Ask the Author: Kitty Thomas

“Ask me a question.” Kitty Thomas

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Kitty Thomas Hey here it is: Also, it's coming in a new cover soon, FYI. Also if you're in another country store and you can't find the link, let me know and I'll go into KDP and grab it for you on the backend.
Kitty Thomas It's available now at Amazon!

The hardcover and paperback for some reason are attached to the OLD hardcover instead of the new ebook. I'm going to have to get Amazon to fix it because those reviews are completely irrelevant to the new book since the new one has an extended ending.

* Also you may not be able to get it temporarily because I just unpublished the paperback and hardcover until I can get this sorted out with Amazon. It's pretty important that it not be linked to the old version of this book.
Kitty Thomas No problem! I didn't have any giveaways running a week ago, and the last one I had running ended on April 19th. Though I DID have a Jim who won the book I'm currently running a giveaway for: The Escape Artist. Back in early 2020. But the book had a wildly different cover back then. A woman with a red dress and blonde hair running away from the camera. I think the confusion is that it's a different cover from the version you won.
Kitty Thomas Are you sure it was me? Was it a goodreads giveaway? I've searched the winners' lists from all the giveaways I've run here on the last year and there is no Jim listed for any of them.
Kitty Thomas Hi Kaylie, I would encourage you to finish reading the book before asking that question. There are spoilers in my answer but AFTER you've read the book, I address that question very fully here:

Kitty Thomas Hi Danilo, yes! I have several vampire story ideas, as well as a sequel I hope to write for Blood Mate (another vampire book of mine if you haven't read that one.)

I also have a paranormal romance series co-branded with. my earlier pen name, Zoe Winters, called Fated Mates, which while not as dark, was still written by me and includes vampires. Thanks!
Kitty Thomas This is crazy weird timing for this question. Yes, I JUST released one. The Sacrifice. You can find it featured on my author profile page here.
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Kitty Thomas Hey Kelso, thank you for reading! Angelo is gay (it's stated in the book.) And while I take no issue with M/M, it's not what I write. (though some of my male characters also have male lovers, there is a major female component in my books and Angelo doesn't like women in that way at all.)
Kitty Thomas Hi Casey, Yes, sort of. The official pleasure house stories are over. I don't really have a story for Sabrina. I didn't write her as someone who should get her own story. But you never know. Right now I'm focused on a "sort of trilogy" of interlocking stand alones in the Con Artist world which crosses over with the Pleasure House world in some places and ways. I'm finishing up The Escape Artist right now for release next month, and then coming after that is a book whose title and cover art I haven't released publicly yet but will be doing during release week of The Escape Artist or just before. Thanks for reading!
Kitty Thomas (Twisted Fates), I thought I was done with the pleasure house world. Then Lindsay said he had a thing for Shannon. And she's so alone and sad and damaged. I had to give her a happy ending. This is probably my least ambiguous happy ending ever.
Kitty Thomas A book for a secondary character from The Con Artist. It's a standalone and it's like if Comfort Food and Tender Mercies had a baby.

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