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Bohumil Hrabal
Author of including
Born in Brno-Židenice, Moravia, he lived briefly in Polná, but was raised in the Nymburk brewery as the manager's stepson.

Hrabal received a Law degree from Prague's Charles University, and lived in t…

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Mark Twain
Librarian Note: There is more than one author by this name in the Goodreads database.

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, known by the pen name Mark Twain, was an American writer, humorist and essayist. He was p…
Franz Kafka
Author of including
Prague-born writer Franz Kafka wrote in German, and his stories, such as " The Metamorphosis " (1916), and posthumously published novels, including The Trial (1925), concern troubled individuals…
Gabriel García Márquez
Gabriel José de la Concordia Garcí­a Márquez was a Colombian novelist, short-story writer, screenwriter and journalist. Garcí­a Márquez, familiarly known as "Gabo" in his native country, was considere…
Amin Maalouf
Author of including
Amin Maalouf (Arabic: أمين معلوف; alternate spelling Amin Maluf) is a Lebanese journalist and novelist. He writes and publishes primarily in French.

Most of Maalouf's books have a historical setting, a…
Julio Llamazares
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Julio Llamazares was born in Vegamián, a small village in the region of León. At the age of twelve he left the mountain area, attended a boarding school in Madrid and then studied law. Today Llamazare…
Ray Loriga
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Jorge Loriga Torrenova, más conocido como Ray Loriga es un escritor, guionista y director de cine español.

Tras trabajar en diversos oficios y publicar relatos en diferentes publicaciones como Undergro…
Jorge Amado
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Jorge Amado was a modernist Brazilian writer. He remains one of the most read and translated Brazilian authors, second only to Paulo Coelho. In his style of fictional novelist, however, there is no pa…
Leo Tolstoy
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Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (Russian: Лев Николаевич Толстой; most appropriately used Liev Tolstoy; commonly Leo Tolstoy in Anglophone countries) was a Russian writer who primarily wrote novels and short…
Yusuf Idris
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Yusuf Idris (also Yusif Idris; Arabic: يوسف إدريس) was an Egyptian writer of plays, short stories, and novels.
He wrote realistic stories about ordinary and poor people. Many of his works are in the E…
Ladislav Fuks
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Ladislav Fuks byl český prozaik, autor především psychologické prózy s tématem úzkosti člověka ohrožovaného nesvobodou a násilím. Jako symbol tohoto tématu si pak zvolil druhou světovou válku a holoka…
حيدر حيدر
هو كاتب و روائي سوري. وحظرت روايته وليمة لأعشاب البحر في عدة دول عربية، وحتى أدى إلى ردود فعل غاضبة متأخرة من علماء الدين من الأزهر.

من مؤلفاته
- حكايا النورس المهاجر (قصص) الطبعة الأولى: 1968…
Mikhail Naimy
Mikha'il Na'ima (also spelled Mikhail Naimy; Arabic: ميخائيل نعيمة) (b.1889 in Mount Sannine in modern day Lebanon, d. 1988) was a Lebanese author and poet of the New York Pen League.

He wrote 99 books…
أحمد بهجت
ولد أحمد شفيق بهجت في 15 نوفمبر 1932 بالقاهرة، وتوفى 11 ديسمبر 2011متزوج وله ابنان, حصل على ليسانس حقوق من جامعة القاهرة. كاتب صحفي عمل صحفيًا بجريدة أخبار اليوم (1955)، ومجلة صباح الخير (1957)، وجريد…
Hermann Hesse
Author of including
Many works, including Siddhartha (1922) and Steppenwolf (1927), of German-born Swiss writer Hermann Hesse concern the struggle of the individual to find wholeness and meaning in life; he won t…
José Saramago
Author of including
José de Sousa Saramago (16 November 1922 – 18 June 2010) was a Portuguese novelist and recipient of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Literature, for his "parables sustained by imagination, compassion and irony…
أمل دنقل
ولد أمل دنقل بقرية القلعه مركز قفط على مسافه قريبه من مدينة قنا في صعيد مصر وقد كان والده عالما من علماء الأزهر الشريف مما اثر في شخصية أمل دنقل وقصائده بشكل واضح. سمي أمل دنقل بهذا الاسم لانه ولد بنف…
حنا مينه

حنا مينه روائي سوري ولد في مدينة اللاذقية عام 1924. ساهم في تأسيس رابطة الكتاب السوريين واتحاد الكتاب العرب. يعد حنا مينه أحد كبار كتاب الرواية العربية, وتتميز رواياته بالواقعية.
عاش حنا طفولته في إحدى…
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Author of including
Works, such as the novels Crime and Punishment (1866), The Idiot (1869), and The Brothers Karamazov (1880), of Russian writer Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky or Dostoevski combine religiou…
محمد فريد أبو حديد
وُلد محمد فريد أبو حديد في أول يوليو 1893، وكان جده لوالده قد جاء من قبيلة حجازي التي هاجرت إلى مصر في أوائل القرن التاسع عشر أثناء حكم محمد على. تخرج من مدرسة الحقوق آنذاك عام 1914، إلا انه فضل التدر…
الطيب صالح
الطيب صالح - أو "عبقري الرواية العربية" كما جرى بعض النقاد على تسميته- أديب عربي من السودان، اسمه الكامل الطيب محمد صالح أحمد. ولد عام (1348 هـ - 1929م) في إقليم مروي شمالي السودان بقرية كَرْمَكوْل با…
Anton Chekhov
Author of including
Dramas, such as The Seagull (1896, revised 1898), and including "A Dreary Story" (1889) of Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, also Chekov, concern the inability of humans to communicate.

Author of including
Complete works (1880) :

In 1694, Age of Enlightenment leader Francois-Marie Arouet, known as Voltaire, was born in Paris. Jesuit-educated, he began writing clev…
Naguib Mahfouz
Naguib Mahfouz (Arabic author profile: نجيب محفوظ) was an Egyptian writer who won the 1988 Nobel Prize for Literature. He published over 50 novels, over 350 short stories, dozens of movie scripts, and…
Sara Nović
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Sara Nović is author of the NYT best-seller TRUE BIZ, as well as the novel GIRL AT WAR, (2015, winner American Library Association Alex Award, longlist Women's Prize, finalist for the LA Times Fiction…
Ghazi A. Algosaibi
See غازي عبد الرحمن القصيبي

He was a Saudi Arabian politician, diplomat, technocrat, poet, and novelist. He was an intellectual and a member of the Al Gosaibi family that is one of the oldest and riche…