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葬送のフリーレン [Sōsō no Frieren] #9

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, Vol. 9

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Elf mage Frieren and her courageous fellow adventurers have defeated the Demon King and brought peace to the land. But Frieren will long outlive the rest of her former party. How will she come to understand what life means to the people around her?

As Frieren, Fern, and Stark continue their journey in the Northern Plateau, they face many obstacles, both natural and supernatural, including the Great Tor Canyon. But once across the canyon, they receive a plea for help that will take them to a cursed city and a confrontation with Macht of the Golden Land, the last and most powerful of the Seven Sages of Destruction. Macht also has a surprising connection to Denken that may provide an edge in the struggle…

188 pages, Paperback

First published September 15, 2022

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About the author

Kanehito Yamada

40 books100 followers
Kanehito Yamada ( 山田鐘人; Yamada Kanehito) is a japanese mangaka.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 119 reviews
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,383 reviews235 followers
February 29, 2024
This series really commits to the view that the side trips and digressions are the point of a journey. Fortunately this one kicks off an interesting side quest to defeat a demon who can turn anything to gold. Of course, as any military strategist would immediately think, it's time for a tea party!
Profile Image for m4ltose.
25 reviews
November 7, 2022
Introduces one of the best villains I've ever seen, who isn't what he is because of some tragic backstory or slow degeneration into evil, but because he simply has no comprehension of how his actions could seem evil to others.

Which causes him to actually take the time and try to understand what grief, malice, and hopelessness are and how he causes them. Obviously gets very dark at points, because his missing notions of suffering and cruelty cause him to do things like .

Yet all throughout, we also wonder if he is really trying to understand, or just fooling the people around him in order to be able to live out his sadistic tendencies.
A chilling portrayal of psychopathy, even though it's in a high fantasy setting and this villain is, of course, a demon who only appears to be human (no spoiler).

Nevertheless a highly memorable character, whose story and views can be likened to American Psycho's Patrick Bateman, although obviously without the humor and overarching critique of consumerism.
Profile Image for sparkling almond blossoms.
1,138 reviews148 followers
October 25, 2023
Cue, the golden land, and the much awaited round 2 of Frieren vs. Macht of El Dorado, member of the sages of destruction—one of the demons which Frieren lost to.

Wow, I'm tearing through these pages eagerly to reach the latest arc. That's my main goal, but it's just so interesting and engaging AND BEAUTIFUL that I couldn't help but stare in awe.
Profile Image for Mark.
2,313 reviews200 followers
October 25, 2023
All that glitters might actually be gold for a change, as adventuring in the North leads to Frieren, Fern, and Stark assisting a familiar face against a demon who rules a cursed city. And this demon has managed to defeat Frieren once before…

How much do I love this series? So very much. Things continue as they have previously, which means they’re absolutely perfect for the lover of reflective fantasy that knows how to both tell a story and have a deeper meaning beneath it.

The first chapters are mostly small nuggets before we get to the golden city portions, but the starting one in particular is a very lovely combination of the usual antics (Frieren’s awful money management is a running gag at this point) plus a moment of connection with the past that turns out to be more moving for our hero than expected.

As usual, the manga knows what jokes to keep hammering - may I never get tired of the useless spells Frieren keeps finding - and remains wonderfully focused on actions and the consequences thereof, and what happens after the decisive battle (I mean, that’s right in the title) as time marches relentlessly forward.

Which leads to the meat of the volume, as Denken the mage returns to try and save a quarantined parcel of land that’s home to the demon Macht and precious little else, as Macht turned the entire area to gold decades ago and was contained when he proved too powerful to defeat.

This arc is about the hubris and, yes, stupidity of men when attempting to subvert power they shouldn’t be mess with to fuel their own endless greed. The worst part of this whole thing is how avoidable Macht’s destruction could have been.

As usual, I’m constantly in awe of how strong this manga is at depicting non-human characters as non-human. It’s some of the best fantasy writing I’ve enjoyed; this entire scheme of a human king falls apart because he does not recognize the failing in what he’s even asking.

And when Macht’s own desires are revealed, only Frieren recognizes that a wolf in sheep’s clothing is still a wolf. The way Macht keeps appearing to be more reasonable than the average demon is well realized because it’s clearly not true based on his actions, but it still makes you stop and think for a second.

Combined with Denken’s backstory and how long it has taken him to come to grips with returning to this area, it makes for powerful stuff. One line from Denken towards the end implies that there’s even more going on here than we’re privy to and I am all for it.

Now, it’s not all perfect. There are a couple of small things, lest you think I have zero ability to appraise this story. They just don’t have any impact on my overall enjoyment.

One, yellow flag for the use of the term ‘bougie’ in a universe where there is very unlikely to be a French royalty to invent the term to begin with. I allow this one because the joke around it is pretty darn funny (both in the story and in omake), but it’s anachronistic as all get out.

