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Moduļa diskusija:Country alias

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Novecojuši dati

Sveiki, divas pozīcijas šajā modulī ir novecojušas un jāatjaunina:

name = "Svazilenda",
"Flag of Swaziland.svg"

ir tagad :

name = "Svatini",
"Flag of Eswatini.svg",


name = "Maķedonija",
"Flag of Macedonia.svg"

ir tagad;

name = "Ziemeļmaķedonija",
"Flag of North Macedonia.svg"

--Bestoernesto (diskusija) 2021. gada 6. jūnijs, plkst. 00.44 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Opening the module for editing

Hello! Can you open this module for editing so I can add the flags myself. I am aware that this module is locked so only administrators can edit them. Can you open it for registered users so they can edit it. 2022. gada 14. decembris, plkst. 19.32 (EET)[atbildēt]

please use the module sandbox to provide changes. later some admin can update the live version. Edgars2007 (diskusija) 2022. gada 14. decembris, plkst. 20.04 (EET)[atbildēt]
Can you create one then so I make the changes there?. 2022. gada 15. decembris, plkst. 16.56 (EET)[atbildēt]
Hello! I see that there is no sandbox at the present time. Can you maybe create one so that I can add the flags I want to in there. I think it would be much better to have a data module for country alias so that the flags can be shown there. 2022. gada 16. decembris, plkst. 17.33 (EET)[atbildēt]
I have now added the flag syntaxes in the module sandbox so that the admin later can add them. 2022. gada 20. decembris, plkst. 16.12 (EET)[atbildēt]


Hello! I am aware about that a sandbox is not present here in time. Can you add a sandbox so I can add the flags that I have requested so often. I mean that a data module would be much more affordable then I could add the flags I want in that and then admin can add them. SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2022. gada 17. decembris, plkst. 12.39 (EET)[atbildēt]

Right translations

Hello! Can you translate this module to your language with the right names for Summer and Winter Games because I see that you use English wording and that isn't correct in your language. It should be Ziemas olimpiskās spēles and Vasaras olimpiskās spēles and also paralimpiskās spēles for Paralympic Games and also the right wording for example country and so on. Yours sincerely, Sondre 2022. gada 20. decembris, plkst. 16.00 (EET)[atbildēt]

Atvērts šo lapu rediǵēšanai

Sveiki! Vai tas ir iespējams uz rediǵēšanai. Es zinu ka tikai administratori var dari šo. Vai tu vari uztaisīt tas iespējams tā arī registri dalībnieks var to rediǵēt arī.

nu esošie smilšu kastes labojumi neliecina, ka kaut kas tiks atvērts labošanai ;) --Edgars2007 (diskusija) 2022. gada 26. decembris, plkst. 15.03 (EET)[atbildēt]
I have added the flags in the sandbox module and then you can add them in the module as well. 2022. gada 26. decembris, plkst. 15.46 (EET)[atbildēt]
1. pārāk apjomīgas izmaiņas, lai tā uzreiz ieliktu 2. tas nav valīds Lua kods 3. jāizlabo kļūdas (valstu nosaukumi, citi typo) Edgars2007 (diskusija) 2022. gada 26. decembris, plkst. 17.50 (EET)[atbildēt]
My answer to this is that I have added the right flags in the sandbox module with the right coding as well. And the right years and flagnames too. I think it would be possible to add them in the future. SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2022. gada 26. decembris, plkst. 19.18 (EET)[atbildēt]
var beigt spamot ar rīkvestiem? drīz vispār ignorēs un draud arī bloks par vairākkārt atkārtotu spamu. un nē, smilšu kaste pašlaik nav tādā stāvoklī, lai kāds noņemtos ar izmaiņu publicēšanu, vieglāk būtu pašiem visu izdarīt. Edgars2007 (diskusija) 2023. gada 1. janvāris, plkst. 16.51 (EET)[atbildēt]

Opening this module for editing

Hello! Is it possible to open this module for editing so also registered users can edit it as well. I know that only administrators can edit it for the time being. Can you check if it possible to add the flags that I have added in the sandbox module. Check the changes and then see what you can do. 2022. gada 27. decembris, plkst. 12.26 (EET)[atbildēt]


Hello! I have added the correct flags and also the correct wording in the sandbox module. That module is only for experimenting with such things you can also provide changes with it. Can you check the changes and see what you make about them. Maybe the admin can add the flags at a later time. SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2022. gada 28. decembris, plkst. 12.37 (EET)[atbildēt]

Modulis:Country alias/data

Hello! Can you create a data module with the same flags as you have in the country alias module. Country alias should only be used to have information about countries at different championships. 2022. gada 30. decembris, plkst. 16.38 (EET)[atbildēt]

Modulis:Country alias

Hello! I think I have added the flags and the information which is necessary to add them at a later point by admin. I have the correct years and flagnames as well. Yours sincerely, Sondre SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2023. gada 1. janvāris, plkst. 13.32 (EET)[atbildēt]

Module:Country alias

Hello! How can i make the change in the sandbox module in the right way and in a more efficient way too. I will leave it to admin to do the right changes so they can do the things which are appropriate to this module. It would have been much easier if the module was opened up for editing then someone can make the necessary changes which is needed it is locked so only administrators can edit them and not registered users. SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2023. gada 10. janvāris, plkst. 16.42 (EET)[atbildēt]

Unlocking the module for editing

Hello! Can you unlock this module so registered users and anonymous users can use it too. Then changes can be made more effortlessly. It is only administrators who can edit it and that is a good thing but it would be much better that also registered users can provide changes to the module in a much smoother way and as the situation is now that is not possible

South Korea

Hello! Please replace this at Module:Country alias:

KOR = {

name = "Dienvidkoreja",

{1947, "Flag of South Korea (1945–1948).svg"},

{1949, "Flag of South Korea (1948–1949).svg"},

{1997, "Flag of South Korea (1984–1997).svg"},

"Flag of South Korea.svg",


With this:

KOR = {

{1948, "Flag of South korea (1945–1948).svg"},

{1949, "Flag of South Korea (1948–1949).svg"},

{1984, "Flag of South Korea (1949–1984).svg"},

{1997, "Flag of South Korea (1984–1997).svg"},

{2011, "Flag of South Korea (1997–2011).svg"},

"Flag of South Korea.svg",


-- SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2023. gada 10. janvāris, plkst. 17.43 (EET)[atbildēt]