Wikidata:Status updates/2018 03 26

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2018-03-26.


  • Closed request for adminship: Putnik, Okkn. Welcome on board!
  • Closed request for comments: Former ATE
  • Upcoming: 1st Workshop on Quality of Open Data, Berlin, July 18–20 (submission deadline May 27) – a workshop to bring together different communities working on quality of information in Wikipedia, DBpedia, Wikidata and other open knowledge bases
  • Upcoming: EuropeanaTech and Wikidata Workshop Day for GLAMs, Rotterdam (NL), Monday 14 May. A day of GLAM-related workshops around Wikidata and Structured Commons, for beginners and advanced users.

Other Noteworthy Stuff


Did you know?



  • New search code for Wikidata merged. You may notice the improvement in the search results output for Wikidata item. However, new code for search is not enabled, only new results format. The search code will be enabled next week.
  • Improving formatting of language and lexical category in diff for Lexemes (phab:T189679)
  • Allow to remove a Form (phab:T189675)
  • Translate the grammatical feature properly on Lexemes (phab:T189143)
  • Investigate and fix a bug on Lexemes when undoing an edit (phab:T187215)
  • Progress on refactoring the table wb_terms (phab:T189777, phab:T188993, phab:T188279)
  • Fixing an error on the caching of the constraint checks (phab:T189842)
  • Improving the performance of a table in the database (phab:T180834)
  • Improving the way we're building dumps (phab:T177550)
  • Investigate on improving Lua functions (phab:T143970)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Monthly Tasks
