Ask the Author: J.F. Johns

“Ask me a question.” J.F. Johns

Answered Questions (7)

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J.F. Johns I looked under the bed.
I saw myself.
J.F. Johns The book is set to be published in May or June of 2018!
J.F. Johns Eternal Darkness; Oblivion. The second book in the trilogy.
J.F. Johns Hi Annie!

Thank you so much for reaching out to me! Of course it is! I will send you the kindle and epub version in the email! Hope you enjoy it!
J.F. Johns I try not to go to places where there's too many writers, that way they won't block me.
J.F. Johns Of course it would be the lifestyle. Travelling on a private jet, free holidays in France and Italy, everything paid for. And of course, the fans! I mean, nowadays I can't go anywhere without being stopped by someone who wants my autograph!
J.F. Johns Hi Deborah!
So sorry for not replying! I didn't actually see the message haha! (I'm such a disaster!)
I'm currently not taking requests for reviews because I don't really have a lot of time, and I feel like it wouldn't be fair on the authors. If in the future I do start doing reviews again, I'll let you know!:)

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