Ask the Author: Kira Peikoff

“Ask me a question.” Kira Peikoff

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Kira Peikoff I am fascinated by cutting-edge medical advances that have exciting potential to improve our lives, but that also pose unprecedented ethical dilemmas. I take a current real-life issue like stem cell research, or scientific attempts to cure aging, and then humanize it via suspense fiction. The characters in my books grapple with deeply philosophical, personal, and technical challenges that reflect those in our own society, but in a heightened dramatic form. Their journeys are primarily meant to entertain readers, but hopefully will also provoke thought and consideration of some of the hardest questions of our brave new world.
Kira Peikoff I wrote LIVING PROOF before I worked in publishing, but I think it did affect my second novel, NO TIME TO DIE, by making me realize how fast a story must unfold to grab an editor's attention. You don't have pages to build up to the good stuff. You have to hook a busy, distracted person right away, then sustain that reader's interest throughout, especially in a thriller. So I've concentrated on speeding up my pacing, writing shorter chapters, and ending most chapters with some sort of twist or surprise.
Kira Peikoff Thanks for the question. The best thing a reader has said about LIVING PROOF probably came from my father, who, when he got to the end of the book, told me he "cried real tears, like tears at a wedding."

Knowing I had touched him through my writing was a precious moment I've never forgotten.

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