
Drive traffic and grow online sales

Grow your business to exciting new levels and reach new customers with the Awin PrestaShop module.

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What is affiliate or partner marketing?

‘Partner’ or ‘affiliate’ marketing connects you directly with digital partners such as websites, influencers and bloggers who are ready to promote your products to their engaged online audiences. This gives you the opportunity to elevate your digital presence and reach new customers that you may not have access to through your usual online marketing activity.

What are the costs to work with Awin?

You have been referred by PrestaShop to our small business solution, Awin Access. Please submit your details through the contact form below to be qualified for this pricing and taken through the application process:

Join Awin Access today and get free use of the platform for the first month

    • £89+VAT per month
    • Free use of the platform for the first month
    • 3.5% tracking fee*
    • 3 month minimum term

The benefits of Awin Access

  • Online stores using Awin Access are getting an impressive £12 back for every £1 spent
  • Test affiliate marketing with peace of mind with a short 3-month minimum term
  • Suitable for beginners with no experience needed
  • Free recommended partner report - usually worth £99

*You choose the commission to pay your affiliate partners as a % of the transaction value. The Awin tracking fee is an additional 3.5% of the transaction value.

For example, if you wish to pay 6% of the transaction value to your affiliate partners and the transaction was £100, £6 would go to the affiliate partner and £3.50 to Awin. 

If you operate a business within finance or telecommunications where no transaction value exists, alternative rates will be shared.


Step 1: Join Awin

Submit your details via the form and someone will be in touch to get you started with an advertiser account.


Step 2: Setup your Awin PrestaShop module

Simply put your ‘advertiser ID’ which is supplied when joining Awin into your module.


Step 3: Get your recommended Partner report

A free partner report, usually worth £99, to help you start making connections.


Step 4: Drive online sales, report and measure

Awin's simple-to-use platform will track, pay and report on your affiliate partnerships in one place.


Submit your details below to receive the application form:

* This field is required

We will only contact you to book an appointment that works for you in order to understand your specific requirements.