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Ahoj, Multichill. Vítame Ťa v slovenskej Wikipédii! / Welcome to the Slovak Wikipedia!
Slovenská Wikipédia je slovenská jazyková verzia Wikipédie, ktorá vznikla v októbri 2003 a k dnešnému dňu má 250 491 článkov.

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(miesto pre experimenty)

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Naopak články sa nikdy nepodpisujú.

Tak ešte raz vitaj a ďakujeme za Tvoje príspevky. Dúfame, že sa tu uvidíme často.
Za uvítací výbor: Kelovy

If you have questions, comments, or something is not clear to you, or if you would like to know something about the Slovak Wikipedia, look at the Slovak Wikiembassy, where someone might even help you in your language :).

Thank you! Multichill 08:27, 16. máj 2007 (UTC)Odpovědět



I am very sorry abot that. This quite abnormal behavior of several administrators is problem in our wiki and I hope it could be solved in near future. About block I think it is because you started to make more robot editation without bot flag per day. Our nomination procedure is also quite abnormal and because political situation in our wiki doesnt allow me other solution quickest way to gain bot flag is redo your asking for it and waiting again two weeks. :( Thanx for patient and understanding! Liso@diskprís 08:24, 17. jún 2007 (UTC)Odpovědět

Thanks for your message, i did another request. Maybe someone could translate the bot policy into English so that the bot operators can understand it. Multichill 11:00, 17. jún 2007 (UTC)Odpovědět
what happened is, that you had support of only 2 users, although for getting the bot status 3 are necessary. I do not see anything abnormal here. It is abnormal to drag politics into it. --Maros 11:08, 17. jún 2007 (UTC)Odpovědět
I count three. Multichill 12:30, 17. jún 2007 (UTC)Odpovědět
In this case I meant that abnormal is block without any explanation. Liso@diskprís 14:33, 17. jún 2007 (UTC)Odpovědět
Liso, you are proving again yourself as a liar. Explanation was given in block log. --Maros
Explanation in block log in slovak language! It is not funny! I have not more words about it! :((( Liso@diskprís 18:23, 17. jún 2007 (UTC)Odpovědět
there is two weeks voting period. You have to wait now. --Maros 16:03, 17. jún 2007 (UTC)Odpovědět

Multi, can You be so kind and stop to make fun of us ? What do You think Marospedia is ? You got block because You received 2 votes during two weeks, not 3 as Maros requiered. But he is noble-minded person and granted to You second chance... And what You did ? Just some hours of voting and You have 5 votes ! You have to count, man ! --Kelovy 18:58, 17. jún 2007 (UTC)Odpovědět

temporary bot status


I set temporary bot status to your bot. It seems that after 2 weeks prolongation will be just formal. Thanx fot patient and help. Have a nice day! :) Liso@diskprís 19:31, 17. jún 2007 (UTC)Odpovědět