Cloudflare Registrar

At-cost domain registration and renewal
Product registrar hero illustration

Securely register, transfer, consolidate, and manage your domain portfolios — without add-on fees or inflated renewal costs.

Product registrar hero illustration

Get robust threat protection and at-cost renewals for your domains

Transparent registration and renewal fees

Registrar eliminates surprise fees and unnecessary add-ons. Only pay the registration and renewal fees charged by your registry.

Widespread TLD support

Registrar supports over 200 top-level domains (TLDs), including .com, .net, .org, and more. See the full list of supported TLDs.

Built-in backend security

Registrar natively integrates with Cloudflare DNS, CDN, and SSL services, so your domain receives best-in-class security and performance benefits.

How Cloudflare delivers at-cost domain registration and protection

Domain registration
Domain protection

Cloudflare offers at-cost domain registration and renewal for hundreds of TLDs, allowing you to:

  • Maintain your existing domains or register new ones — with no surprise fees

  • Easily transfer domains to or from Cloudflare

  • Secure your domain with integrated, universal DNSSEC

Buy domains at-cost through Cloudflare Registrar

Transfer your domain to Cloudflare Registrar

Get custom domain protection

Safeguard high-profile domains with advanced security features like registry lock, customizable authorization, and out-of-band authentication.

DNS analytics icon
Activate one-click DNSSEC for your domains

Cloudflare offers free, universal DNSSEC for all domains, helping secure your site against on-path attacks.

Get Custom Domain Protection for your domain