Ask the Author: Josie Riviera

“I'll answer questions about my new book, Seeking Patience, all week.

Do you have a question about the Romany (Gypsies) in Regency England? Let's start: What is a Gadje?

Josie Riviera

Answered Questions (10)

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Josie Riviera Good question! I'd love to travel to the book world of Harlan Coben and help Myron solve his next crime.
Josie Riviera I am currently reading a book by Mary Kubica. Great author!
Josie Riviera Good question! My own life has not been filled with any mystery, although my move from upstate NY to SC has given me wonderful settings that I have used in my books.
Josie Riviera My favorite fictional couple is Scarlett and Rhett from Gone with the Wind. :)

From my own writing, I am very partial to Luca in Seeking Patience. He is a conflicted hero, although honest and full of integrity. Patience is English. As a Romany (Gypsy) man, he doesn't regard the English with much tolerance--until Patience changes his mind by her actions.
Josie Riviera My most recent book, "Seeking Faith," is slated for a September release. The book features a Gypsy nobleman/physician and a very smart, overweight heroine who's been involved in a nasty conspiracy to overthrow King Henry VIII. That era is filled with intrique so there's lots of interesting history to choose from. It's an inspirational romance and the heroine, Faith, is well, faithless, at least at the beginning of the book. :)
Josie Riviera I read.

I just finished reading Donald Miller's amazing book, "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years." What a wonder writer. The book is inspirational and a great motivation for your life.
Josie Riviera "Seeking Faith", an inspirational historical romance set in Tudor England. Originally, it was an Easter story but I may have to tweak that part depending on what time of year it's released. :)
Josie Riviera If you're really motivated and in it for the long haul, then nothing will stop you. Don't get discouraged, don't blame your lack of motivation on your "muse." Just write something every day. It will get easier and become a habit. (hopefully!)
Josie Riviera The story and the characters become like real people.
Josie Riviera I go outside and walk my newly inherited dog (see profile). Or I go on a cooking binge which always includes pasta. After a couple of hours, guilt sets in, my head clears, and I can usually get back into my current story.

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