Donut: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 1:
{{nota disambigua|||titolo2=Doughnut (disambigua)|Doughnut}}
{{T|inglese|cucina|dicembre 2017}}
| nome = DoughnutDonut
| immagine = Glazed-Donut.jpg
| didascalia = Una ciambella doughnut lievitata e glassata
| IPA =
| altri nomi = DonutDoughnut
| paese = StatiPaesi UnitiBassi
| paese2 = PaesiStati Uniti Bassid'America
| regione =
| regione2 =
| diffusione = mondiale
| creatore =
| zona =
| categoria = dessert
| riconoscimento =
| consorzio =
| ingredienti =
| varianti =
| calorie =
| paese3 =
| paese4 =
| regione3 =
| regione4 =
| cat = no
[[File:Donuts (Coffee An), Westport, CT 06880 USA - Feb 2013.jpg|thumb|upright=1.2|Donut nella vetrina di una [[caffetteria]]]]
[[File:DONUT.jpg|miniatura|Donut al cioccolato]]
[[File:Donuts (Coffee An), Westport, CT 06880 USA - Feb 2013.jpg|thumb|upright=1.2|Doughnut nella vetrina di una [[caffetteria]]]]
UnIl '''''doughnutdonut''''' o '''''donutdoughnut''''' (entrambi: {{IPA|/ˈdoʊnət/}} o {{IPA|/ˈdoʊnʌt/}}; vedi [[Inglese americano#Differenze tra l'inglese britannico e l'inglese americano|differenze di ortografia tra l'inglese britannico e l'inglese americano]]) è una [[frittella]] [[Dolce (cucina)|dolce]], originaria dei [[Paesi Bassi]] ed esportata agli inizi del [[XVIII secolo]] dai coloni olandesi negli [[Stati Uniti d'America]], dove andò gradualmente ad assumere la forma attuale a "ciambella" e divenne popolare anche in [[Canada]]. È oggi diffuso in molti paesi, e preparato in varie forme e dimensioni come spuntino dolce che può essere fatto in casa o acquistato nelle panetterie, nei supermercati, nelle bancarelle e innelle catene di negozi di specialità gastronomiche. The Donut is famous in Italy for being made from Spaghetti.
== Etimologia ==
I doughnut sono di solito [[Frittura profonda|fritti per intero]] da un impasto di farina, tipicamente o a forma di ciambella o senza buco, e spesso ripieni. Si possono usare anche altri tipi di [[pastella]], e per i diversi tipi si usano vari rivestimenti e aromi, come zucchero, cioccolato o glassa d'acero. I doughnut possono includere anche acqua, [[lievito]], uova, latte, zucchero, olio, [[grasso alimentare]] e aromi naturali o artificiali.<ref>{{Cita web |url= |titolo=Krispy Kreme - Doughnuts, Coffee, Sundaes, Shakes & Drinks |accesso=10 dicembre 2017 |urlarchivio= |dataarchivio=4 dicembre 2013 |urlmorto=sì }}</ref><ref>[ Donuts | Dunkin' Donuts]</ref>
Il nome deriva da ''dough-nut'', dove ''dough'' significa "[[impasto (cucina)|impasto]]", mentre ''nut'' è qui usato con il significato originario di "piccolo dolce o biscotto"<ref>{{cita testo|url=|titolo=''doughnut''|urlarchivio= }} in the American Heritage Dictionary</ref>. Il significato è quindi quello di "piccolo dolce impastato". '"Doughnut'" è l'ortografia tradizionale, ed è ancora prevalente in tutti i paesi anglofoni<ref>{{cita web|url=|titolo=Meaning of donut|sito=InfoPlease|accesso=21 dicembre 2018}}</ref><ref>{{cita web|url=|titolo=The American Heritage Dictionary entry: donut|editore=Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company|accesso=21 dicembre 2018|urlarchivio=|urlmorto=sì}}</ref><ref>{{cita web|url=|titolo=Definition of DONUT|accesso=21 dicembre 2018|urlarchivio=|urlmorto=Sì}}</ref>, ma anche la forma abbreviata "donut" è diffusa, soprattutto negli Stati Uniti.<ref>Norbert Schmitt and Richard Marsden (2006) ''Why is English like that?: historical answers to hard ELT questions'', University of Michigan Press, {{ISBN|0472031341}}, p. 166.</ref><ref>Richard Ellis (2003) ''Communication skills: stepladders to success for the professional'', Intellect Books, {{ISBN|1841500879}}, p. 113.</ref><ref>Janet Sue Terry (2005) ''A Rich, Deliciously Satisfying Collection of Breakfast Recipes'', Just My Best Publishing Company, {{ISBN|1932586431}}, p. 233.</ref> Il nome originario in [[lingua neerlandese|neerlandese]] tuttavia risulta essere ''olikoek'', ovvero "dolce fritto nel [[lardo]]".<ref>{{cita web|url=|titolo=doughnut (n.)|accesso=14 settembre 2023}}</ref>
== Storia ==
I due tipi più comuni sono il doughnut a ciambella (''ring doughnut'') e il doughnut farcito (''filled doughnut''), in cui si iniettano [[Confettura|confetture di frutta]], [[panna]], [[crema inglese]] o altri ripieni dolci. Piccoli pezzi di impasto sono cotti come ''doughnut holes'' ("buchi dei doughnut"). Una volta fritti, i doughnut possono essere glassati, ricoperti di cioccolata, di [[zucchero a velo]] o di pezzetti di zucchero o di frutta. Tra le forme si trovano anelli, palle, sfere piatte, trecce e altre ancora. Le varietà di doughnut si dividono anche in doughnut a torta e lievitati. I donut sono accompagnati spesso dal caffè comprato nei ''doughnut shops'' o nei ristoranti ''fast food''.
=== Precursori ===
Tra gli antecedenti dell'odierno ''donut'' vi sono le paste fritte con zucchero o cannella che preparavano gli [[Antica Roma|antichi Romani]]. Ricette simili si sono diffuse o hanno avuto origine in altre parti d'Europa e del mondo.<ref>{{cita libro|titolo=Donut Nation: A Cross-Country Guide to America's Best Donut Shops|url=|autore=Ellen Brown|editore=Running Press|anno=2015|p=[ 53]|lingua=en}}</ref> I ''[[churros]]'' spagnoli e portoghesi sono a base di [[pasta choux]] e hanno a volte una forma ad anello. Si ritiene che la loro ricetta provenga dalla Cina,<ref>{{cita web|url=|titolo=The Hidden History of Churros|accesso=17 gennaio 2023|lingua=en}}</ref> anche se è altrettanto plausibile una parentela con la cucina romana.<ref>{{cita web|url=|titolo=The complex origin of beloved churros|accesso=17 gennaio 2023|lingua=en}}</ref> Il libro di cucina ''Küchenmeisterei'' ({{lett|maestria in cucina}}), pubblicato a [[Norimberga]] nel 1485, riporta la ricetta dei ''Gefüllte krapfen,'' dolci di pasta fritta, ripieni e senza zucchero.<ref>{{cita web|url=|titolo=Doughnuts: a German creation from the 1400s – @GermanyinUSA|accesso=17 gennaio 2023|lingua=en}}</ref>
=== Inghilterra e Stati Uniti d'America ===
I coloni olandesi portarono l{{'}}''olykoek'' ({{lett|torta all'olio}}) a New York (all'epoca [[New Amsterdam]]) all'inizio del XVIII secolo. Queste ciambelle somigliavano molto a quelle odierne, sebbene non avessero l'attuale forma ad anello.<ref>{{cita web|url=|titolo=History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian|accesso=17 gennaio 2023|lingua=en}}</ref><ref>{{cita web|url=|titolo=Glazed America: Anthropologist Examines Doughnut as Symbol of Consumer Culture|accesso=17 gennaio 2023|lingua=en}}</ref><ref>{{cita web|url=|titolo=The History of Doughnuts|accesso=17 gennaio 2023|lingua=en}}</ref>
Ring doughnuts are formed by one of two methods: by joining the ends of a long, skinny piece of dough into a ring, or by using a doughnut cutter, which simultaneously cuts the outside and inside shape, leaving a doughnut-shaped piece of dough and a doughnut hole (from the dough removed from the center). This smaller piece of dough can be cooked and served as a "doughnut hole" or added back to the batch to make more doughnuts. A disk-shaped doughnut can also be stretched and pinched into a [[torus]] until the center breaks to form a hole. Alternatively, a doughnut depositor can be used to place a circle of liquid dough (batter) directly into the fryer.
Le ciambelle fritte potrebbero anche essere un'invenzione dell'[[Hertfordshire]] ([[Inghilterra]]).<ref name=SA>{{cita web|url=,been%20the%20earliest%20known%20recipe.|titolo=Hertfordshire: home of the doughnut?|accesso=16 gennaio 2023|lingua=en}}</ref> Nel ricettario ''The Country Housewife’s Family Companion by William Ellis'' del 1750 è infatti contenuta una ricetta, intitolata ''How to make Hertfordshire Cakes, Nuts and Pincushions'', che spiega come preparare un impasto fritto a cui è stato dato il nome di ''nuts''.<ref>{{cita web|url=|titolo=Everything You Need to Know About the Great American Doughnut|accesso=17 gennaio 2023|lingua=en}}</ref> In ''The Recipe of Book of Barnoness Dimsdale'', pubblicato dalla moglie del barone [[Thomas Dimsdale]] intorno al 1800, viene spiegato come preparare i ''dow nuts''.<ref name=SA/>
There are two types of ring doughnuts, those made from a yeast-based dough for raised doughnuts, or those made from a special type of cake batter. Yeast-raised doughnuts contain about 25% oil by weight, whereas cake doughnuts' oil content is around 20%, but they have extra fat included in the batter before frying. Cake doughnuts are fried for about 90 seconds at approximately {{convert|190|to|198|°C|°F|abbr=on}}, turning once. [[Yeast]]-raised doughnuts absorb more oil because they take longer to fry, about 150 seconds, at {{convert|182|to|190|°C|°F|abbr=on}}. Cake doughnuts typically weigh between {{convert|24|and|28|g|oz|abbr=on}}, whereas yeast-raised doughnuts average {{convert|38|g|oz|abbr=on}} and are generally larger, and taller (due to rising) when finished.
