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Lisa Jackson Lisa Jackson > Quotes


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“I was just trying to give you the teen-male perspective."

"Which is?"

"If it moves, screw it.”
Lisa Jackson, Ready to Die
“No doubt he'd been with Heidi until all hours of the morning. He knew where she stood about sex, condoms, his future, Heidi's ... bringing it up now would only exacerbate an already prickly situation.

"Nothing good happens after midnight," she reminded him.

"You're wrong, Mom, and you know it.”
Lisa Jackson, Ready to Die
Weaponry, trips to the sun country, tiny bathing suits, For Christmas. "Nothing says Peace on Earth like guns and string bikinis.”
Lisa Jackson, Ready to Die
“Let him grow up, Regan. Quit fighting the inevitable. For Christ's sake, Jeremy's nearly a man."

"Haven't you heard? Twenty's the new twelve."

"Only from overprotective, control-freak mothers.”
Lisa Jackson, Ready to Die
“That’s what families are for, don’t ya know? To love each other to death, all the while ripping their hearts out.”
Lisa Jackson, You Don't Want to Know
“told me more about what happened the other night?” she asked, deciding to air her worst fears. “Am I under suspicion or something?” “Everyone is.” “Especially ex-wives who are publicly humiliated on the day of the murder, right?” Something in Montoya’s expression changed. Hardened. “I’ll be back,” he promised, “and I’ll bring another detective with me, then we’ll interview you and you can ask all the questions you like.” “And you’ll answer them?” He offered a hint of a smile. “That I can’t promise. Just that I won’t lie to you.” “I wouldn’t expect you to, Detective.” He gave a quick nod. “In the meantime if you suddenly remember, or think of anything, give me a call.” “I will,” she promised, irritated, watching as he hurried down the two steps of the porch to his car. He was younger than she was by a couple of years, she guessed, though she couldn’t be certain, and there was something about him that exuded a natural brooding sexuality, as if he knew he was attractive to women, almost expected it to be so. Great. Just what she needed, a sexy-as-hell cop who probably had her pinned to the top of his murder suspect list. She whistled for the dog and Hershey bounded inside, dragging some mud and leaves with her. “Sit!” Abby commanded and the Lab dropped her rear end onto the floor just inside the door. Abby opened the door to the closet and found a towel hanging on a peg she kept for just such occasions, then, while Hershey whined in protest, she cleaned all four of her damp paws. “You’re gonna be a problem, aren’t you?” she teased, then dropped the towel over the dog’s head. Hershey shook herself, tossed off the towel, then bit at it, snagging one end in her mouth and pulling backward in a quick game of tug of war. Abby laughed as she played with the dog, the first real joy she’d felt since hearing the news about her ex-husband. The phone rang and she left the dog growling and shaking the tattered piece of terry cloth. “Hello?” she said, still chuckling at Hershey’s antics as she lifted the phone to her ear. “Abby Chastain?” “Yes.” “Beth Ann Wright with the New Orleans Sentinel.” Abby’s heart plummeted. The press. Just what she needed. “You were Luke Gierman’s wife, right?” “What’s this about?” Abby asked warily as Hershey padded into the kitchen and looked expectantly at the back door leading to her studio. “In a second,” she mouthed to the Lab. Hershey slowly wagged her tail. “Oh, I’m sorry,” Beth Ann said, sounding sincerely rueful. “I should have explained. The paper’s running a series of articles on Luke, as he was a local celebrity, and I’d like to interview you for the piece. I was thinking we could meet tomorrow morning?” “Luke and I were divorced.” “Yes, I know, but I would like to give some insight to the man behind the mike, you know. He had a certain public persona, but I’m sure my readers would like to know more about him, his history, his hopes, his dreams, you know, the human-interest angle.” “It’s kind of late for that,” Abby said, not bothering to keep the ice out of her voice. “But