Ask the Author: Karen Rock

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Karen Rock Hi, Kristina! A lot of reviewers have discussed this probably better than I can, but I'll do my best :)

The cheating happened ten years prior to the start of the story. It's part of the couple's backstory and the kind of huge roadblock I like to challenge myself with as a writer since deeply flawed characters who grow and change and sacrifice to make amends and become worthy of love are my favorite ones to write (Those were also the kinds of students I liked working with the most as a teacher--the "difficult" ones other teachers griped about. To me, life is messy and people screw up--in ways that may even be unforgiveable--and to see a character who's really messed up turn their life around is very inspiring to me, creatively. I'm writing a story now about a woman who killed her best friend's sister while driving under the influence--a huge, almost unredeemable mistake--yet it challenges me to show her path back to redemption and forgiveness.
Karen Rock I love this question! I would have dinner with Nolee, my crab fishing boat captain from my latest Harlequin Blaze, HIS LAST DEFENSE. First, I love crab... so that's a no brainer- lol... and secondly, she has such a risky, fascinating job. I'd love to hear more about her close calls an adventures out on the deadly Bering Sea. And if she brings along her hunky fiance, USCG rescue swimmer, Dylan, all the better, right?
Karen Rock I just finished Susan Ee's Angelfall and am on book two in the series World After. Both are amazing and I'm sure I'll grab the third book in the series next!
Karen Rock This is very old school of me but I've always love Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy from Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice! I love that despite strict class hierarchy, and personal prejudices and pride, they can't help falling for each other. Their romantic chemistry is off the charts. Every time I watch the movie (and read the book) I swoon. Thanks so much for asking!
Karen Rock Hi, Susan! A Cowboy to Keep is available in print an digital on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and eHarlequin and in digital only format on Kobo and iTunes. I have the links up on my website at I'm excited for you to read it! It's the prequel to my series the Rocky Mountain Cowboys and a great way to be introduced to the Cade family :)
Karen Rock Hi, Shenai! I think all writers have that fear. It's normal to worry about people who might not like your book because no book is going to escape without some negative reviews. Art is subjective and is judged subjectively. My advice is to write a story that fulfills you and makes you happy and not to let fear stop you from the joy of making your dreams come true :)
Karen Rock Hi, Shenali,
Wish Me Tomorrow was actually inspired by my neighbors. They met in a college nursing program, became friends and eventually Marty worked up the nerve to ask Kathy out. They clicked right away and began dating. Soon after, Marty was diagnosed with Leukemia. He didn't think Kathy would want to date a guy with cancer but he was wrong. Kathy stayed by his side, went to all of his chemo treatments and kept him up-to-date in their classes. Twenty years later, Marty is cancer free, both have jobs as nurses, and they are happily married with three beautiful children.

I always loved hearing their Happily-Ever-After and the idea of loving someone when tomorrow wasn't guaranteed was inspiring. I wanted to write a novel where love is the power to get us through hard times and that no challenge is too great when we face it with the one we love :)

Thanks so much for reaching out!
Karen Rock Hi, Nolan!
I'm sorry I didn't see your note right away. I wouldn't go with that trend, but rather use chapter lengths that match the narrative of your story. It needs to feel organic rather than stylized. I hope that helps and good luck :)
Karen Rock Hi, Cintia! Being a writer is a big dream and one I'm certain you can obtain. Having the will and desire is more than half the battle and you have both of those feelings. All you need to do is unlock whatever is blocking you. My best advice is to look at what's changed in your life in these past three years. You used to write before that, so what knew things have happened that may be occupying your mind, heart or time. Once you've identified that, you might pinpoint what you need to change to get back on track. Once you are ready to write, I suggest turning off the part of your brain that critiques or edits as you write. Decide for a designated time that you will write without worrying about how it sounds, if there are mistakes and so on... And don't stop until a pre-determined time. The point of this is to get your mind back in the habit of writing regularly. I would do this every day and not worry if anything you're writing is "good" because, a page full of writing is better than a blank page every time! So:
1. Identify any stressors in your life that may be holding you back.
2. Turn off your inner editor and decide to simply be a writer.
3. Don't worry about whether your ideas are good or not- the point is to write- no matter what comes out.
4. Write every day- just like an athlete- your skills will improve the more you practice them.

I hope that helps, Cintia! Good luck and keep me posted :)
Karen Rock Hi, Alyssa! The hardest thing about being an author is turning off my inner critic that expects me to write everything perfectly or not at all... When drafting my stories, I need to focus on telling the story rather than making all the details exactly right. I have to trust myself that when I return to the draft to revise, I will be in a better place to find the spots that I can improve. When I first started writing, I didn't know how to shush that inner critic and I could never finish a book because I kept finding problems and rewriting the same chapters, eventually getting nowhere. But by learning to be kinder to myself on a first draft, I can now finish a story and enjoy the process so much more! I hope that helps :)
Karen Rock I can be fairly tough on myself and push through, trusting that even if I don't like what I'm writing now, I can go back and fix it. The important thing is to keep writing and eventually that block will disappear.
Karen Rock Creating interesting characters and worlds and getting to spend time with them every day. Plus, as a romance writer, you get to fall in love each time :) HEA!
Karen Rock Persevere, work hard, and be resilient. There are always going to be people who don't like what you write, and it's important to respect their opinion, while still trusting in your own.
Karen Rock I'm currently working on a book set in the wilderness of the Adirondack Mountains in Upstate New York. It's about a diner owner who rescues an orphaned bear cub and the Conservation Officer who helps her rehabilitate it. The question is... will she be able to let it go, and a part of her dark past that's kept her more interested in safety that experiencing love and life to the fullest.
Karen Rock Real life and real love stories inspire me most. I love meeting new people and learning about them and their own romances. It's very inspiring to meet a couple that's been together for decades. One of the first questions I ask a couple is, "So how did you two meet?" and some of the amazing stories I've heard have found their way into my books.
Karen Rock A friend of mine is newly divorced and one night we had fun going through an on-line dating website. I thought it'd be fun to write a romance where the hero and heroine, both long-time friends, team up to create an app that would let people check their compatibility scores whenever they meet instead of using a dating site, not realizing, as they work together, that they are falling in love, too.
Karen Rock

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