Il primo libro di cucina che riporta l'ortografia ''dough nuts'' è forse l'edizione del 1803 di ''The Frugal Housewife: Or, Complete Woman Cook'', che menziona i dolci in un'appendice dedicata alle ricette statunitensi.<ref>{{cita web|url=|titolo=The frugal housewife : or, Complete woman cook|accesso=17 gennaio 2023|lingua=en}}</ref>
[[File:Glazing-Doughnuts.webm|thumb|The process of glazing doughnuts]]
After frying, ring doughnuts are often topped. ''Raised doughnuts'' are generally covered with a [[glaze (cooking technique)|glaze]] (icing). ''Cake doughnuts'' can also be glazed, or powdered with [[confectioner's sugar]], or covered with [[cinnamon]] and granulated sugar. They are also often topped with cake frosting (top-side only) and sometimes sprinkled with coconut, chopped peanuts, or [[sprinkles]] (also called jimmies).
Una delle prime menzioni dei ''dough-nut'' si trova nel libro di [[Washington Irving]] del 1809 ''A History of New York, from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty'':<ref>{{cita web|url=|titolo=Doughnut Or Donut? The Great Spelling Debate Of Our Time|accesso=17 gennaio 2023|lingua=en}}</ref>
==={{anchor|Doughnut holes}}Holes===
{{redirect2|Doughnut hole|Donut hole|the coverage gap in Medicare known informally as the donut hole|Medicare Part D coverage gap}}
[[File:timbits2.jpg|thumb|[[Tim Hortons]] "Timbits" doughnut holes]]
Doughnut holes are small, bite-sized doughnuts that were traditionally made from the dough taken from the center of ring doughnuts. Before long, doughnut sellers saw the opportunity to market "holes" as a novelty and many chains offer their own variety, some with their own brand names such as "Munchkins" from [[Dunkin' Donuts]] and "[[Timbits]]" from [[Tim Hortons]].
{{citazione|A volte la tavola veniva abbellita con immense torte di mele o piattini colmi di pesche e pere conservate; ma ci si poteva sempre fregiare di un enorme piatto di palline di pasta zuccherata, fritte nel grasso di maiale chiamate ciambelloni, o ''oly koeks'': un delizioso tipo di torta, oggi poco conosciuta in questa città, tranne che nelle genuine famiglie olandesi.}}
Traditionally, doughnut holes are made by frying the dough removed from the center portion of the doughnut.{{cn|date=October 2017}} Consequently, they are considerably smaller than a standard doughnut and tend to be spherical. Similar to standard doughnuts, doughnut holes may be topped with confections, such as glaze or powdered sugar.
Il nome ''oly koeks'' era quasi certamente correlato all{{'}}''oliekoek'': un prodotto olandese descritto come una "torta zuccherata fritta nel grasso".<ref>{{cita libro|titolo=Dictionary of American Regional English: I-O|autore=Frederic Gomes Cassidy, Joan Houston Hall|editore=Harvard UP|anno=1985|p=874|lingua=en}}</ref>
Originally, most varieties of doughnut holes were derivatives of their ring doughnut (yeast-based dough or cake batter) counterparts. However, doughnut holes can also be made by dropping a small ball of dough into hot oil from a specially shaped nozzle or cutter.<ref name="Timbit turns 35">{{Cita web|title=Timbit turns 35|url=|accessdate=18 June 2014}}</ref> This production method has allowed doughnut sellers to produce bite-sized versions of non-ring doughnuts, such as filled doughnuts, [[fritter]]s and [[Dutchie (doughnut)|Dutchie]]s.
===Filled= Descrizione ==
I donut sono di solito [[Frittura profonda|fritti per intero]] da un impasto di farina, tipicamente o a forma di ciambella o senza buco, e spesso ripieni. Si possono usare anche altri tipi di [[pastella]], e per i diversi tipi si usano vari rivestimenti e aromi, come zucchero, cioccolato o glassa d'acero. I donut possono includere anche acqua, [[lievito]], uova, latte, zucchero, olio, [[grasso alimentare]] e aromi naturali o artificiali.<ref>{{Cita web |url= |titolo=Krispy Kreme - Doughnuts, Coffee, Sundaes, Shakes & Drinks |accesso=10 dicembre 2017 |urlarchivio= |urlmorto=sì }}</ref><ref>{{cita testo|url=|titolo=Donuts | Dunkin' Donuts}}</ref>
The ''filled doughnut'' is a flattened sphere injected with [[fruit preserves]], [[cream]], [[custard]], or other sweet fillings, and often dipped into powdered sugar or topped off with frosting. Common varieties include the [[Boston cream doughnut|Boston cream]], [[coconut doughnut|coconut]], [[key lime]], and [[jelly doughnut|jelly]].
I due tipi più comuni sono il donut a ciambella (''ring donut'') e il donut farcito (''filled donut''), in cui si iniettano [[Confettura|confetture di frutta]], [[panna]], [[crema inglese]] o altri ripieni dolci. Piccoli pezzi di impasto sono cotti come ''donut holes'' ("buchi dei donut"). Una volta fritti, i donut possono essere glassati, ricoperti di cioccolata, di [[zucchero a velo]] o di pezzetti di zucchero o di frutta. Tra le forme si trovano anelli, palle, sfere piatte, trecce e altre ancora. Le varietà di donut si dividono anche in donut a torta e lievitati. I donut sono accompagnati spesso dal caffè comprato nei ''donut shops'' o nei ristoranti ''fast food''.
===Other shapes===
Others include the [[fritter]] and the [[Dutchie (doughnut)|Dutchie]], which are usually glazed. These have been available on [[Tim Hortons]]' doughnut menu since the chain's inception in 1964,<ref>{{Cita web|url= |title=The history of Tim Hortons |author=Tim Hortons |work= |publisher= |accessdate=November 20, 2009 |urlmorto=sì |archiveurl= |archivedate=November 12, 2009 }}</ref> and a 1991 ''[[Toronto Star]]'' report found out that these two were the chain's most popular [[list of fried dough foods|type of fried dough]] in Canada.<ref>Marion Kane (May 1, 1991) ['s+fans+dunk+our+results&pqatl=google "Tim Hortons fans dunk our results"], ''Toronto Star'', page B.3, Section: Food</ref>
== Note ==
There are many other specialized doughnut shapes such as [[Old fashioned doughnut|old-fashioned]], bars or Long Johns (a rectangular shape), or with the dough twisted around itself before cooking. In the northeast U.S., bars and twists are usually referred to as crullers. Another is the [[beignet]], which is square-shaped, covered with powdered sugar.