Also, and this is mostly annoying to psychology pedants, but the story apparently has absolutely no concept of what hypnosis actually is, or how it works, given that it’s not even doing the more stereotypical mind control stuff. It’s such an odd choice for what amounts to ‘here’s a bunch of memories’. I see the connection, but it’s really tenuous.

5 stars - like that’s going to ruin the story for me though? Heck no. I had a good time with this and I’m dying to see what comes from the inevitable confrontation next volume. Still a cut above anything else out there.
Profile Image for Mara.
101 reviews25 followers
July 2, 2024
A little disappointed with this one. I'm not a big fan of the chapters that involve fighting demons since they go on for a long time. Take me back to the characters just vibing and the episodic nature of the earlier volumes.
Profile Image for Psicologorroico.
454 reviews40 followers
April 23, 2023
Più interessante dei precedenti, soprattutto per la faccenda del demone e della maledizione dell'oro. I primi capitoli però sono davvero delle subquest poco ispirate... (bellissimi i disegni degli animali)
Profile Image for Anna.
209 reviews
November 14, 2023
One of the most enjoyable things about this series is its worldbuilding, it goes pretty in-depth.
Profile Image for Artemissia G.
1,134 reviews26 followers
January 16, 2024
Dans ce 11e tome, nous retrouvons Frieren et le mage Denken aux prises avec deux démons très puissants. Une bonne partie de ce volume est, de fait, consacré au combat que chacun va mener respectivement. Autant dire que les tensions et les enjeux sont énormes. Les scènes d’actions sont également légion, mais il ne faut pas croire que cela soit exempt de texte. Bien au contraire ! L’adversaire de Frieren est très bavarde et tente tout pour déstabiliser notre héroïne. Là encore, notre elfe favorite va puiser dans son passé et les innombrables connaissances qu’elle a acquis pour pouvoir avoir une chance de vaincre son adversaire.

Voilà des passages bien angoissants dans lesquels j’ai eu assez peur pour Denken, mais aussi pour Frieren. J’ai été ravie de voir que même s’ils sont morts depuis longtemps, ses anciens compagnons (Himmel et compagnie) lui sont toujours d’une très grande aide surtout dans les moments les plus compliqués. Mais, je n’en dis pas plus pour ne pas gâcher la lecture.

Pour le reste de l’histoire est sur quelque chose de plus conventionnel et de presque ennuyeux. La routine, en quelque sorte. Toutefois, je ne m’attendais ni à la fin ni au fait que le dernier chapitre soit en couleur ! On peut dire que nous sommes gâtés !

Dans l’ensemble, j’ai passé un excellent moment avec cette suite et sa bonne dose d’action qui nous tient savamment en haleine. Quelques longueurs sur les derniers chapitres, mais j’ai apprécié aussi de pouvoir retrouver le groupe soudé. Et bien sûr, la fin m’a laissé sur ma faim. Parce que ça se termine sur un sacré cliffhanger qui donne vraiment envie d’avoir le prochain tome entre les mains.

Une bon 11e tome qui a su renouveler mon intérêt pour cette histoire. Les dessins sont toujours superbes avec un trait fin et soigné. C’est toujours un plaisir que de les admirer.
Profile Image for Fraser Simons.
Author 9 books279 followers
April 3, 2024
An interesting new arc, where the party reunites with Denken as he goes home, something we heard about in the previous arcs multiple times. But even more interestingly is the new villain: a demon who inhabits the land under a barrier and who has turned everything into a kind of fools gold, including would be adventurers who have tried to kill him. Frieren was defeated by him and Denken has some past with him.

If not for the filler-esk sections, where the same information is reiterated so many dang times, this would be another five star instalment. But it’s just too slow at moving things along without it feeling like it is purposefully dragging its feet. Otherwise, very cool setup and I enjoyed the flashbacks and cameos from other mages we’ve already met.
Profile Image for Sarah Cavar.
Author 13 books272 followers
September 13, 2024
The best volume yet! Immense plot and character development, as well as the introduction of a new character, Macht, a war crime-enjoying demon intellectually curious about the human sensations of guilt and malice. I really love this series and the questions it calls to mind about empathy, time, and loyalty to history/elders.
Profile Image for Sharon.
1,620 reviews14 followers
March 9, 2024
Still love this series. There isn't a lot of progress in this volume, but it appears that Frieren has a good idea of what she's up against with the demon Macht. She didn't quite share it with the rest of the class though... On to volume 10!
Profile Image for Violet ♡.
272 reviews140 followers
November 20, 2023
When the plot twist is an untouchable foe, Frieren, you can do this! 😉

