous actress, works in NYC on Broadway. Her husband has gone missing. She has a secret admirer, who also is famous and very rich, Michael Valente. I love Michael Valente as a hero!!! He's awesome and not the typical alpha male McNaught writes about. He has been in love with Leigh for many years and somehow they catch up, but Leigh doesn't remember him, at first. He wants to help find her husband and lends his assistance at every turn. Unfortunately, he also has a criminal record and the police are involved in finding Leigh's husband and hate Michael. Of course, they start to think Leigh and Michael have secretly been having an affair and both Michael and Leigh become suspects. So the second love story is between two detectives and it's also very good. I never felt it took away from development of the love story of the first two.
While this may not constitute a clean read in the sense of being rated G, I would say it is a clean read - only one love scene, very mild, and I'd rate it PG.
I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it, especially to any who have a McNaught history. She has really changed her writing style over the years. There were no big misunderstandings or separations, it's not a bodice ripper, no idiot hero or TSTL heroine. It could have been developed a little better, because the relationship between Leigh and Michael take off very quickly considering the circumstances of her husband. Both male heroes were great!!!
Profile Image for Yuni.
257 reviews78 followers
February 18, 2015
When I read this book somehow I can see it play in front of me. How much I hate hate Logan. How tight I want to give Leigh a hug. How much I want to kiss Falco on his cheeks. How hard I want to kick the police team for being such an ass. Maybe in between all the Second Opportunities series, I like Paradise the most because it is the first book I read in the series but each of it....I LOVE IT. Thank you, Judith. Please give us a new book. I heard she will release a new book this year. Good then because I already read all of her books now and I'm not a patient person. XD
Profile Image for Melody.
635 reviews90 followers
June 6, 2013
I love Judith McNaught but I didn't recognised her style here. The beginning was a bit boring and I struggled to get into the story. Moreover the relationship betwen Michael and Leigh took too long to start (almost 200 pages if I remember correctly). Both characters were likeable but they won't be engraved in my memory as Judith McNaught's other couples.
Profile Image for Donna.
2,127 reviews
April 22, 2020
3.5 stars. In this book from 2003, Broadway actress Leigh Kendall wakes up in a hospital. Married 13 years to Logan Manning, Leigh was driving up to a remote mountain cabin to meet him when her car crashed down a ravine. Detectives tell her they can't locate her husband. A huge search seems fruitless in all the snow. Days later, Logan's body is found. He did not die in the snow. Someone murdered him. Leigh is a suspect.

Romance used to be my favorite genre but not for a very long time. When I read the back cover, I thought this story was a mystery. It's mostly romance with a little mystery and I enjoyed it mainly because of the characters. I liked the two strong men -- Michael Valente and Mitchell McCord. Samantha Littleton was a new detective but I liked her intelligence and bearing.
Profile Image for Bent.viena.puslapi.
261 reviews48 followers
October 2, 2021
Nors lentynoje guli ne viena Judith knyga, tai mano pažintis su ja. Knyga stora, bet susiskaitė tikrai labai greitai. Iš pradžių atrodė, kad gal ir ištempta, bet baigusi supratau, kad viskas buvo parašyta taip, kaip reikia. Patiko tai, kad intriga išlaikyta iki pat galo. Detektyvas su siek tiek erotikos elementų 😊
Profile Image for Kathy Davie.
4,831 reviews721 followers
October 7, 2019
Fourth in the Second Opportunity romantic-suspense series. The couple focus in this story is Michael Valente and Leigh Kendall.

My Take
What can I say, it's a McNaught. I love her work. She may be formulaic, but she does write a good story that kept me entranced and racing through the pages. A woman's life is turned upside down and threatened and from the background comes her white knight to save the day.

McNaught always has her underdog and in this case, the love of this good woman has sustained Valente on his straight and narrow path for fourteen years. What a kick in the teeth for Trumanti! I love it!! The negative side is too true of human nature. A decent woman surrounded by people whom she thought were good friends. I did like McCord's stand at the end. It's these strong, sensitive alpha males that get me every time.

McNaught sets a good pace and it's a good thing the kittens left me alone to read!

The Story
It's a successful opening for her new play, and Leigh Kendall is happy to be heading up to their new place in the mountains but frustrated and very nervous following Logan's directions in this rapidly developing storm. Stopped in the road to re-check her directions, someone hits her car, and she goes tumbling down the mountainside.

Just as her life also takes a tumble when she wakes in the hospital, her husband still hasn't shown, and Leigh is terrified that he's in trouble. Upon the police discovering that Michael Valente is one of the Mannings' acquaintances, she is in trouble as well. For Valente is a known criminal with violent tendencies and obviously, Leigh and Valente have plotted his murder. It's only a matter of time before the police find his body in spite of all the misleading Leigh is attempting.