you knew him intimately. I thought you could come up with some anecdotes, let people see the real Luke Gierman.” “I don’t think so.” “I realize you and he had some unresolved issues.” “Pardon me?” “I caught his program the other day.” Abby tensed, her fingers holding the phone in a death grip. “So this is probably harder for you than most, but I still would like to ask you some questions.” “Maybe another time,” she hedged and Beth Ann didn’t miss a beat. “Anytime you’d like. You’re a native Louisianan, aren’t you?” Abby’s neck muscles tightened. “Born and raised, but you met Luke in Seattle when he was working for a radio station . . . what’s the call sign, I know I’ve got it somewhere.” “KCTY.” It was a matter of public record. “Oh, that’s right. Country in the City. But you grew up here and went to local schools, right? Your”
Lisa Jackson, Lisa Jackson's Bentz & Montoya Bundle: Shiver, Absolute Fear, Lost Souls, Hot Blooded, Cold Blooded, Malice & Devious
“A leopard Doesn't Change His Spots Over Night ~ Jay McKnight”
Lisa Jackson ~ Lost Souls
“started a drip to keep the water flowing through”
Lisa Jackson, Deep Freeze
“It just didn’t make a helluva lot of sense.”
Lisa Jackson, You Don't Want to Know
“Teenagers,” he said into the silence, his smile knowing. “Can’t live with ’em, can’t shoot ’em.” “But you can ground them, if they still live with you,” she said, and silently added, Even when they’re in their twenties.”
Lisa Jackson, Ready to Die
“Oh, God, please”
Lisa Jackson, Expecting to Die
“Didn't Really Give A Rat's Ass”
Lisa Jackson - Cold Blooded
“All that nonsense about keeping Christmas out of the schools and public places is hooey. As for the other religions, they can celebrate their holidays, too! Bring out the menorah for Hanukkah, for pity’s sake! And ... and ... whatever the Buddhists or Hindus do, they can do it as well. Of course they can. The whole point is to celebrate. Whatever God you believe in. I just happen to be a major fan of Jesus Christ, but we can be nondenominational. Sure!”
Lisa Jackson, Afraid To Die
“In mythology, there were three women who determined your fate. The daughters of Zeus were called the Moirai. Three sisters who determined a man’s destiny.”
Lisa Jackson, The Night Before
“Every bone in her body felt as if it were broken, her muscles and skin bruised, agony throbbing through her joints. Gritting”
Lisa Jackson, Left To Die
“Then Its A Coincidence " Better Than a Sign From God - Eve”
Lisa Jackson ~ Absolute Fear
“Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Or Nada aventurado, nada adquirido,”
Lisa Jackson, Born To Die
“She’d be frantic. Realize that she was about to die in”
Lisa Jackson, Final Scream
“One more step, you son of a bitch , just take one more step ~ Eve”
Lisa Jackson ~ Absolute Fear
Lisa Jackson, After She's Gone
“let’s go downstairs.”
Lisa Jackson, Close to Home
Lisa Jackson, Deep Freeze
“two women with little in common, to know that a psychopath was either nearby or had passed through. She”
Lisa Jackson, Left To Die
“Northwest in”
Lisa Jackson, Left To Die
“Her eyes filled with a dark fury that sliced right to his soul.”
Lisa Jackson, Absolute Fear
“Your a lying bastard who only cares about his own damned hide, so just leave me the hell alone! ~ Eve”
Lisa Jackson, Absolute Fear
“His Blazer shot forward, sliding just a little. “I’ll be”
Lisa Jackson, Deep Freeze
“Shep started through the intersection when he noticed Nevada Smith’s rig driving past the bank, heading toward the center of town. Nevada was at the wheel, his dog on the”
Lisa Jackson, Unspoken
“when it came to training animals. Part horse”
Lisa Jackson, Fatal Burn
“The Cinderella story just never came true.”
Lisa Jackson, Tears of Pride

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Absolute Fear (New Orleans, #4) Absolute Fear
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Left To Die (Alvarez & Pescoli, #1) Left To Die
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Hot Blooded (New Orleans, #1) Hot Blooded
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Chosen To Die (Alvarez & Pescoli, #2) Chosen To Die
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