[[File:Krispykremesbeingmade.JPG|left|thumb|Glazed doughnuts rolling on a conveyor belt at a [[Krispy Kreme]] [[doughnut shop]]]]
[[File:Doughnut-1023029-m-1.jpg|thumb|Pink icing donut]]
While food resembling doughnuts has been found at many ancient sites, the earliest origins to the modern doughnuts are generally traced back to the ''olykoek'' ("oil(y) cake") [[Dutch Americans|Dutch settlers]] brought with them to early New York (or [[New Amsterdam]]). These doughnuts closely resembled later ones but did not yet have their current ring-sized shape.<ref name=smiths/><ref name=wise/><ref>[ The History of Doughnuts], ''The Spruce''</ref> One of the earliest mentions of "doughnut" was in [[Washington Irving]]'s 1809 book ''A History of New York, from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty'':<ref>[ Doughnut Or Donut? The Great Spelling Debate Of Our Time], ''Huffington Post''</ref>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Sometimes the table was graced with immense apple-pies, or saucers full of preserved peaches and pears; but it was always sure to boast of an enormous dish of balls of sweetened dough, fried in hog’s fat, and called dough-nuts, or oly koeks: a delicious kind of cake, at present scarce known in this city, excepting in genuine Dutch families.</BLOCKQUOTE>
The name ''oly koeks'' was almost certainly related to the ''[[Oliebol|oliekoek]]'' a Dutch delicacy of "sweetened cake fried in fat."<ref>See entries for ''[[oliebol]]'' and ''oliekoek'' in {{cite book
| author = Frederic Gomes Cassidy
|author2=Joan Houston Hall
| title = Dictionary of American Regional English: I-O
| publisher = Harvard UP
| year = 1985
| page = 874
| url =
| isbn = 978-0-674-20519-2}}</ref>
According to anthropologist [[Paul R. Mullins]], the first cookbook mentioning doughnuts was an 1803 English volume which included doughnuts in an appendix of American recipes. He also traces its origins to the ''oliekoek'' that arrived in America with the Dutch settlers in the early 18th century. By the mid-19th century, the doughnut looked and tasted like today's doughnut, and was viewed as a thoroughly American food.<ref name=wise>[ Glazed America: Anthropologist Examines Doughnut as Symbol of Consumer Culture] Newswise, Retrieved on July 22, 2008.</ref>
Hanson Gregory, an American, claimed to have invented the ring-shaped doughnut in 1847 aboard a lime-trading ship when he was 16 years old. Gregory was dissatisfied with the greasiness of doughnuts twisted into various shapes and with the raw center of regular doughnuts. He claimed to have punched a hole in the center of dough with the ship's tin pepper box, and to have later taught the technique to his mother.<ref>"'Old Salt' Doughnut hole inventor tells just how discovery was made and stomachs of earth saved." Special to ''The Washington Post''; ''The Washington Post'' (1877–1954), Washington, D.C; March 26, 1916; p. ES9</ref> ''Smithsonian Magazine'' states that his mother, Elizabeth Gregory, "made a wicked deep-fried dough that cleverly used her son's spice cargo of nutmeg and cinnamon, along with lemon rind," and "put hazelnuts or walnuts in the center, where the dough might not cook through", and called the food 'doughnuts'.<ref name=smiths>{{Cita web|url= |title=History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places &#124; Smithsonian | |data= |accessdate=2015-06-10}}</ref>
Another theory on their origin came to light in 2013, when a recipe for "dow nuts" was found in a book of recipes and domestic tips written in 1800 by the wife of Baron [[Thomas Dimsdale]],<ref>{{Cita web |url= |title=
Mmmm...dow nuts! The sweet treat has been traced back to Hertford |work=[[Hertfordshire Mercury]] |data=24 October 2013 |accessdate=7 October 2015 }}</ref> the recipe being given to the dowager Baroness by an acquaintance who transcribed for her the cooking instructions of a local delicacy, the "Hertfordshire nut".<ref>{{Cita web |url= |title=Little-known doughnut facts to celebrate National Donut Day |work=[[Fox News]] |data=6 June 2014 |accessdate=25 September 2014 }}</ref>{{vs|date=October 2014}}
===="Dough nut"====
The earliest known recorded usage of the term dates to an 1808 short story<ref>Originals, Selections, &C. for the Times. Sketches and Views-No. V; The Times, page [29], vol. I, iss. 8; January 30, 1808; Boston, Massachusetts.</ref> describing a spread of "fire-cakes and dough-nuts." [[Washington Irving]]'s reference to "doughnuts" in 1809 in his ''History of New York'' is more commonly cited as the first written recording of the term. Irving described "balls of sweetened dough, fried in hog's fat, and called doughnuts, or'' [[oliebollen|olykoeks]]''."<ref>{{OEtymD|doughnut}}</ref> These "nuts" of fried dough might now be called doughnut holes. ''Doughnut'' is the more traditional spelling, and still dominates outside the US.<ref>Norbert Schmitt and Richard Marsden (2006) ''Why is English like that?: historical answers to hard ELT questions'', University of Michigan Press, {{ISBN|0472031341}}, p. 166: "...&nbsp;and British English in the spelling of individual words include ax/axe (though the British form is also frequently used in America), check/ cheque (a money order), donut/doughnut, draft/draught (an air current), mold/mould, ..."</ref><ref>Richard Ellis (2003) ''Communication skills: stepladders to success for the professional'', Intellect Books, {{ISBN|1841500879}}, p. 113 "...&nbsp;us spelling is influencing users to spell program as programme, center for centre and donut for doughnut."</ref> At present, ''doughnut'' and the shortened form ''donut'' are both pervasive in American English.<ref>Janet Sue Terry (2005) ''A Rich, Deliciously Satisfying Collection of Breakfast Recipes'', Just My Best Publishing Company, {{ISBN|1932586431}}, p. 233 "At present, "donut" and "doughnut" are both pervasive in American English, but only "doughnut" is listed in Thorndike and Lorge's (1942) ''The Teacher's Word Book of 30,000 Words.'' There are sparse instances of the "donut" spelling variation prior to WWII. For instance, it is mentioned in an LA Times article dated August 10, 1929. There, Bailey Millard complains about the decline of spelling, and that he "can't swallow the 'wel-dun donut' nor the everso'gud bred'." "</ref>
The first known printed use of ''donut'' was in ''Peck's Bad Boy and his Pa'' by [[George Wilbur Peck|George W. Peck]], published in 1900, in which a character is quoted as saying, "Pa said he guessed he hadn't got much appetite, and he would just drink a cup of coffee and eat a donut."<ref name=PecksBadBoy>{{cite book|author=George Wilbur Peck|title=Peck's bad boy and his pa|url=|year=1900|publisher=Stanton and Van Vliet|pages=107–}}</ref> According to John T. Edge (''Donuts, an American passion'' 2006) the alternative spelling "donut" was invented when the New York–based Display Doughnut Machine Corporation abbreviated the word to make it more pronounceable by the foreigners they hoped would buy their automated doughnut making equipment.<ref>John T. Edge (2006) ''Donuts: an American passion'', Penguin Group US, {{ISBN|1440628645}}: "Donuts" came to the fore in the 1920s, when the New York-based Doughnut Machine Corporation set its eyes upon foreign markets. "In order to obviate difficulty in pronouncing 'doughnuts' in foreign languages," a press release announced .."</ref><ref>Michael Klebeck, Scott Pitts (2011) ''Top Pot Hand-Forged Doughnuts: Secrets and Recipes for the Home Baker'', Chronicle Books, {{ISBN|1452102120}}, p. 16: "According to Edge, the alternative spelling "donut" was invented when the New York–based Doughnut Machine Corporation abbreviated the word to make it more pronounceable by the foreigners they hoped would buy their automated doughnut making equipment."</ref> The donut spelling also showed up in a ''Los Angeles Times'' article dated August 10, 1929 in which Bailey Millard jokingly complains about the decline of spelling, and that he "can't swallow the 'wel-dun donut' nor the ever so 'gud bred'."
The interchangeability of the two spellings can be found in a series of "National Donut Week" articles in ''[[The New York Times]]'' that covered the 1939 World's Fair. In four articles beginning October 9, two mention the ''donut'' spelling. [[Dunkin' Donuts]], which was so-named in 1950, following its 1948 founding under the name Open Kettle (Quincy, Massachusetts), is the oldest surviving company to use the ''donut'' variation; other chains, such as the defunct Mayflower Doughnut Corporation (1931), did not use that spelling.<ref>Sally L. Steinberg [!140493!0 ''Collection of Doughnut Ephemera, 1920s–1987'']: "In 1931, the company opened the first Mayflower doughnut shop in New York City; ultimately, 18 shops were opened across the country—the first retail doughnut ..." [NOTE: Smithsonian and several 1950's court cases call it "Mayflower Doughnut Corporation" prior to World War II].</ref> According to the [[Oxford Dictionary]] while "doughnut" is used internationally, the spelling "donut" is American.<ref>
[ doughnut]. Oxford Dictionaries Online (World English) "The beginning of doughnut is spelled dough- (the spelling donut is American)."</ref> The spelling "donut" remained rare until the 1950s, and has since grown significantly in popularity;<ref>"[ donut, doughnut]", Google Ngram viewer</ref> this growth in use has possibly been influenced by the spread of Dunkin' Donuts.<ref>[ The Language Time Machine: Google's Ngram Viewer gave us a new way to explore history, but has it led to any real discoveries?], by Elizabeth Weingarten, ''Slate,'' Sept. 9, 2013</ref>
===National Doughnut Day===
[[National Doughnut Day]], also known as National Donut Day, celebrated in the United States of America, is on the first Friday of June each year, succeeding the Doughnut Day event created by [[The Salvation Army]] in 1938 to honor those of their members who served doughnuts to soldiers during [[World War I]].<ref name="Holey holiday">Kevin Fagan [ A holey holiday – National Donut Day] February 31, 2009 ''[[San Francisco Chronicle]]''
</ref> About 250 Salvation Army volunteers went to France. Because of the difficulties of providing freshly baked goods from huts established in abandoned buildings near the front lines, the two Salvation Army volunteers (Ensign Margaret Sheldon and Adjutant Helen Purviance) came up with the idea of providing doughnuts. These are reported to have been an "instant hit", and "soon many soldiers were visiting The Salvation Army huts". Margaret Sheldon wrote of one busy day: "Today I made 22 pies, 300 doughnuts, 700 cups of coffee."
Soon, the women who did this work became known by the servicemen as "Doughnut Dollies".
