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Sophie Monroe Sophie Monroe > Quotes


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“If I was really a bitch I’d make your life a living hell. Instead, I’ll just stand by and watch you do that yourself. You seem to do a pretty good job at it.”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“The key to finding lasting love is to find someone who loves you, battlescars and all.”
Sophie Monroe, Battlescars
“And what happens when I finally decide to let him in, and he tells me that he doesn’t feel the spark that I feel?”

“Then you Taser him and ask him again when he wakes up.” She laughed.”
Sophie Monroe, Battlescars
“My granny always says "Women are like angels, when someone breaks our wings we continue to fly around on our broomsticks because we're flexible like that”
Sophie Monroe, Battlescars
“He seems like a good guy but you need to find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot and who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Who wants to show off how pretty you look even in sweats...Who thinks you’re just as pretty without make-up and reminds you how lucky he is to have you. The one that says ‘that’s her.”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“A girl can dream can’t she? My new life plan is to stumble into every office of a CEO until I find a Christian Grey.”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“Listen, I know you just got back, and you’re exhausted, but I need a favor.”

Not again… I was looking forward to going home and sleeping for a day, or several. “I have a date tonight?”

“A date?” He choked.

I didn’t date, and he knew it. “Yeah, with my bed. We were totally going to sleep together.” I said sarcastically.”
Sophie Monroe, Battlescars
“The brain is the most outstanding organ. It works 24/7, 365 from birth until you fall in love.”
Sophie Monroe, Afflicted
“Worse day ever!" I whined to Ellie.
"Oh, worse than the time you got pulled over and the cop said 'papers' and you said 'scissors, I win' and he didn't laugh?”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“Who lit the fuse on your tampon?”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“Why does everyone expect me to sugarcoat stuff? Do I look like a fucking bakery? I just tell it like it is, and she looks like shit.”
Sophie Monroe, Afflicted
“Abracadabra... nope you're still a bitch.”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“Why do people say to grow a pair of balls? Balls are weak and sensitive. They should say grow a vagina, those things can take a pounding.”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“I'll always catch you baby. Always...”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“Life's a bitch, 'cause if it was a slut it would be easy.”
Sophie Monroe
“Listen Noah, I've had two helpings of flaming bitch this morning. Satan himself wouldn't fuck with me right now...”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“I’m going to bang you so hard we should probably exchange insurance information.” She rasped.”
Sophie Monroe, Battlescars
“Forget what hurt you, but never forget
what it taught you.”
Sophie Monroe
“Now we're going to go back in ther and get you something to eat. Then you're going to pull you big boy pants up and act like a man. My granddaughter needs her strapping boyfriend to be strong and not act like a pussy”
Sophie Monroe, Battlescars
“...'woman are like angels, when someone breaks our wings we continue to fly around on our broomsticks because we're flexible like that.”
Sophie Monroe, Battlescars
“Sometimes life throws you limes and you have to make margaritas.”
Sophie Monroe, Afflicted
“This is my wish for you. Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to chase the clouds away, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for you when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth and love to complete your life. I love you, baby boy.”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“We’re all ok, until the day we’re not.”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“Julia Kline, you’ve spent your whole life running and all you’ve done is run farther away from the love that’s been waiting for you all along. The first time you smiled at me with your two missing teeth you had my undivided attention. When you laugh, I want to laugh with you. When you cry, I want to be the one to hold you. When you said you loved me, you highjacked my heart forever. They say that love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. Your happiness is what I will spend the rest of my life striving to give you. I love you so much. Will you do the honor of marrying me?”
Sophie Monroe
“Marriage is more than joining the bonds of two people. It’s the uniting of two souls already attuned to each other.”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“Listen, we’re going to have to learn to get along if we’re going to be spending the next three months together. So how about a truce? I won’t judge you if you agree not to judge me.” “I don’t make promises that I know I won’t be able to keep. We’ll take it a minute at a time.” “Deal. So let’s start over. I’m Jake Parker, and I’m not the womanizing asshole that the media portrays me as.” “I’m Aubrey Thompson. I am opinionated and downright uncensored. Fair warning.” I shrugged. “Nice to meet you uncensored, opinionated Aubrey. How old are you?” “Twenty-three, almost twenty-four.” “I’m twenty-five, almost twenty-six.” “Well, almost twenty-six year old Jake I’d really like to get back to this.” I held my e-reader up. “I like you Aubrey. I can tell by your sarcastic undertones, rude comments and sheer lack of common decency that we’re going to friends in no time. I can just tell.” “Whatever you say, Boss.” I grumbled.”
Sophie Monroe, Battlescars
“Dude, wait until you see the hot little number on there!” He was grinning like the Cheshire cat. “What are you talking about? Aren’t all flight attendant’s middle-aged, blonde women?” “Not this one. She’s feisty too, kneed me right in the balls.” I smiled, and it was actually genuine. I wondered if he was fucking with me. But, it was enough to peak my curiosity. I slowly walked towards the plane wondering if it was going to be a grandma, or something. It wouldn’t be the first time. I really hoped that it wasn’t some die-hard groupie either. As soon as I reached the top of the stairs I almost tripped and fell on my face when I got my first look at her. She was gorgeous! She looked like she walked straight off of a pin-up girl calendar. She had long, black hair with strands of hot pink. I appraised my way down her body. She had a slim waist and curvy hips. She was built like an hourglass. I noticed a couple of sexy facial piercings. She had an adorable little nose and big brown eyes. Then I saw a tattoo peeking out on her shoulder. I could tell that she had a chest piece. I was instantly hard. Awesome…”
Sophie Monroe, Battlescars
“What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you’ll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don’t ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins. I’m a firm believer in second chances, and if we’re going to go through life not giving anyone a second chance, what kind of life are we going to have?”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“I’d lose everything I have if it meant that I could have a second chance with Jules.”
Sophie Monroe, Second Chance Romance
“women are like angels, when someone breaks our wings we continue to fly around on our broomsticks because we’re flexible like that.”
Sophie Monroe, Battlescars

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Sophie Monroe
Battlescars (Battlescars, #1) Battlescars
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Afflicted (Battlescars, #2) Afflicted
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Fated Hearts Fated Hearts
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Conflicted (Battlescars, #3) Conflicted
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