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Mochi is a type of Japanese confectionary made from pounded pasty rice and molded into shape. Mochi normally has a filling inside, such as ice cream, azuki (red bean) paste, and others. In Japan, mochi is often eaten in New Years day for ozoni(お雑煮) or osiruko(おしるこ).


Usu and Kine

Mochitsuki is a traditional mochi-making ceremony in Japan. It needs two people. One person pound streamed rice into the dough with a traditional mortar(臼:usu) and mallet(杵:kine) and another person turns over rice whenever it is pounded. They have to keep rhythm to make mochi well. These days, general family hardly do classic mochitsuki, but it is popular in events of residents' association or children's association.

Mochi dishes

  • Yaki mochi (grilled mochi)
  • Kusa mochi (mochi produced by mixing mugwort into glutinous rice and pounding the mixture )
  • Kinako mochi (mochi with powdered soybeans )
  • ozoni (soup dish which contains mochi and other ingredients)
  • osiruko (mochi in a sweet soup which is obtained by boiling red beans )


Mochi is dangerous food for old people because it is difficult to bite off and has adhesive force. Many old people choke to death while eating mochi every year. Japanese know mochi is dangerous traditional food,so the accident is on one's own responsibility.

Mochi is very sticky

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