Projective toric varieties as fine moduli spaces of quiver representations

A Craw, GG Smith - American journal of mathematics, 2008 -
This paper proves that every projective toric variety is the fine moduli space for stable
representations of an appropriate bound quiver. To accomplish this, we study the quiver $ Q …

Toric quiver varieties

L Hille - Algebras and modules, II (Geiranger, 1996), 1998 -
Moduli spaces of thin sincere representations of quivers without oriented cycles are
projective toric varieties. We call these moduli spaces toric quiver varieties. A normal toric …

Quiver GIT for varieties with tilting bundles

J Karmazyn - manuscripta mathematica, 2017 - Springer
In the setting of a variety X admitting a tilting bundle T we consider the problem of
constructing X as a quiver GIT quotient of the algebra A:= End _ X (T)^ op A:= End X (T) op …

Fano quiver moduli

H Franzen, M Reineke, S Sabatini - Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2021 -
We exhibit a large class of quiver moduli spaces, which are Fano varieties, by studying line
bundles on quiver moduli and their global sections in general, and work out several classes …

The functor of toric varieties associated with Weyl chambers and Losev-Manin moduli spaces

V Batyrev, M Blume - Tohoku Mathematical Journal, Second Series, 2011 -
A root system R of rank n defines an n-dimensional smooth projective toric variety X (R)
associated with its fan of Weyl chambers. We give a simple description of the functor of X (R) …

On the equations and classification of toric quiver varieties

M Domokos, D Joó - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh …, 2016 -
Toric quiver varieties (moduli spaces of quiver representations) are studied. Given a quiver
and a weight, there is an associated quasi-projective toric variety together with a canonical …

Logarithmic stable toric varieties and their moduli

K Ascher, S Molcho - arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.3766, 2014 -
The Chow quotient of a toric variety by a subtorus, as defined by Kapranov-Sturmfels-
Zelevinsky, coarsely represents the main component of the moduli space of stable toric …

Fixed point loci of moduli spaces of sheaves on toric varieties

M Kool - Advances in Mathematics, 2011 - Elsevier
Extending work of Klyachko and Perling, we develop a combinatorial description of pure
equivariant sheaves of any dimension on an arbitrary nonsingular toric variety X. Using …

Reductive quotients of klt singularities

L Braun, D Greb, K Langlois, J Moraga - Inventiones mathematicae, 2024 - Springer
We prove that the quotient of a klt type singularity by a reductive group is of klt type in
characteristic 0. In particular, given a klt variety X endowed with the action of a reductive …

Quiver flag varieties and multigraded linear series

A Craw - 2011 -
This paper introduces a class of smooth projective varieties that generalize and share many
properties with partial flag varieties of type A. The quiver flag variety M ϑ (Q, r ̲) of a finite …