Ask the Author: Finley Fenn

“Ask me a question.” Finley Fenn

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Finley Fenn Thank you so much for asking... I loved that edition too! I hate to say I don't think this is on the table with Fae Crate currently, but I've been working away on some other plans instead. More news soon!
Finley Fenn So I actually wrote Kesst's book, and you can find it here! I loved writing it so much! 💚
Finley Fenn Oh thank you so much for picking up my books! 💚 And yes I'd love to write more Orc Forged books, though I don't have any solid plans settled yet... but we'll see what this year brings!

And I've definitely given POV a lot of thought on my writing adventures! But right now I personally still prefer writing from a single point of view. I just find it adds to the tension and mystery of the story, and allows those devious orcs to keep the secrets they love so much. 😁 That said, I've also started writing bonus scenes from the orcs' POV for my Patreon, and that's been a lot of fun!
Finley Fenn I'm so thrilled you enjoyed it... I had so much fun writing it too. I do really hope to return to my Mages world at some point!
Finley Fenn Oh I'm so delighted you've enjoyed them! Right now the series is on a bit of a hiatus, but I would love to finish it someday -- definitely with a Runar/Thora tale, and I'd also half-written a Johan/Ilsa story (Fire/Water drama for the win, ha). Thank you so much for this lovely comment -- I'm always excited to hear when people check out these books! :)
Finley Fenn Hey, and thank you so much for asking! I am working on paperbacks right now, but after that audiobooks are next on my list. I really appreciate your patience! :)
Finley Fenn Ha! I am indeed working on a Baldr/Drafli MMF story (hopefully for release later this year)! That said, I'm afraid our heroine won't be Lady Scall? I think Baldr needs a woman who's just as sweet as he is! ;)

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