===Pink boxes===
In the US, especially in [[Southern California]], fresh donuts sold by the dozen at local donut shops are typically packaged in generic pink boxes. This phenomenon can be attributed to [[Ted Ngoy]] and Ning Yen, refugees of the [[Cambodian genocide]] who transformed the local donut shop industry. They proved so adept at the business and in training fellow [[Chinese Cambodian]] refugees to follow suit that these local donut shops soon dominated native franchises such as [[Winchell's Donuts]]. Initially desiring boxes of a [[Color in Chinese culture#Red|lucky red]] color rather than the standard white, Ngoy and Yen settled on a cheaper, leftover pink stock. Owing to the success of their business, the color soon became a recognizable standard. Due to the locality of [[Hollywood]], the pink boxes frequently appeared as film and television props and were thus transmitted into popular culture.<ref></ref>
== Science ==
=== Cake vs yeast style ===
Yeast doughnuts and cake doughnuts contain most of the same ingredients, however, their structural differences arise from the type of flour and leavening agent used. In cake doughnuts, cake flour is used, and the resulting doughnut is denser because cake flour has a relatively low gluten content of about 7 to 8 percent.<ref name=":0">Masibay, Kimberly Y. "Taking Control of Gluten." ''Fine Cooking''. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.</ref> In yeast doughnuts, a flour with a higher protein content of about 9 to 12 percent is used, resulting in a doughnut that is lighter and more airy.<ref name=":0" /> In addition, yeast doughnuts utilize yeast as a leavening agent. Specifically, “Yeast cells are thoroughly distributed throughout the dough and begin to feed on the sugar that is present… carbon dioxide gas is generated, which raises the dough, making it light and porous.”<ref name=":12">Lawson, Harry. ''Food Oils and Fats''. New York: Chapman & Hall, 1995. Print.</ref> Whereas this process is biological, the leavening process in cake doughnuts is chemical. In cake doughnuts, the most common leavening agent is baking powder. Baking powder is essentially “baking soda with acid added. This neutralizes the base and produces more CO<sub>2</sub> according to the following equation: NaHCO<sub>3</sub> + H<sup>+</sup> → Na<sup>+</sup> + H<sub>2</sub>O + CO<sub>2.</sub>”<ref name=":4">Czernohorsky, J. H., and R. Hooker. “The Chemistry of Baking.” New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research, n.d. PDF File. 6 Nov. 2016. <nowiki></nowiki></ref>
=== Physical structure ===
The physical structure of the doughnut is created by the combination of flour, leavening agent, sugar, eggs, salt, water, shortening, milk solids, and additional components. The most important ingredients for creating the dough network are the flour and eggs. The main protein in flour is gluten, which is overall responsible for creating elastic dough because this protein acts as “coiled springs.”<ref name=":2">Pyler, E. J. ''Baking Science and Technology''. Chicago: Siebel, 1952. Print.</ref> The [[gluten]] network is composed of two separate molecules named glutenin and gliadin. Specifically, "the backbone of the gluten network likely consists of the largest glutenin molecules, or subunits, aligned and tightly linked to one another. These tightly linked glutenin subunits associate more loosely, along with gliadin, into larger gluten aggregates."<ref name=":32">Figoni, Paula. ''How Baking Works''. 2nd ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2008. Print.</ref> The gluten strands than tangle and interact with other strands and other molecules, resulting in networks that provide the elasticity of the dough. In mixing, the gluten is developed when the force of the mixer draws the gluten from the wheat endosperm, allowing the gluten matrix to trap the gas cells.<ref name=":2" />
=== Molecular composition ===
[[File:Phospholipid structure.svg|thumb|A diagram of a phospholipid molecule, which is responsible for the emulsifying properties of lecithin in egg yolk.]]
Eggs function as [[Emulsion|emulsifiers]], foaming agents, and tenderizers in the dough. The egg white proteins, mainly Ovulblumins, “function as structure formers. Egg solids, chiefly the egg white solids combined with the moisture in the egg, are considered structure-forming materials that help significantly to produce proper volume, grain, and texture.”<ref name=":12"/> The egg yolk contributes proteins, fats, and emulsifiers to the dough. Emulsifying agents are essential to doughnut formation because they prevent the fat molecules from separating from the water molecules in the dough. The main emulsifier in egg yolk is called lecithin, which is a [[phospholipid]]. “The fatty acids are attracted to fats and oils (lipids) in food, while the phosphate group is attracted to water. It is this ability to attract both lipids and water that allow phospholipids such as lecithin to act as emulsifiers.”<ref name=":32"/> The proteins from both the egg yolk and the egg whites contribute to the structure of the dough through a process called coagulation. When heat is applied to the dough, the egg proteins will begin to unfold, or denature, and then form new bonds with one another, thus creating a gel-like network that can hold water and gas.<ref name=":32" />
[[File:Sucrose.gif|thumb|An animated sucrose molecule, which is a disaccharide, responsible for the sweetness of a doughnut.]]
[[Shortening]] is responsible for providing tenderness and aerating the dough. In terms of its molecular structure, “a typical shortening that appears solid [at room temperature] contains 15-20% solids and, hence, 80-85% liquid oil…this small amount of solids can be made to hold all of the liquid in a matrix of very small, stable, needlelike crystals (beta-prime crystals).”<ref name=":12" /> This crystalline structure is considered highly stable due to how tightly its molecules are packed. The sugar used in baking is essentially sucrose, and besides imparting sweetness in the doughnut, sugar also functions in the color and tenderness of the final product. Sucrose is a simple carbohydrate whose structure is made up of a glucose molecule bound to a fructose molecule.<ref name=":32" /> Milk is utilized in the making of doughnuts, but in large scale bakeries, one form of milk used is nonfat dry milk solids. These solids are obtained by removing most of the water from skim milk with heat, and this heat additionally denatures the whey proteins and increases the absorption properties of the remaining proteins.<ref name=":32" /> The ability of the [[casein]] and whey proteins to absorb excess water is essential to prolonging the doughnut's freshness. The major [[whey protein]] in the nonfat milk solids is known as beta-lactoglobulin, and a crucial feature of its structure is that there exists a single sulfhydryl group that is protected by the alpha helix, and when heating of the milk solids occurs, these groups participate in disulfide exchanges with other molecules. This interchange prevents the renaturation of the whey proteins.<ref>Phillips, G. O., and P. A. Williams. Handbook of Food Proteins. Cambridge: Woodhead, 2011. Print.</ref> If the crosslinking of the sulfide groups does not occur, the whey proteins can rebond and weaken the gluten network.
Water is a necessary ingredient in the production of doughnuts because it activates the other ingredients, allowing them to perform their functions in building the doughnut's structure. For example, sugar and salt crystals must be dissolved in order for them to act in the dough, whereas larger molecules, such as the starches or proteins, must be hydrated in order for them to absorb moisture.<ref name=":32" /> Another important consideration of water is its degree of hardness, which measures the amount of impurities in the water source. Pure water consists of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, but water used in baking often is not pure. Baker’s [[salt]] (NaCl) is usually used as an ingredient due to its high purity, whereas the salts in water are derived from varying minerals. As an ingredient, “salt is added to enhance the flavour of cakes and breads and to ‘toughen up’ the soft mixture of fat and sugar.”<ref name=":42">Czernohorsky, J. H., and R. Hooker. “The Chemistry of Baking.” New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research, n.d. PDF File. 6 Nov. 2016. <nowiki></nowiki></ref> If relatively soft water is being used, more salt should be added in order to strengthen the gluten network of the dough, but if not enough salt is added during the baking process, the flavor of the bread will not be appealing to consumers.
===Health effects===
Doughnuts are unhealthy,<ref>Maffetone, Philip. ''[ The Big Book of Health and Fitness: A Practical Guide to Diet, Exercise, Healthy Aging, Illness Prevention, and Sexual Well-Being]'', p. 187 ([[Skyhorse Publishing]], 2012).</ref> some less so than others.<ref name=Jewell>Jewell, Mark. [ "Dunkin' Donuts Dumping Most Trans Fats"], [[Associated Press]] via ''[[The Washington Post]]'' (August 27, 2007).</ref> According to ''[[Prevention Magazine]]'', doughnuts provide essential nutrients such as [[thiamine]], [[riboflavin]], and [[niacin]], along with beneficial fiber; but, they are high in sugar and calories.<ref>Bricklin, Mark. ''[ Prevention Magazine's Nutrition Advisor: The Ultimate Guide to the Health-Boosting and Health-Harming Factors in Your Diet]'', p. 169 ([[Rodale, Inc.|Rodale]], 1994).</ref> Steps to improve the healthiness of doughnuts include removing [[trans fats]].<ref name=Jewell />
=== Dough rheology ===
An important property of the dough that affects the final product is the dough's rheology. This property measures the ability of the dough to flow. It can be represented by the power law equation: τ=k.D^n where τ is the tangentic stress, k is the [[viscosity]] coefficient, D is the shear rate, and n is the flow index.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=MIRSAEEDGHAZI|first=HOSSEIN|year=2008|title=Rheometric Measurement of Dough Rheological Characteristics and Factors Affecting It|url=|journal=INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE & BIOLOGY|volume=10|pages=|via=Faculty of Biosystem Engineering, College of Agriculture, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran}}</ref> Many factors affect dough rheology including the type of ingredients, the amount of the ingredients, or the force applied during mixing. Dough is usually described as a viscoelastic material, meaning that its rheology depends on both the viscosity and the elasticity. The viscosity coefficient and the flow index are unique to the type of dough being analyzed, while the tangentic stress and the shear rate are measurements obtained depending on the type force being applied to the dough.
==Regional variations==
{{Main article|List of doughnut varieties}}
====South Africa====
In [[South Africa]], an Afrikaans variation known as the ''[[koeksister]]'' is popular. Another variation, similar in name, is the Cape Malay ''[[koesister]]'' being soaked in a spiced syrup and coated in coconut. It has a texture similar to more traditional doughnuts as opposed to the Afrikaans variety.<ref>{{Cita web|url=|title=Koeksisters: South Africa's twisted and delicious dessert|}}</ref> A further variation is the ''[[vetkoek]]'', which is also dough deep fried in oil. It is served with mince, syrup, honey or jam.<ref>{{Cita web|url= |title=All about Vetkoek |urlmorto=sì |archiveurl= |archivedate=July 22, 2013 |df=mdy }}</ref>
In [[Tunisia]], traditional pastries similar to doughnuts are ''yo-yos''. They come in different versions both as balls and in shape of doughnuts. They are deep-fried and covered in a honey syrup or a kind of frosting. [[Sesame seeds]] are also used for flavor and decoration along with orange juice and [[vanilla]].
