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San Isidro is the business aurie o Lima.

Lima is the caipital an lairgest ceety o Peru. It is locatit in the valleys o the Chillón, Rímac an Lurín rivers, on a desert coast owerleukin the Paceefic Ocean. Thegither wi the seaport o Callao, it forms a contiguous urban aurie kent as the Lima Metropolitan Area. With a population fast approaching 9 million, Lima is the fift lairgest ceety in Latin Americae, efter Mexico Ceety, São Paulo, Buenos Aires an Rio de Janeiro. Lima haes been defined as a beta warld ceety.

Lima wis foondit bi Spainyie conquistador Francisco Pizarro on Januar 18, 1535, as La Ciudad de los Reyes, or "The Ceety o Keengs." It became the caipital an maist important ceety in the Spainyie Viceroyalty o Peru. Following the Peruvian War o Independence, it became the caipital o the Republic o Peru. Today, around ane-third o the Peruvian population lives in the metropolitan area.


Accordin tae early Spaiyie chronicles the Lima aurie wis ance cried Itchyma, efter its oreeginal inhabitants. Housomeivver, even afore the Inca occupation o the aurie in the 15t century, a famous oracle in the Rímac valley haed come to be kent bi visitors as limaq (limaq, pronoonced [ˈlimɑq], which means "talker" in coastal Quechua). This oracle wis eventually destroyed bi the Spainyie an replaced wi a kirk, but the name persistit in the local leid, thus the chronicles show "Límac" replacin "Ychma" as the common name for the aurie.