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Susan Kaye Quinn Susan Kaye Quinn > Quotes


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Showing 1-30 of 47
“It was after lunch, and no one had died yet, so I took that as a good sign.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“You must have been some kind of raging elephant, because it took three darts for them to take you down.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“...shades of OCD.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“Block D was at the farthest corner of the camp from Block C. Whoever had laid out the Camp of the Flies had no respect for alphabetical order.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“I had left the truck where I had crashed it—smashed into a pole by the charger station that had appeared out of nowhere when I had tried to park under a covered awning. Driving was a lot simpler than parking, it seemed.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“He gave me an unexpected soft look that made me close my eyes again. “Okay,” I said. “What next, Master Zagan?” “Next, Little One, you need to jack the strongest one you can find.” I killed the smile that threatened to break out on my face.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“She had hauled out Grandma O’Donnell’s crystal plates, the ones Gram claimed were hand-cut by our distant relatives in County Kerry during the potato famine. She also said Big Foot crashed her eighteenth birthday party.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“I wasn’t ready to replay that bit of disaster—the moment when I decided to be Simon Zagan’s girlfriend. Not the best choice I’ve ever made.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“I’ve got the Impenetrable Mind, remember?”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“I was so distracted thinking about my newfound mindjacking ability that I nearly ran into the garage door.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“Readers aren't going to commit to reading your stuff if they don't think you have committed to writing more—this is part of why authors with multiple titles are more successful in bringing in new readers.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, For Love or Money
“Who wants pizza for dessert? His words rang loudly, reverberating through all their heads at once. It was too much command, and they all echoed back, Pizza! Pizza for dessert! We already had pizza for lunch and dinner,”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“Her unbound dark hair flapped behind her, and the cool night breeze fluttered her black silk nightclothes against her skin like a thousand butterfly wings. It was the feeling of freedom breathing against her,”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Third Daughter
“The memory of Simon lying dead in the desert was seared into my mind, but my other memories of him were starting to return—the kisses and sweet promises, as well as the lies. I still wasn’t sure which ones were which. I wondered if he would approve of me outing jackers to the world.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“He pressed his lips to mine. They were soft like a summer’s breeze, and his kiss reached down to my toes.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“Seamus once told me that when readers touched, they shared feelings as if they were joined into one person. He said it was a very intimate experience. I would never be like the normal readers of the world. But, for the first time, I knew exactly what he meant.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Open Minds
“admit it, name it, and take action in the face of it.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Indie Author Survival Guide
“Covers must convey genre and concept, not story.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Indie Author Survival Guide
“does that even register in the millions of thoughts that run through his electronic brain? He’s a god, and I’m a hairy monkey. Lenora’s little anthropological project. Her pet. And if I ascend… I’ll be the newest ascender on the block. Probably no threat at all to those who ascended a hundred years ago. Maybe.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, The Legacy Human
“This thing has grown fast, the way things can when a million people do a tiny thing, and suddenly it's not so tiny.

Quinn, Susan Kaye. Halfway To Better (Short Story Collection) (p. 87). Twisted Space LLC. Kindle Edition.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Halfway To Better
“when guppies are turned into piranhas after being hunted by sharks, weird stuff happens.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Locked Tight
“You are not lost. You are found.” She lowers her hands. “And we are the ones left waiting for the coming day, still trapped in this life like fish in a pond, unable to see past the surface. We look up, and there’s only a mirror reflecting our faces as we search for those who have gone ahead.” There’s”
Susan Kaye Quinn, The Duality Bridge
“For once, Aniri wished the Queen would simply be her mother. To think of her daughter first, before the country. But that would never happen, and it was foolish to wish for it. As foolish as falling in love with a courtesan.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Third Daughter
“No school on Monday. We can stay up late and eat that awesome popcorn my mom likes to buy from the Boy Scouts.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Mindjack Origins Collection
“our stories are our unique contribution to the collective human imagination. We have to do this.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, For Love or Money
“I’m afraid I’ll live my whole life, however long that is, and the best will have ended when I was eight.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, When You Had Power
“It’s always been just the two of us, me and my mom, all the time I was growing up. When Cyrus moved next door, I gained a brother, and she gained a son. But they’re all I have. Everything I’ve learned about art—about life—I learned from her. Before the sickness, she was the strongest, most beautiful, most caring person I knew. Even now, she’s dealt with all the endless days of her slowly dying body with more patience and stamina than I ever could. All my dreams of ascending and being worthy of Lenora are just that: fantasy. Right here, in the grimy reality of Seattle, all I really have is my mom, my best friend, and my art. I can’t let her give up. I”
Susan Kaye Quinn, The Legacy Human
“But the day was coming: she could almost taste its nearness like the mouth-watering scent of a long-hungered meal just outside of reach.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Third Daughter
“The bark curved into a face. It smiled. Finn screamed like a little girl.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Faery Swap
“Identify. I am Restorative Human Medical Care Unit 7435, sentience level fifty. I have successfully restored one hundred and thirty-five human— Stop.”
Susan Kaye Quinn, Restore

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Susan Kaye Quinn
Open Minds (Mindjack #1) Open Minds
9,449 ratings
Free Souls (Mindjack, #3; Mindjack: Kira, #3) Free Souls
1,830 ratings
Closed Hearts (Mindjack, #2; Mindjack: Kira, #2) Closed Hearts
2,456 ratings
Mind Games (Mindjack Origins #1) Mind Games
666 ratings