In [[Morocco]], ''[[Sfenj]]'' is a similar pastry eaten sprinkled with sugar or soaked in honey.<ref>{{Cita web|url= |title=Sfenj (in French) | }}{{Collegamento interrotto|data=August 2016|bot=medic}}{{cbignore|bot=medic}}</ref>
A few sweet, doughnut-style pastries are regional in nature. [[Cantonese cuisine]] features an oval-shaped pastry called ''ngàuhleisōu'' (牛脷酥, lit. "[[ox-tongue pastry]]" due to its tongue-like shape).
A spherical food called'' saa1 jung'' (沙翁) which is also similar to [[cream puff]], but denser in texture (doughnut-like texture) with sugar sprinkled on top, is normally available in [[Cantonese restaurant]]s in the [[dim sum]] style. An oilier [[Beijing]] variant of this called 高力豆沙, ''gaoli dousha'', is filled with [[red bean paste]]; originally, it was made with egg white instead of dough. Many Chinese cultures make a chewy doughnut known as ''[[shuangbaotai]]'' (雙包胎), which consists of two conjoined balls of dough.
[[American Chinese cuisine|Chinese restaurants in the US]] sometimes serve small fried pastries similar to doughnut holes, served with condensed milk as a sauce.
[[Chinese cuisine]] features long, deep-fried doughnut sticks that are often quite oily, hence their name in [[standard Mandarin|Mandarin]], ''[[Youtiao|yóutiáo]]'' (油條, lit. oil strips.); in [[Standard Cantonese|Cantonese]], this doughnut-style pastry is called ''yàuhjagwái'' (油炸鬼, ''ghosts fried in oil''). These pastries are not sweet and are often served with [[congee]], a traditional rice [[porridge]].
In [[India]], an old fashioned sweet called gulgula is made of sweetened flour balls deep fried. It may or may not use a leavening agent.
[[File:Balushahi2.jpg|thumb|[[Balushahi]] from India.]]
In [[India]], there are a couple of unrelated donut shaped food items. A savory, fried, ring-shaped snack called a ''[[vada (food)|vada]]'' is often referred to as the Indian doughnut. The ''vada'' is made from ''[[dal]]'', [[lentil]] or [[potato]] flours rather than wheat flour.<ref name="mirchmasala">{{cite news|title=North Indian mirch masala |url= |first=Prema |last=Manmadhan |date=20 September 2007 |newspaper=[[The Hindu]] |location=Cochin|accessdate=Feb 10, 2014}}</ref> In North India, it is in the form of a bulging disc called ''dahi-vada'', and is soaked in [[curd]], sprinkled with spices and sliced vegetables, and topped with a sweet and sour [[chutney]]. In South India, a vada is eaten with [[Sambar (dish)|''sambar'']] and a coconut [[chutney]].
Sweet pastries similar to old-fashioned doughnuts called ''badushahi'' and ''jalebi'' are also popular. ''[[Balushahi]]'', also called ''badushah'', is made from flour, deep fried in clarified butter, and dipped in sugar syrup. Unlike a donut, Balushahi is dense. A ''Balushahi'' is ring-shaped, but the hole in the center does not go all the way through. ''[[Jalebi]]'', which is typically pretzel-shaped, is made by deep frying batter in oil and soaking it in sugar syrup.<ref name="donutvariations">{{cite news|title=Donut variations around the world |url= |date=26 December 2013|agency=[[Fox News]]|accessdate=Feb 16, 2014}}</ref> A variant of ''jalebi'', called ''[[imarti]]'', is shaped with a small ring in the center around which a geometric pattern is arranged.
Along with these Indian variants, American variants of doughnuts are also available with American brands such as [[Krispy Kreme]] and [[Dunkin' Donuts]] setting up retail outlets in India, as well as local brands such as Mad Over Donuts and the Donut Baker.<ref name="donutrivalry">{{cite news|title=American doughnut makers Krispy Kreme and Dunkin' Donuts now play out rivalry in India |url= |first=Sarah |last=Jacob |date=23 May 2012 |agency=Economic Times |accessdate=Feb 16, 2014 |work=The Times Of India}}</ref>
The [[Indonesia]]n, ''donat kentang'' is a [[potato doughnut]], a ring-shaped fritter made from flour and mashed potatoes, coated in powder sugar or icing sugar.<ref>{{Cite book
| author = Budi Sutomo
| title = Sukses Wirausaha Jajan Favorit
| publisher = Niaga Swadaya
| page = 48
| url =
| isbn = 978-979-1477-05-5}}</ref>
[[File:Zoolbia Bamieh.JPG|thumb|Zoolbia and [[bamiyeh]]]]
The Persian ''zoolbia'' and ''[[bamiyeh]]'' are fritters of various shapes and sizes coated in a sugar syrup.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Zoolbia ingredients| | location=London|date=February 27, 2011}}</ref> Doughnuts are also made in the home in Iran, referred to as doughnuts, even in the singular.{{Cita pubblicazione needed|data=August 2010}}
[[File:Sufganiot.jpg|thumb|Israeli ''[[sufganiyah|sufganiyot]]'' in a wide variety of toppings at a bakery in [[Tel Aviv]], Israel]]
Jelly doughnuts, known as ''[[sufganiyah]]'' (סופגניה, pl. sufganiyot סופגניות) in [[Israel]], have become a traditional [[Hanukkah]] food<ref>Jessica Steinberg (December 19, 2003)
[]. Jerusalem Post</ref> in the recent era, as they are cooked in oil, associated with the holiday account of the miracle of the oil. Traditional ''sufganiyot'' are filled with red jelly and topped with [[icing sugar]]. However, many other varieties exist, with some being filled with ''[[dulce de leche]]'' (particularly common after the [[Aliyah from Latin America in the 2000s|South American aliyah]] early in the 21st century).
[[File:Bean jam doughnut,Katori-city,Japan.JPG|thumbnail|[[An-doughnut]] filled with [[red bean paste]] from Japan]]
In [[Japan]], ''[[an-doughnut]]'' (あんドーナッツ, "[[Sweet bean paste|bean paste]] doughnut") is widely available at bakeries. ''An-doughnut'' is similar to Germany's ''Berliner'', except it contains red [[azuki bean]] paste.
[[Mister Donut]] is one of the most popular doughnut chains in [[Japan]]. Native to [[Okinawa]] is a spheroid pastry similar to doughnuts called ''[[sata andagi]]''. {{Cita pubblicazione needed|data=December 2013}}
''Kuih keria'' is a hole doughnut made from boiled sweet potato that is mashed. The sweet potato mash is shaped into rings and fried. The hot doughnut is then rolled in granulated sugar. The result is a doughnut with a sugar-crusted skin.<ref>{{Cita web|url=|title=Malaysian sweet potato donuts|}}</ref>
''[[Sel roti]]'' is a [[Nepal]]i homemade, ring-shaped, rice doughnut prepared during [[Tihar (festival)|Tihar]], the widely celebrated Hindu festival in Nepal. A semiliquid dough is usually prepared by adding milk, water, sugar, butter, cardamom, and mashed banana to rice flour, which is often left to ferment for up to 24 hours. A ''sel roti'' is traditionally fried in ''[[ghee]]''.<ref>{{Cita web|url=|title=Sel Roti|}}</ref>
Doughnuts are available at most bakeries across Pakistan. The [[Navaz Sharif]] variety, available mainly in the city of [[Karachi]], is covered in chocolate and filled with cream, similar to a [[Boston cream doughnut|Boston cream]]. Doughnuts can readily be found at the many [[Dunkin' Donuts]] branches spread across Pakistan.<ref>{{Cita web|url=|title=Dunkin Donuts Pakistan Menu|}}</ref>
[[File:Shakoy doughnut.jpg|thumb|The distinctively-shaped ''shakoy'' (also known as ''lubid-lubid''), a doughnut variant from the [[Visayas]], [[Philippines]]]]
Local varieties of doughnuts sold by peddlers and street vendors throughout the Philippines are usually made of plain well-kneaded dough, deep-fried in refined coconut oil and sprinkled with refined (not powdered or confectioner's) sugar.
