Ask the Author: Rachel McMillan

“Ask me a question.” Rachel McMillan

Answered Questions (14)

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Rachel McMillan Hi! I really planned on three of them; but alas! publishing being how it is the first two didn't sell enough to warrant a third and I had to begin pursuing other stories. That being said, I always had an outline for the third and I do have several chapters written! So someday when I have a bit more time between contracts and deadlines, I will make sure that it gets to readers SOMEHOW and will probably indy publish it :) thanks so much for spending time with Reggie and Hamish and Nate and Luca! I LOVE these characters and miss them so much <3
Rachel McMillan We do our best as historical fiction writers but alas I cannot promise complete and utter accuracy on every detail. I work history as best I can to serve my story but it stands to reason some details will always slide through. And I know that all of my books will have some manner of error. The best I can do is hope that people enjoy the story enough to seek out more of the history by legitimate historians on their own.
Rachel McMillan hi!

thanks for the question.
I didn't separate the books into a specific section, however any sources that are on goodreads that I used should be marked in my reading history ---mostly between 2018 and the beginning of 2019 :)
Rachel McMillan I really want to spend some time with Matthew Clairmont in "Discovery of Witches"by Deborah Harkness... because he has access to so many centuries as well as a lovely library and cellar, a gorgeous house at Sept Tours and a desk at the Bodleian Library in Oxford. Then we could hang out in Elizabethan England for awhile!
Rachel McMillan Hi @chowbella1 sorry for missing this! yes it will! it has just been delayed due to some other projects but it is coming :)
Rachel McMillan Hello Alyssa,

I don't personally have one--- you would probably have to reach out to my publisher, Thomas Nelson. However, I can tell you that Murder at the Flamingo is available at Netgalley and if you have an account there ( or register for one ) as a blogger/reviewer, you can request it there :-) Thanks so much for your interest in Murder at the Flamingo. :-)
Rachel McMillan I am so sorry I missed this question!!!! You can try here:

I also created pinterest pages for each of the books.

I am so sorry I missed this question. Please forgive the tardy response :)
Rachel McMillan Yes! When I started the series I mapped out what themes I wanted to cover, what events and major plot points. That being said, I tend to stray off course when I run across something historically interesting and I allow myself to play :)
Rachel McMillan As a little girl, the first fictional couple I shipped was Olivia King and Jasper Dale in 'Road to Avonlea' on the CBC. He was a quirky, stuttering inventor and she a "spinster" who wanted some adventure, had a lovely heart and even tried her hand at investigative journalism. They shaped my conception of romance from a young age and I named a character in my Herringford and Watts series after Jasper Dale.
Rachel McMillan I get to play with my fictional friends! I love it. They are very real to me.... so real that I cried when I sent my novel on submission because I knew I would miss my fictional friends so much! :)
Rachel McMillan read and study the industry. I wrote for over 20 years before showing anyone my work. After that, find an agent and have patience. And while you are waiting write some more. And if your first manuscript is passed on everywhere ( mine was) --keep writing. Second time was the charm for me. It was almost two years between signing with my agent and signing my first contract. During that time, I wrote and wrote and read everything I could.
Rachel McMillan Currently working on the second novel in the Herringford and Watts series called a Lesson in Love and Murder. It will be out next year! When I am not working on Jem and Merinda's adventures, I play around with a few other ideas---- too early to share yet.... but one is a noir series set in 1930s Boston!

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