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Sanskrit (संस्कृतम्)
Uised in:
Aw speakers: 14,135 fluent spaekers


Leid codes
ISO 639-1 sa
ISO 639-2 san
ISO 639-3 san

Sanskrit (संस्कृतम्) is a historical leid an liturgical leid o Buddhism an Hinduism an is ane o 22 offeecial leids o Indie. Its poseetion in Indie sib tae the poseetion o Laitin in Europe an haes influenced maist o the modren leids o Indie an Nepal. It is verra auld, an it can be datit back tae 1500BC, an ane o the earliest Indo-European leids. Sanskrit leetaratur includes lots o poetry an drama, wi scienteefic, technical an Hindu texts an aw. Nouadays, Sanskrit is widely uised as a ceremonial leid in Hinduism, an spoken Sanskrit is still uised in some a few institutions, an thare are mony shotties at a revival.