Ask the Author: S.G. Browne

“Ask away, and I’ll do my best to answer when I can!” S.G. Browne

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S.G. Browne I get inspired to write a number of ways. By reading a book, watching a film or TV series, or listening to music. I think it's the simple act of engaging with some form of creativity that helps to inspire and spur my own. There's nothing like reading a good story, or watching a smart film, or listening to a song with great lyrics to get my own creative juices flowing until eventually I say: "Okay. Now it's my turn."
S.G. Browne Hi Kain. First of all, thank you for taking a chance on Breathers. I'm happy to hear you loved it and I hope you feel the same about I Saw Zombies Eating Santa Claus. While I have toyed around with a couple of ideas for a third entry into the Breathers universe, nothing has come of it beyond a handful of pages. I did write a short story that I published on Amazon a few years back titled "Remedial English for Reanimated Corpses" that hits a lot of similar notes in terms of dark comedy and sentient zombies, only this time they're taking remedial English classes at a college for monsters. If you're inclined to check it out, here's the link on Amazon:

Thanks again for reading!

S.G. Browne Hi Lisa,

My apologies for completely missing this question from you last year, which was a weird year for everyone. But I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed Lucky Bastard (and thank you for reading several of my other books, as well).

While I can't recall what I was reading last year at this time, currently I'm between books, having just finished Recursion by Blake Crouch, which was quite fun. I had read his previous novel Dark Matter and loved that one, so wanted to see what he had in store with his follow up, and it didn't disappoint. But next on my TBR pile is The Imaginary Corpse by Tyler Hayes. Although I might have to pick up Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro and give that one a whirl.

What are you reading?

And my apologies again for such a tardy reply.

S.G. Browne
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S.G. Browne Zombie McNuggets, finger fries, brain slices, and your choice of Cadaver Cuties or Yoplait low-fat brainberry yogurt. Comes with your choice of milk, chocolate milk, or apple juice.

Of course since these are served to Breathers and not to zombies, it's just a marketing ploy to make kids think they're eating fingers and brains. In reality they're getting your standard health-conscious meal from McDonald's.
S.G. Browne I have large pedestal desk with a lot of space that I clutter with notes and articles and Post-It notes. And, quite often, my cat. (Note: I was looking for a way to include a photo of my writing area but I don't appear to be able to do so here.)

As for shaping my writing or the way I write, I don't think my writing area has made a difference one way or another. But I do enjoy the space, I feel like I have a lot of room, so I'm sure that makes a difference in my comfort level.

I don't have any hard and fast writing rituals but I do try to meditate in the morning before sitting down to write. Unlike a lot of authors, I am not connected to a caffeine IV drip, though I do occasionally enjoy drinking a mocha while writing at a cafe.
S.G. Browne I'm working on several short stories inspired by Karen Russell's short story collection, St. Lucy's Home For Girls Raised by Wolves. My favorite so far is about a 10-year-old girl in Kochi, Japan, whose father is the local weatherman. It's titled "Scattered Showers with a Chance of Daikaiju."
S.G. Browne Write something that makes you feel something. Something that makes you laugh or cry or sends chills down the back of your neck. Something that resonates with you. Because if it doesn't resonate with you, it's not going to resonate with anyone else.

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