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Jack Hunt Jack Hunt > Quotes


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“All it takes is one person to unravel a nation, just as it takes only one domino for the rest to fall.”
Jack Hunt, Days of Panic
“Loss is hard to cope with no matter how much time has passed. Time keeps passing, the ache grows less, and you eventually find yourself smiling again and not feeling bad about. Some might even think that it no longer affects you, but all it takes is a scent, a sound, or a dream and I could I find myself in tears.”
Jack Hunt, The Renegades
“Society has been unraveling long before those lights went out, now it’s only going to pick up speed.”
Jack Hunt, Days of Panic
“She couldn’t see the benefit of bringing him along. He stuck out like a sore thumb, and standing beside Jake he reminded her of Lennie Small from the film Of Mice and Men — except for the fact that he had a samurai sword attached to his back, ninja stars across the front of his chest and a gun in hand.”
Jack Hunt, Strain
“Thank you for reading The Renegades 2: Aftermath. If you enjoyed the book, I would really appreciate it if you would consider leaving a review. I can’t stress how helpful this is in helping other readers decide if they should give it a shot. Reviews from readers like you are the best recommendation a book can have. Without reviews, an author’s books are virtually invisible on the retail sites. It also let’s me know what you liked. You can leave a review by visiting the book’s page. I would greatly appreciate it. It only takes a couple of seconds.”
Jack Hunt, Aftermath
“circles the better. He leaned in to Samuel. “Did you spot who asked?” Samuel looked out. “Nah, could”
Jack Hunt, Days of Terror
“People were so damn impatient. Everything had to be instant. With advancements in technology and a million and one things vying for people’s attention, it had created a new generation of lazy ass idiots who had lost the art of savoring life. If it didn’t work, they”
Jack Hunt, Days of Panic
“it was crucial to filter and go through some long process of using pebbles, burlap and seven inches of thick soil, in order to remove fallout particles and get usable water.”
Jack Hunt, Days of Chaos
“Like many Americans, reliance on infrastructure, government and community was the norm for him. Now all those talks with Charlie about making his own bug-out bag came back to haunt him.”
Jack Hunt, As Our World Falls
“Public Library, figuring they wouldn’t encounter trouble there. They were right. Books were the last thing on survivors’ minds and yet for them that short stay had been valuable. They obtained several maps, a list of businesses in the city,”
Jack Hunt, As Our World Falls
“back in the thick snow. Gasping and out of breath she looked up as the figure”
Jack Hunt, All That Remains
“We can’t make people happy, Gary. We can make them feel good on the inside for a time but whether they are happy or not is out of our control. Happiness comes and goes and quite often it doesn’t matter how much you fill someone’s cup, they can still be unhappy. It’s their responsibility to discover what makes them happy and bring that to the relationship.”
Jack Hunt, Days of Terror
“As for Rachel, Charlie’s girlfriend,”
Jack Hunt, When Humanity Ends
“It’s got me thinking that we might have been hit by an EMP.”
Jack Hunt, When The World Turns Dark
“Everyone wants to blame the government. We praise up the newly elected president, then the day they get in we tear them down. Fact is people just like stuff to bitch and complain about. If they don’t have something, they make shit up. It’s human nature. Yet if you abide by the law, pay your taxes and don’t act like an asshole, life can be pretty darn sweet.”
Jack Hunt, Days of Terror
“Creating a new path, going in a direction that others hadn’t and not settling for the path of least resistance but the one that would challenge and change him.”
Jack Hunt, In Cold Blood
“when you strip away the false sense of what makes you and I who we are — we’re the same. We need air to breathe, water, food, sexual satisfaction, sleep, clothing and shelter. These are the basics but these alone will not make us feel complete. We must take it a step further and offer people safety, social belonging, self-esteem and eventually self-actualization.” “Maslow’s hierarchy,”
Jack Hunt, Days of Terror
“His wife had become a shell of a person, never leaving the home and barely able to crawl out of bed in the morning.”
Jack Hunt, Days of Chaos
“racial slurs”
Jack Hunt, State of Panic
“But you can’t be angry forever. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what gave me cancer. It eats you up from the inside. Blaming others for what’s fair and what’s not. No. Eventually, you have to accept what is and move beyond the past, forgive others but most importantly, forgive yourself.”
Jack Hunt, The Aging
“CNN was the least reliable source of news.”
Jack Hunt, Phobia
“basic items to start a fire, purification tablets, a hunting knife that had tools inside the handle, a plastic bag that contained some bandages, a tarp, a flint match lighter, a whistle, a local map, a canteen for water, a small can of lighter fluid, a first-aid kit, a flashlight, a small hand-crank radio and some MREs.”
Jack Hunt, Days of Chaos
“Sin wasn’t the problem. Stupidity was. Perhaps the two were closer than anyone realized.”
Jack Hunt, The Haze
“No I mean, I don't think I can pretend."

"Of course you can. We all do it every day. We wear masks and hold back saying what we really feel because maybe...maybe we just don't want to destroy what little good we have.”
Jack Hunt, All That Remains
“Oh, how times had changed. Kids seemed more anxious. Overly concerned about what their generation thought. A like here, a comment there. What a world.”
Jack Hunt, The Haze
“There would always be those who would allow fear and ignorance to push them into serving a madman.”
Jack Hunt, Colony
Jack Hunt, All That Rises
“a few to infiltrate and cause dissension. The American people only need to believe that the government doesn’t have their best interests at heart and you have—” “A civil war,” Danielle said cutting him off. A civil war was nothing more than a conflict within a country fought by organized groups with the goal of taking power or changing government policies. Although the idea was horrendous, she would have been lying to say she wasn’t impressed with how they’d gone about planning this. Most, if not all countries attacked and hoped for the best, but this was strategic using sleeper cells, using a hacker, using flaws in code, using a country’s own weapon system, using”
Jack Hunt, As Our World Burns
“You know as well as I do, that the only safety that exists is the one you create for yourself.”
Jack Hunt, The Haze

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Jack Hunt
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