It's a series of misconstrued realities and prejudices with strong demands by the police commissioner that send the police off on their tangent giving us the opportunity to see true nobility in action.

The Characters
Leigh Kendall is the focus of the story. She's happy. She's magic. She's at the top of her game as a Broadway actress. Surrounded by friends and a loving husband. About to have her wonderful life shatter into pieces at her feet.

The gorgeous Logan Manning is Leigh's husband. A scion of an old respected and once-wealthy family, Logan has brought the family fortunes back with a vengeance. Michael Valente is Falco Nipote, an old acquaintance from her pre-stardom days, who worked for his aunt, Mrs. Angelini, at the little Italian market in Leigh's neighborhood.

Jason Solomon is the author of Leigh's current play; Eric Ingram is his lover. Jane Sebring is the cruelly ambitious actress dying to take over the role from Leigh.

Dr. Sheila Winters is the psychiatrist who first counseled Leigh and Logan when they were having problems; she later became friends with both of them. Hilda is Leigh's trusted housekeeper with a brutal attitude toward dust while Joe O'Hara is on loan as a chauffeur-bodyguard from Matt and Meredith Farrell (Paradise) while they take their round-the-world cruise. Brenna is her personal assistant. Trish Lefkowitz is her publicist.

Detectives Sam Littleton and Malcolm Shrader with Lieutenant Mitchell McCord heading up the investigation. Commissioner William Trumanti has a real hard-on for Valente and McCord is directed at doing all he can to pin something on him.

The Cover and Title
The cover is in deep shades of blue forming the corner of a building with someone's shadow cast against the cobalt blue of its pinkly lit side.

The title is up in lights just as Leigh Kendall's name is usually up in lights on Broadway when she's starring in a play. Little does she know there is always Someone to Watch Over Me.
Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,095 reviews69 followers
December 12, 2018
Всеки път се заричам да не чета подобен тип книги и пак не си спазвам собствените принципи. До такава степен утопична е тази , че чак ме развесели .
С две думи плеснали с ръце и се прегърнали боса на мафията и шефа на полицията. Заля ни гъста боза и ще ни удави.
Profile Image for mad4rombks.
616 reviews
February 7, 2017
I don't know if it was me, the book, or a combination of both but it took me almost 2 weeks to read this one. Usually I give up on books like this but as it was a buddy read with a couple others on Twitter, I felt I had to finish it.

I'm going to be honest. The first 250-300 pages or so were a complete snooze fest for me. It was just boring. Very boring. Truthfully, it finally picked up for me once I got to page 334 but even then, I found myself skimming.

I don't believe for a second that Leigh did not know Logan was cheating on her. It's mentioned that in the 14 years of marriage, he had already cheated on her before so I feel she was just in denial about the whole thing when it finally came out that her husband could not keep his pants zipped and had been having affairs with three or four different women. No way would she not have known and then to hint that he was amazing in bed?? PLEASE. Unless he was Superman, there was no way he could have satisfied all of those women, plus his wife, with no one complaining or even getting a hint that hello, something isn't right here.

Then we have the stalker story that ended up going nowhere and leaving me with a "WTF, are you SERIOUS?" feeling. He's mentioned at the beginning of the story, mentioned again in different scenes and then I ended up skimming one page & completely missed that the idiot "volunteered" to turn himself in and go to treatment completely out of the blue and that was the end of the stalker story. We never found out who he was. We never saw the "reveal", we got zip about the whole thing which completely makes that whole subplot completely useless in this story. What was the point of that if there was never even going to be a scene revealing who he was and how he got caught? Bizarre.

The only thing that kept me reading was the hero. I had heard others say he was the reason they finished the book, if it hadn't been for him they would have given up and I have to say...I completely agree. I loved that he used a knight as his "beacon" to the heroine to keep him going in the years he hadn't seen her but I still don't know if she was his perfect fit. She was just so clueless at times.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ramsiya.
101 reviews
December 17, 2020

5 Plus star....

I loved the plot, i love the MCs, i loved the book...
Dear Romance authors please refer this book before you are writing Romance Book

1 Alpha/Brooding/Grumpy/caring Heo
2 Hero not an asshole even though he had "Dark past"
3 Hero Not an man whore
4 Strong Heroine, who not crumpled under pressure
5 No last minute miscommunication leads to separation
6 fantastic secondary character
7 Fantastic plot and writing
8 "Oldie but gold"

This book gave stars in my eyes, definitely going to my favorite shelf.
i think my this year reading is ending with "Bang"

Profile Image for Kalia  Lewis.
4 reviews2 followers
January 5, 2013
Judith McNaught is an excellent writer.

This book could easily be a movie. It also plays out as a movie in your mind as you read it.

There are a few twists and turns that keep you guessing. The only downside is that it's not presently available as an ebook.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 458 reviews

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