Ask the Author: Martina Boone

“I love reader questions, but I'm not on Goodreads very often. Twitter is the easiest way to find me (@MartinaABoone) or you can write me via my website at ” Martina Boone

Answered Questions (9)

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Martina Boone Hi Jaysa,

Thank you so much for that! What a lovely, lovely thing to hear, and I truly do hope that your friends will enjoy Compulsion as much as you did! I'd love to sign your books--hope you're close to one of my upcoming events! There's a graphic on my website under News that I just updated! : )

Sending you hugs!

Martina Boone Hi Irene! Sorry it took so long to answer--I always forget to check Goodreads. Unfortunately, I don't have any signings set up there right now, but I'm hoping to add some for next year. If you have suggestions for places to go, let me know and I'll add them to the list of possibilities! : )
Martina Boone Hi Karona,

I wish that I had time to read every book that I am asked to read. Unfortunately, that's an impossibility. That said, if you have a print copy that you could send via my agent (Jessica Regel at Foundry Media), I will always look to see if it is a good fit in style, content, and my schedule. No promises, unfortunately. Because deadlines. And family. And travel. And life. But I *will* always try. Authors have been so kind to me that I very much want to pay it forward.
Martina Boone Hi Sarah -- I love hearing that Compulsion was your favorite book of the year--seriously, I can't tell you how happy that makes me! I know there will be ARCs sometime in April, but I honestly don't have any idea yet how many will be offered. You can contact Jodie Hockensmith, my publicist at Pulse. Her email is on the contact page of my website. I've also started a handful of giveaways -- there's one here on Goodreads and another with the cover reveal on several blogs. You can find a list here at I hope that helps! And thank you again for letting me know you enjoyed Compulsion! I hope you'll love Persuasion too!!! XO
Martina Boone I'm working on the last book of the Heirs of Watson Island series. The conclusion is inspired by questions I found in researching the earlier books. It's literally a rabbit hole book. I followed the hare and clicked links of weird connections until I concocted a theory that fit. And it amazes me how it all fits in a Dan Brown kind of way. I never expected it to work this well!
Martina Boone Stories are everywhere. You just have to start looking for the,, and then they slap you in the face and pinch you until you write them down. :)
Martina Boone Read widely, live with your eyes open, and write. You don't get anywhere until you've put in those ten thousand hours of mindful, reflective, and mentored practice. And by mentored, I mean a critique group. :) You need to assess your work, tear it apart, and learn to make it better. That's more important than just writing.
Martina Boone I get to play God in my story. At first. But then my character become human and they start using free will, and I am no longer in full control. And that becomes magical. THAT moment is why I love to write.
Martina Boone For me, writer's block seems to be more of a subconscious signal that something isn't working in the story than any kind of a creative "block." So I usually resort to mapping out what's going on in the story--the motivation and goals of all the characters. I look for places where what one character wants is different than the other characters in the scene--conflict--and that gets me energized. Or I hunt out where I've got a character doing something that character wouldn't really do.

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