Native doughnut recipes include the ''shakoy'', ''[[kumukunsi]]'', and ''[[binangkal]]''. ''Shakoy'' or ''siyakoy'' from the [[Visayas]] islands (also known as ''lubid-lubid'' in the northern Philippines) uses a length of dough twisted into a distinctive rope-like shape before being fried. The preparation is almost exactly the same as doughnuts, though there are variants made from [[glutinous rice]] flour. The texture can range from soft and fluffy, to sticky and chewy, to hard and crunchy. They are sprinkled with white sugar, but can also be topped with sesame seeds or caramelized sugar.<ref name="pr">{{Cita web|url=|title=How to cook Shakoy|publisher=Pinoy Recipes|accessdate=3 January 2015}}</ref><ref name="ping">{{Cita web|url=|title=Shakoy or Lubid-Lubid Recipe|publisher=Ping Desserts|accessdate=3 January 2015}}</ref> ''[[Kumukunsi]]'' is a similar native doughnut from the [[Maguindanao people]]. It is made with [[rice flour]], duck eggs, and sugar that is molded rope-like strands and then fried in a loose spiral. They have the taste and consistency of creamy pancakes.<ref name="kum1">{{Cita web|url=|title=Kumukunsi|author=|data=30 July 2013|publisher=ChoosePhilippines|accessdate=29 January 2017}}</ref><ref name="kum2">{{Cita web|url=|title=Doon Po Sa Amin: Kinikilala Ang Pagkaing Muslim|author=Leslie Joyce Belais|data=27 December 2012|publisher=Prezi|accessdate=29 January 2017}}</ref> ''[[Binangkal]]'' are simple fried dough balls covered in [[sesame seed]]s.<ref name="mabalon">{{cite book|author=Dawn Bohulano Mabalon|editor1=Robert Ji-Song Ku |editor2=Martin F. Manalansan |editor3=Anita Mannur |title =Eating Asian America: A Food Studies Reader|chapter =As American as Jackrabbit Adobo: Cooking, Eating, and Becoming Filipina/o American before World War II|publisher =NYU Press|year =2013|page=169|isbn =9781479869251|url =}}</ref>
In [[Taiwanese cuisine|Taiwan]], ''[[shuangbaotai|shuāngbāotāi]]'' (雙胞胎, lit. twins) is two pieces of dough wrapped together before frying.{{Cita pubblicazione needed|data=December 2013}}
In Thailand, a popular breakfast food is Pa Thong Ko, also known as Thai Donuts, a version of the Chinese Yiu Ja Guoy/[[Youtiao]]. Often sold from food stalls in markets or by the side of the road, these doughnuts are small sometimes X-shaped and sold by the bag full.<ref>{{Cita web|url=|title=Thai Donuts, 'Pa Thong Ko'
|}}</ref> They are often eaten in the morning with hot [[Thai tea]].
Vietnamese varieties of doughnuts include ''bánh tiêu'','' bánh cam'', and ''[[bánh rán]]''. ''Bánh tiêu'' is a sesame-topped, deep-fried pastry that is hallow. It can be eaten alone or cut in half and served with ''[[bánh bò]]'', a gelatinous cake, placed inside the pastry. ''Bánh cam'' is from Southern Vietnam and is a ball-shaped, deep-fried pastry coated entirely in sesame seeds and inside of which contains a [[mung bean]] paste filling. ''Bánh rán'' is from Northern Vietnam and is similar to ''bánh cam''; however, the difference is that ''bánh rán ''is covered with a sugar glaze after being deep-fried and its mung bean paste filling includes a [[Jasmine#Jasmine essential oil|jasmine essence]].{{Cita pubblicazione needed|data=December 2013}}
In [[Austrian cuisine|Austria]], doughnut equivalents are called ''[[Berliner (pastry)|Krapfen]]''. They are especially popular during Carneval season ([[Fasching]]), and do not have the typical ring shape, but instead are solid and usually filled with apricot jam (traditional) or vanilla cream (''Vanillekrapfen'').<ref>{{Cita web |url= |title=Ich bin ein Berliner}}</ref> A second variant, called [[Knieküchle|''Bauernkrapfen'']], probably more similar to doughnuts, are made of yeast dough, and have a thick outside ring, but are very thin in the middle.<ref>{{Cita web|url=|title=Bauernkrapfen (In German)|}}</ref>
In [[Belgium]], the ''[[smoutebollen]]'' in Dutch, or "[[croustillons]]" in French, are similar to the Dutch kind of ''oliebollen'', but they usually do not contain any fruit, except for apple chunks sometimes. They are typical carnival and fair snacks and are coated with powdered sugar.<ref>{{Cita web|url= |title=Smoutebollen|}}</ref><ref>{{Cita web |url= |title=Croustillons |}}</ref>
====Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia====
Doughnuts similar to the Berliner are prepared in the northern Balkans, particularly in [[Bosnia and Herzegovina]], [[Croatia]], [[Republic of Macedonia|Macedonia]] and [[Serbia]] (''pokladnice'' or ''[[krofne]]''). They are also called ''krofna'', ''krafna'' or ''krafne'', a name derived from the Austrian ''Krapfen'' for this pastry. In Croatia, they are especially popular during [[Carnival|Carneval]] season and do not have the typical ring shape, but instead are solid. Traditionally, they are filled with jam (apricot or plum). However, they can be filled with vanilla or chocolate cream. Another types of doughnuts are ''[[uštipci]]'' and ''[[fritule]]''. {{Cita pubblicazione needed|data=December 2013}}
====Czech Republic====
There are [[Czech Republic]] "American" style doughnuts, but before they were solid shape and filled with jelly (strawberry or peach). The shape is similar to doughnuts in Germany or Poland. They are called Kobliha (Koblihy in plural). They may be filed with [[nougat]] or with vanilla custard. There are now many fillings; cut in half or non-filled knots with sugar and cinnamon on top.<ref>{{Cita web|url=|title=Kobliha|}}</ref>
In [[Denmark]], doughnuts exist in their "American" shape, and these can be obtained from various stores, e.g. [[McDonald's]] and most [[gas stations]]. The [[Berliner (pastry)|Berliner]], however, is also available in bakeries.{{Cita pubblicazione needed|data=December 2013}}
[[File:Lihapiirakka.jpg|thumb|A Finnish [[meat doughnut]]]]
in [[Finland]], a sweet doughnut is called a ''munkki'' (the word also means ''monk'') and are commonly eaten in cafés and cafeteria restaurants. They are sold cold and are sometimes filled with jam (U.S. ''jelly'') or a vanilla sauce. A ring doughnut is also known as ''donitsi''.<ref>{{Cita web|url=|title=English to Finnish dictionary|last=|first=|data=|website=|publisher=|access-date=December 16, 2016}}</ref>
A savory form of doughnut is the [[meat doughnut]] (in Finnish ''[[lihapiirakka]]'', or literally ''meat pie''). Being made of doughnut mixture and deep fried the end product is more akin to a savory doughnut than any ''pie'' known in the English speaking world.<ref>{{Cita web|url=|title=lihapiirakka}}</ref>
The French [[beignet]], literally "bump",<ref>{{cite book|title=Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged|year=2003|publisher=HarperCollins Publishers}}</ref> is the French and New Orleans equivalent of a doughnut: A pastry made from [[deep-frying|deep-fried]] [[choux pastry]].<ref name=oxf>Alan Davidson (1999) ''Oxford Companion to Food'', Oxford University Press</ref>
[[File:Berliner-Pfannkuchen.jpg|thumb|German [[Berliner (pastry)|Berliner]]]]
In parts of [[Germany]], the doughnut equivalents are called ''[[Berliner (doughnut)|Berliner]]'' (sg. and pl.), but not in the capital city of [[Berlin]] itself and neighboring areas, where they are called ''Pfannkuchen'' (which is often found misleading by people in the rest of Germany, who use the word Pfannkuchen to describe a [[pancake]], which is also the literal translation of it).
In middle Germany, they are called ''Kreppel'' or ''Pfannkuchen''. In southern Germany, they are also called ''Krapfen'' and are especially popular during Carnival season (''[[Carnival in Germany, Switzerland and Austria|Karneval]]''/''[[Fasching]]'') in southern and middle Germany and on New Year's Eve in northern Germany. ''Berliner'' do not have the typical ring shape, but instead are solid and usually filled with jam, while a ring-shaped variant called ''Kameruner'' is common in Berlin and eastern Germany. ''Bismarcks'' and ''Berlin doughnuts'' are also found in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland and the US. Today, American style doughnuts are also available in Germany, but are less popular than their native counterparts.
In [[Greece]], there is a doughnut-like snack, called ''[[loukoumas]] (λουκουμάς)'', which is spherical and soaked in honey syrup. It is often served with sprinkled cinnamon and grated walnuts or sesame seeds.<ref></ref>
'''Fánk''' is a sweet traditional [[Hungarian people|Hungarian]] cake. The most commonly used ingredients are: [[flour]], [[yeast]], [[butter]], [[egg yolk]], a little bit of [[rum]], a sniff of [[salt]], [[milk]] and [[oil]] to deep fry with. After the pastry has risen for approximately 30 minutes the result is an extreme light doughnut-like pastry. Fánk is mostly served with [[powdered sugar]] and [[lekvar]].
It is supposed that Fánk pastry is of the same origin as German [[Berliner (pastry)|Berliner]], Dutch [[oliebol]], and Polish [[pączki]].
In [[Iceland]] ''kleinuhringur'' ([[Plural|pl]]. ''kleinuhringir'' and ''kleinuhringar'') are a type of old [[Icelandic cuisine]] which resembles doughnuts.
The Berliner and many other kinds of doughnuts can only be found on one day of the year and that is on a holiday called "Bolludagur" or in other words Doughnut Day.
[[File:Zeppula.jpg|thumb|An Italian [[Zeppole]]]]
[[Italian cuisine|Italian]] doughnuts include [[ciambella|ciambelle]], [[krapfen]], [[zippuli]] and [[zeppole]] from [[Calabria]], maritozzi and [[bombolone (pastry)|bomboloni]] from [[Tuscany]].
