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Frederic Clements

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Frederic Edward Clements ( 16 Septemba 187426 Julai 1945 ) alikuwa mwanaikolojia wa mimea, mwanzilishi wa utafiti wa ikolojia ya mimea [1] na mfululizo wa mimea nchini Marekani.[2]

Frederic ni mzaliwa wa Lincoln, Nebraska, alisomea botania katika Chuo Kikuu cha Nebraska, mnamo 1894 alihitimu na mnamo 1898 alipata shahada ya udaktari. Mmoja wa walimu wake(Charles Bessey) alikuwa mtaalamu wa mimea, ambaye alimuongoza Clements kutafiti mada kama vile hadubini, fiziolojia ya mimea, na majaribio ya maabara. [3] Pia alikuwa mwanafunzi mwenza wa Willa Cather na Roscoe Pound. Akiwa katika Chuo Kikuu cha Nebraska, alikutana na Edith Gertrude Schwartz (1874-1971), mtaalamu wa mimea na ikolojia, na mnamo 1899 walioana.[4]

  1. Kingsland, Sharon (2012). "Defining Ecology as a Science". Katika Real, Leslie A.; Brown, James H. (whr.). Foundations of Ecology: Classic Papers with Commentaries. University of Chicago Press. ku. 5–6. ISBN 978-0-226-18210-0. Clements was important also for publishing the first American textbook in ecology, Research Methods in Ecology (1905), which discussed the statistical and graphical analytical methods he and other Nebraskan ecologists developed from 1897 to 1905. His ecological theory rested on two ideas, the concept of ecological succession of plant formations, and the treatment of the plant community as a "complex organism" undergoing a life cycle and evolutionary history analogous to the individual organism. The formal presentation of his theory appeared in 1916 in his monumental study Plant Succession.
  2. Humphrey, Harry Baker (1961). Makers of North American Botany. Ronald Press. ISBN 9780826045201. LCCN 61-18435.
  3. Joel, Hagen (12 Septemba 2020). "Frederic Edward Clements". Britannica. Iliwekwa mnamo Februari 20, 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: date auto-translated (link) CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. Clements, Edith S (1960). Adventures in Ecology. Hafner Publishing Company. ISBN 9780028429304.
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