Ask the Author: Jillian West

“Ask me a question.” Jillian West

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Jillian West Sorry, just to specify Wild Card? Is that the novella you're asking about? If so, yes Lennox and Thorne were both side characters in Three of a Kind 🤍
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Jillian West
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Jillian West If you liked Riley and Vale, I think you'll like Brooklyn in Three of a Kind (coming August 1st) she's a pregnant single mom with a toddler and a terrible ex. 🤍
Jillian West Probably not triplets 😅 The Monster's Den series has multiples, but for OV I usually stick to twins at the most. I'm not sure if I'd venture into dark romance. I've been testing the waters with the darker world in the Assurance Security Series (but the guys are still total softies for the fmc). It just comes down to what readers ask for more of.

I do plan to do more single mom & pregnancy because I have gotten a ton of requests for it. 😍
Jillian West After Queen of Spades will Ranger's book, All In. After that, I'm not 100% sure. Sometimes it just comes down to which characters are yelling the loudest, but I'm nearly done with Ranger's book and you'll meet his omega in Queen of Spades. 🤍
Jillian West There is 🤍 I did a novella titled Kept Safe. It's free to download with my newsletter and it wraps up their storyline.
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Jillian West Yes, there will be!! I needed to finish the adult timeline for The Ruined Records Series before making the time jump to the kids. I just finished Knot Guaranteed and Knot Wanted which are like Ruined Records Gen 1.5. And once I come back to that world I'll be making the time jump for the kids 🤍
Jillian West
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Jillian West Yes! It's my current WIP progress. It's title will be Knot Wanted & I'm expecting it out early 2024 (likely Jan or Feb).
Jillian West Thank you so much!! Yes!! I definitely have plans for more books set at The Omega Exchange. No exact timeline on when those will be coming, but I'd love to do more!! If you enjoyed A Pack For Christmas my next release Knot Guaranteed is equally as sweet and fluffy. Although it doesn't take place at The Exchange, it might hit the sweet spot if you like more of a low angst plot with humor.
Jillian West Oh goodness! I have no idea why I'm just seeing this months later, but yes!! I do have plans for a book with Cove and Ravvi. I needed to finish out the adult timeline in The Ruined Records Series before making the time jump though. Now that Wicked Truths is live I'll be working on the next generation in the near future. Sorry for the delay!!

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