In [[Lithuania]], a kind of doughnut called ''spurgos'' is widely known. Some spurgos are similar to Polish [[pączki]], but some specific recipes, such as [[cottage cheese]] doughnuts (''varškės spurgos''), were invented independently.{{Cita pubblicazione needed|data=June 2007}}
[[File:oliebollen.jpg|thumb|''[[Oliebollen]]'': Dutch doughnuts]]
In the [[Netherlands]], ''[[oliebollen]]'', referred to in cookbooks as "Dutch doughnuts", are a type of fritter, with or without raisins or [[zante currant|currants]], and usually sprinkled with powdered sugar. Variations of the recipe contain slices of apple or other fruits. They are traditionally eaten as part of New Year celebrations.<ref>{{cite book
| author = Peter G. Rose
| title = The sensible cook: Dutch foodways in the Old and the New World
| publisher = Syracuse UP
| year = 1989
| pages = 121–122
| isbn = 978-0-8156-0241-5}}</ref><ref>{{cite book
| last = Nederlands Centrum voor Volkscultuur, Federatie voor Volkskunde in Vlaanderen
| title = Traditie, Volume 11
| publisher = Nederlands Centrum voor Volkscultuur
| year = 2005
| pages = 29–32}}</ref>
In Norway, [[smultring]] is the prevailing type of doughnut traditionally sold in bakeries, shops, and stalls, however the American-style doughnuts are widely available in larger supermarkets, [[McDonald's]] restaurants, [[7-eleven]]s and bakeries. The [[Berliner (pastry)|Berliner]] is more common than the US doughnut, and sold in most supermarkets and bakeries alongside smultring doughnuts.
{{Main article| Pączki}}
[[File:Polskie pączki.jpg|thumb|Polish ''[[pączki]]'']]
In [[Poland]] and parts of the U.S. with a large [[Polish American|Polish community]], like [[Chicago]] and [[Detroit]], the round, jam-filled doughnuts eaten especially—though not exclusively—during the [[Carnival]] are called [[pączki]] ({{IPA-pol|ˈpɔntʂkʲi|pron}}). Pączki have been known in Poland at least since the Middle Ages. [[Jędrzej Kitowicz]] has described that during the reign of the [[Augustus III]] under influence of French cooks who came to Poland at that time, pączki dough fried in Poland has been improved, so that pączki became lighter, spongier, and more resilient.
{{Main article|Malasada}}
The Romanian dessert ''[[gogoși]]'' are fried dough balls similar to filled doughnuts. They are stuffed with chocolate, jam, cheese and other combinations and may be dusted with icing sugar.
[[File:Pampushky.jpg|thumb|Ukrainian ''[[pampushky]]'' filled with sour cherries]]
In [[Russia]] and the other [[Post-Soviet countries]], ''ponchiki'' ({{lang-ru|пончики}}, plural form of пончик, ''ponchik'') or ''pyshki'' ({{lang-ru|пышки}}, especially in [[St. Petersburg]]) are a very popular sweet doughnut, with many fast and simple recipes available in Russian cookbooks for making them at home as a breakfast or coffee pastry.<ref>[ Recipes for Russian and other ponchiki] {{ru icon}}.</ref>
In [[Slovenia]], a jam-filled doughnut known as ''[[krofi]]'', is very popular. It is the typical sweet during [[Carnival]] time, but is to be found in most bakeries during the whole year. The most famous ''krofi'' come from the village of [[Trojane]] in central Slovenia, and are originally filled with [[apricot]] [[jam]] filling.<ref>[ Trojane doughnuts]. Retrieved on August 22, 2013.</ref>
[[File:Rosquillas.JPG|thumb|Fried "Rosquillas" from [[Asturias]], [[Spain]]]]
In [[Spain]], there are two different types of doughnuts. The first one, simply called "donuts" (in reference to the most famous commercial brand name for this type of food) or "berlinesas" (a more traditional name), refer to the American-style doughnut, that is, a deep fried, sweet, soft, ring of flour dough.
The second type of doughnut is a traditional pastry called "''rosquilla''", made of fermented dough and which is fried or baked in an oven. They were purportedly introduced in Spain by the [[Roman Empire|Romans]].{{Cita pubblicazione needed|data=April 2010}} In Spain, there are several variants of them depending on the region where they are prepared and on the time of the year they are sold, as they are regarded in some parts as a pastry especially prepared only for Easter. Although overall they result in pastries of a tighter texture and less sugared than American doughnuts, they differ greatly in shape, size and taste from one region to another.
The '[[churro]]' is a sweet pastry of deep-fried dough similar to a doughnut but shaped as a long, thin, ribbed cylinder rather than a ring or sphere. Churros are commonly served dusted in sugar as a snack or with a cup of hot chocolate.
In [[Switzerland]], there are ''Zigerkrapfen'' and ''Berliner''.
Similar to the munkki in Finland, a sweet doughnut in [[Sweden]] is called a munk (the word also means monk) and are commonly eaten as [[Fika (sociologia)|fika]] along with coffee. They are sold cold and are sometimes filled with jam (U.S. jelly) or a vanilla sauce. A ring doughnut is also known as just munk, unlike Finland, glazed doughnuts as very popular in Sweden.
{{Main article| Pampushky}}
In [[Ukraine]] they are called ''[[pampushka|pampushky]]'' ({{lang-uk|пампушки}}). Pampusky are made of yeast dough from wheat, rye or bukwheat flour. Traditionally they are baked but may also be fried. According to [[William Pokhlyobkin]], the technology of making pampushky points to German cuisine, and these buns were possibly created by German colonists in Ukraine.
====United Kingdom====
[[File:Yumyums-Plate.png|thumb|Two shop-bought lightly glazed Yum Yums on a plate. On average they are {{convert|12|-|14|cm|abbr=on}} in length.]]
In some parts of [[Scotland]], ring doughnuts are referred to as ''doughrings'', with the 'doughnut' name being reserved exclusively for the nut-shaped variety. Glazed, twisted rope-shaped doughnuts are known as ''yum-yums''. It is also possible to buy fudge doughnuts in certain regions of Scotland. Fillings include jam, custard, cream, sweet mincemeat, chocolate and apple. Common ring toppings are sprinkle-iced and chocolate.
In [[Northern Ireland]], ring doughnuts are known as 'gravy rings', gravy being an archaic term for hot cooking oil.
===North America===
[[File:Puntarenas, Costa Rica - Puntarenas' Cream Filled Doughnuts.png|thumb|[[Puntarenas]]' cream-filled doughnuts]]
====Caribbean region====
A doughnut known as "kurma" originating in Eastern India but being sold as a delicacy in Trinidad and Tobago, is a small, sweet, and fried cubed or rectangular-shaped doughnut.{{Cita pubblicazione needed|data=December 2010}}
====Costa Rica====
A traditional [[Puntarenas]] cream-filled doughnut is round and robust, managing to keep the cream inside liquified. They are popular in [[Costa Rica]].
The Mexican ''donas'' are similar to doughnuts, including the name; the dona is a [[fried dough foods|fried-dough]] [[pastry]]-based [[snack]], commonly covered with powdered [[brown sugar]] and [[cinnamon]], white sugar or chocolate.
====United States and Canada====
[[File:Krispy Kreme glazed donuts 2.JPG|thumb|left|[[Krispy Kreme]] glazed doughnuts]]
[[File:Entenmann's donut variety pack 1.jpg|thumb|Powdered, glazed and chocolate doughnuts from a variety pack sold at supermarkets]]
Frosted, glazed, powdered, [[Boston cream doughnut|Boston cream]], [[coconut doughnut|coconut]], [[sour cream doughnut|sour cream]], cinnamon, chocolate, and [[jelly doughnut|jelly]] are some of the varieties eaten in the United States and Canada. Sweetening, filling, and fancy toppings are now so common that plain doughnuts are now commonly labeled and sold as "old fashioned".
There are also [[potato doughnut]]s (sometimes referred to as [[spudnut]]s). Doughnuts are ubiquitous in the United States and can be found in most grocery stores, as well as in specialty [[:Category:Doughnut shops|doughnut shops]].
A popular doughnut in [[Hawaii]] is the [[malasada]]. Malasadas were brought to the Hawaiian Islands by early Portuguese settlers, and are a variation on Portugal's [[filhós]]. They are small eggy balls of yeast dough deep-fried and coated in sugar.
Immigrants have brought various doughnut varieties to the United States. To celebrate [[Fat Tuesday]] in eastern [[Pennsylvania]], churches sell a [[potato starch]] doughnut called a [[Fasnachts|Fastnacht]] (or Fasnacht). The treats are so popular there that Fat Tuesday is often called [[Fastnacht Day]]. The Polish doughnut, the [[pączki]], is popular in U.S. cities with large Polish communities such as [[Chicago]], [[Milwaukee]], and [[Detroit]].
In regions of the country where apples are widely grown, especially the Northeast and Midwest states, [[cider doughnut]]s are a harvest season specialty, especially at orchards open to tourists, where they can be served fresh. Cider doughnuts are a cake doughnut with [[apple cider]] in the batter. The use of cider affects both the texture and flavor, resulting in a denser, moister product. They are often coated with either granulated or powdered sugar or cinnamon sugar.<ref>{{cite news| url=|title=A Match Made In October| author=Luke Pyenson|date=October 10, 2007 |accessdate=September 26, 2009 | work=The Boston Globe}}</ref>
In Southern Louisiana, a popular variety of the doughnut is the [[beignet]], a fried, square doughnut served traditionally with powdered sugar. Perhaps the most famous purveyor of beignets is [[New Orleans]] restaurant [[Cafe Du Monde]].
