Ask the Author: Megan Fall

“Ask me a question.” Megan Fall

Answered Questions (13)

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Megan Fall I don’t have a release date yet, but I’m currently writing the last couple chapters. Editing shouldn’t take too long, then I’ll be able to hit publish honey. This book is my priority right now!!
Megan Fall I do have plans to work on that book as soon as I get some finished side projects edited and up on Amazon. I loved that book and can’t wait to get back to it!
Megan Fall Thats awesome, thanks so much honey! I’m about half done writing Sniper’s book. I actually took some time away to write a couple other stories that were demanding to be written. I’m editing them now and getting ready to publish them. Then it’s back to The Stone Knights.
Megan Fall I am only about half done writing it honey. The Stone Knights Series has taken me away from it for awhile. I’m hoping not to make you wait too long!
Megan Fall Wow, you made my day! I’m so happy you like my books honey! I’m actually editing Sheltering Macy as we speak. I’m really hoping it will be out early next month, or sooner if I can push it, then I can start edits on Defending Zoe. That one should be out sometime in July.
Megan Fall I haven’t published those books yet honey. They have reviews from when I had the unedited early versions on Wattpad. They were taken down ages ago. I’m editing Sheltering Macy now, so hopefully it will be available around the end of the month.
Megan Fall Thanks so very much! I’m currently working on the edits and hope to have it out sometime next month!
Megan Fall He is, I have a couple books to get out first before I get to it though. I’ve got an outline already, so it’s definitely in the works honey!
Megan Fall They aren’t published yet honey! I’m editing Surviving November now and hope to have it up shortly. The others should follow after fairly quickly!
Megan Fall Protecting Fable should be released in about two weeks, and the rest will follow fairly quickly. They are written, I’m currently editing them, and getting them ready to release.
Megan Fall You’ve read all that are out. I hope to have Mario’s up by the weekend, baring no unforeseen delays!
Megan Fall Never stop writing. There’s always someone out there who will want to read it!
Megan Fall Usually I’m writing several books at once. This way I can step away from a book for awhile and work on something else. After a much needed break, I usually come back with new ideas and find I’m enthused about the book again.

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