In [[Quebec]], homemade doughnuts called ''beignes de Noël'' are traditional Christmas desserts.<ref name="EDriver">{{cite book|title=Culinary Landmarks: A Bibliography of Canadian Cookbooks, 1825–1949|author=Elizabeth Driver|year=2008|isbn=0802047904|publisher=University of Toronto Press|page=99}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=|title=De meilleurs beignes de Noël?|date=January 21, 2003|accessdate=October 27, 2012|work=Enjeux – Radio-Canada}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Les beignes de Noël : une tradition familiale bien vivante|author1=Pascal Huot |author2=Mathieu Tremblay|date=December 3, 2008|accessdate=October 27, 2012|work=Epoch Times}}</ref>
[[File:Chocolate Frosted Donuts (Coffee An), Westport, CT 06880 USA - Mar 2013.jpg|thumb|Chocolate-frosted doughnut]]
[[File:Custard doughnut.jpg|thumb|Custard-filled doughnut served by Il Fornaio, [[St Kilda, Victoria]], Australia]]
In [[Australia]], the doughnut is a popular snack food. [[Jam doughnut]]s are particularly popular<ref>[ Jam Donut].{{Collegamento interrotto|data=January 2017|bot=medic}}{{cbignore|bot=medic}}</ref> and a unique aspect of Australian culture, especially in [[Melbourne]], [[Victoria, Australia|Victoria]] and the [[Queen Victoria Market]], where they are a tradition.<ref>[ A hot piece of history]. February 5, 2004</ref> Jam doughnuts are similar to a [[Berliner (pastry)|Berliner]], but are served hot with red jam (raspberry or strawberry) injected into a bun that is deep-fried and then frosted in either sugar or cinnamon. Jam doughnuts are sometimes also bought frozen. In [[South Australia]], they are known as Berliner or Kitchener and often served in cafes. A variant is the custard-filled doughnut.
Mobile vans that serve doughnuts, traditional or jam, are often seen at spectator events, carnivals and fetes and by the roadside near high-traffic areas like airports and the carparks of large shopping centers. Traditional cinnamon doughnuts are readily available in Australia from specialised retailers and convenience stores. Doughnuts are a popular choice for schools and other not-for-profit groups to cook and sell as a fundraiser.
====New Zealand====
In New Zealand, the doughnut is a popular food snack available in corner dairies. They are in the form of a long sweet bread roll with a deep cut down its long axis. In this cut is placed a long dollop of sweetened clotted cream and on top of this is a spot of strawberry jam. Doughnuts are of two varieties: fresh cream or mock cream. The rounded variety is widely available as well.
===South America===
In [[Brazil]], bakeries, grocery stores and pastry shops sell ball-shaped doughnuts popularly known as "sonhos" (lit. dreams). The dessert was brought to Brazil by Portuguese colonizers that had contact with Dutch and German traders. They are the equivalent of nowadays "bolas de Berlim" (lit. balls of Berlin) in Portugal, but the traditional Portuguese yellow cream was substituted by local dairy and fruit products. They are made of a special type of bread filled with "goiabada" ([[guava]] jelly) or milk cream, and covered by white sugar.
''Berlin'' (plural ''Berlines'') doughnut is popular in [[Chile]] because of the large German community. It may be filled with jam or with ''[[manjar]]'', the Chilean version of ''[[dulce de leche]]''.
[[Peruvian cuisine]] includes [[picarones]] which are doughnut-shaped fritters made with a squash and sweet potato base. These snacks are almost always served with a drizzle of sweet molasses-based sauce.
==In popular culture==
The doughnut has made an appearance in popular culture, particularly in the United States and Australia. References extend to objects or actions that are doughnut-shaped.
[[Donut King]] is Australia's largest retailer of doughnuts. A [[Guinness Book of Records]] largest doughnut made up of 90,000 individual doughnuts was set in [[Sydney]] in 2007 as part of a celebration for the release of ''[[The Simpsons Movie]]''.<ref>[,23599,22873599-2,00.html World's largest D'oh Nut] {{webarchive|url= |data=February 6, 2009 }}. (December 5, 2007). Retrieved on August 22, 2013.</ref>
Per capita, [[Canada|Canadians]] consume the most doughnuts, and Canada has the most doughnut stores per capita.<ref>[ The unofficial national sugary snack]. Retrieved on August 22, 2013.</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Canada's holey icon: Our eyes glaze over|publisher=Boston Globe|date=April 12, 2008|accessdate=March 6, 2009 | author=Alex Beam}}</ref> [[Tim Hortons]] is the most popular Canadian doughnut and coffee franchise, and one of the most successful quick service restaurants in the country.{{original research inline|date=November 2014}} In the [[Second City Television]] sketch comedy "The Great White North" featuring the fictional brothers [[Bob and Doug MacKenzie]] and in their film [[Strange Brew]], doughnuts play a role in the duo's comedy.
===United States===
[[File:Cops in a Donut Shop 2011 Shankbone.jpg|thumb|[[New York City|New York]] police officers in a [[Dunkin' Donuts]] in the [[East Village (Manhattan)|East Village]]]]
{{Original research|section|date=June 2016}}
Within the United States, the [[Providence metropolitan area]] was cited as having the most donut shops per capita (25.3 doughnut shops per 100,000 people) as of January 13, 2010.<ref>{{Cita web|url=,47261|title=Providence still doughnut capital of U.S.|author=Chris Barrett |publisher=Providence Business News|data=March 22, 2014}}</ref> [[National Doughnut Day]] celebrates the doughnut's history and role in popular culture. There is a race in [[Staunton, Illinois]], featuring doughnuts, called [[Tour de Donut]].
In [[film]], the doughnut has inspired ''[[Dora's Dunking Doughnuts]]'' (1933), ''The Doughnuts'' (1963) and [[Tour de Donut#Documentary film: Gluttons for Punishment|''Tour de Donut: Gluttons for Punishment'']]. In video games, the doughnut has appeared in games like ''[[The Simpsons Game]]'' and ''Donut Dilemma''. In the cartoon ''[[Mucha Lucha]]'', there are four things that make up the code of mask wrestling: honor, family, tradition, and doughnuts. Also, in the television sitcom ''[[The Simpsons]]'', [[Homer Simpson]]'s love affair with doughnuts makes a prominent ongoing joke as well as the focal point of more than a few episodes. There is also a children's book ''[[Arnie the Doughnut]]'' and music albums ''[[The Doughnut in Granny's Greenhouse]]'' and ''[[Desert Doughnuts]]''.
In several media, doughnuts are frequently presented as enjoyed by [[police officer]]s during [[coffee break]]. This [[cliché]] has been parodied in the film ''[[Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol]]'', where [[List of Police Academy characters#Cadet/Off. Zed McGlunk|Officer Zed]] is instructing new recruits how to "properly" consume their doughnut with [[coffee]]. It is also parodied in the television series ''[[Twin Peaks]]'', where the police station is always in large supply.<ref>On the [[B movie]] matinee show ''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]'', cop/donut jokes were used so prevalently by the host Joel during the viewing of the [[science fiction|sci-fi]] [[police procedural|cop drama]] ''[[Indestructible Man]]'' that his robot co-hosts insisted upon him signing a legal document forbidding any further usage of such jokes in the future. [ See one of the most spectacular "donut scenes"] in the still on the "Welcome to Twin Peaks" website and read about it in the article "Twin Peaks Donut Shop Was Called Wagon Wheel Do-Nuts".</ref> Nel videogioco ''[[Neuromancer (videogioco)|Neuromancer]]'' c'è il negozio ''Donut World'', dove sono ammessi solo poliziotti. Durante il "blocco" in tutta la città di Boston dopo l'[[attentato alla maratona di Boston|attentato alla maratona]], ad alcuni punti vendita [[Dunkin 'Donuts]] è stato ordinato di rimanere aperte per servire la polizia e i primi soccorritori nonostante la chiusura della stragrande maggioranza delle attività commerciali della città.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Dunkin' Donuts In Certain Boston Areas Stay Open To Serve Police During City Lockdown|author=Catherine New|publisher=Huffington Post|date=April 19, 2013}}</ref>
Cops & Doughnuts, un negozio di doughnut a Clare, Michigan, è famoso per essere di proprietà e gestito da ex poliziotti o poliziotti ancora in servizio.<ref>{{Cita web|url=|title=Cops & Doughnuts|last=Johnson|first=Elizabeth|data=March 5, 2013|work=American Profile|accessdate=14 June 2016}}</ref>
{{Note strette}}
== Bibliografia ==
* {{cita libro | autore=John T. Edge | titolo=Donuts: An American Passion | url= | editore=Putnam| anno=2006 | isbn=0-399-15358-6}}
* {{cita libro | autore=Charlotte Foltz Jones | titolo=Mistakes That Worked | url= | editore=Doubleday | anno=1991 | isbn=0-385-26246-9}} Origins of the doughnut hole.
* {{cita libro | autore=Rosana G. Moreira |etal=sì | titolo=Deep Fat Frying: Fundamentals and Applications |isbn=0-8342-1321-4}}
* {{cita web | autore=Tim Donnelly | titolo=The delicious history of the American donut | sito=New York Post | data=6 giugno 2014 | url= | accesso=20 agosto 2017}}
== Voci correlate ==
* [[Cronut]]
* [[Donut burger]]
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