Profile Image for Alice.
421 reviews42 followers
December 31, 2023
While this was a more action-packed entry to the series, I’m very excited about this new arc! There were plenty of quiet, meaningful moments as well, in true Frieren fashion. Another excellent volume!
Profile Image for Tanner.
152 reviews2 followers
January 25, 2024
Still great. Lots of plot development and a few powerful chapters but not banger after banger like some of the other volumes.
Profile Image for Mac.
187 reviews1 follower
April 3, 2024
I love plans and I love making plans
Profile Image for v4lbooks.
38 reviews
September 27, 2024
Il était trop bien ce tome. Le démon je l'aime beaucoup j'ai hâte de savoir la suite de son histoire. Frieren qui accepte tout et n'importe quoi pour un grimoire bizzare ça me fera toujours rire...
Profile Image for Megan.
6,107 reviews30 followers
April 12, 2024
Damn, this has me so intrigued with how this will go.
Profile Image for Othy.
292 reviews2 followers
December 21, 2023
A great Frieren volume. The theme of "what are humans to Frieren" has been slowly meeting the similar and more sinister theme of "what are humans to demons". The differences are obvious for most demons, but Macht provides a deeper challenge. One great part of this series is that demons remain sinister and evil while still being a counter-view to Frieren. I really look forward to how this storyline will end.

I am getting a little tired of the art, however. Everyone stands around with their eyes half closed, looking tired or bored, and with their arms slack at their sides. It was interesting when Frieren looked this way in the beginning, but it seems the whole world projects an apathetic blahness.
Profile Image for Sol.
4 reviews
June 10, 2024
Probablemente el mejor hasta la fecha. Después de un arco en el que, si bien tuvo sus momentos destacables, sentía que le faltaba algo para terminar de encantarme, llega este tomo para volver a elevar la vara.
Profile Image for Sunread26.
867 reviews
September 6, 2024
Chronique complète :

Extrait :
Toujours un plaisir de continuer cette série, ma sœur ne l’a pas aimé, mais pour ma part, je l’apprécie beaucoup. Son point de vue est assez original, une tranche de vie fantasy avec de vrais moments de pauses et d’autres moments d’actions. Beaucoup de moments de nostalgies, comme on en a nous-mêmes. Le fait que vaincre un roi démon n’est pas une finalité en soit, mais qu’un bout de chemin parmi tant d’autres, la vie continue comme on dit.

Comme Frieren refait le même voyage qu’avec ses anciens compagnons, elle a toujours des anecdotes à raconter à leur sujet. Les souvenirs refont aussi souvent surface, elle voit que certaines idées de ses compagnons sont partagées par la nouvelle génération, que certains continuent de se souvenir et d’admirer, tandis que d’autres commencent à oublier. Au final, chacun a donc son expérience, son vécu, son ressenti face à l’histoire et il ne tient qu’à nous de la faire durer le plus possible. On parle chez nous de devoir de mémoires, afin d’éviter que des drames similaires se reproduisent… et pourtant, encore aujourd’hui ils continuent et rien n’est fait pour les stopper. Je me demande parfois si on y a vraiment gagné avec la démocratie, on a échangé des rois allant combattre sur le champ de bataille, par des présidents qui se cachent comme des lâches. M’enfin, revenons à notre manga ! Voir des personnages, déjà plus de ce monde être développés ainsi, on peut dire que ça change ! Il est rare de prendre autant de temps pour développer des morts, ors, le temps est pris ici, surtout pour Himmel. Celui qui aurait sans doute été le protagoniste de l’histoire dans un cas normal.

C’est un développement subjectif, puisqu’il est fait à partir des souvenirs d’un personnage. Même si Frieren est assez peu émotive, elle a tout de même des sentiments, un point de vue qui lui est propre. Tout comme les autres personnages qui parlent de lui, parfois sans même l’avoir connu. L’histoire finit donc par changer, évoluer au fil d’un téléphone arabe intergénérationnel, parfois elle devient légende ou mythe. Le temps continue également de filer à toute allure pour l’équipe, Frieren continuant d’avancer à son rythme, mais aussi à cause des aléas climatiques. J’en viens à me demander s’ils arriveront au bout de ce voyage. Pour des régions du nord, j’avoue être également grandement étonnée de voir si peu de neige ou de reliefs. Mais cela montre aussi qu’il y a plusieurs climats locaux et toujours des habitants dans ses zones reculées et dangereuses. Ce qui est aussi assez ironique puisque personne ne peut traverser la frontière sans avoir un pass… Visiblement que des gens risquent leurs vies de l’autre côté ça ne les dérange pas le moins du monde. D’un autre côté, si c’était là où j’ai grandi, j’avoue que je ne bougerais pas non plus malgré le danger. Je serais capable d’accueillir les monstres et démons avec une poêle. Le son émit par un choc entre une poêle et autre chose, c’est épique.

Profile Image for Dani Wladdimiro.
785 reviews3 followers
February 9, 2024
Me impresiona como puede reinventarse esta historia, si de repente podemos tener una historia casi repetida, como la del enano que puente y la búsqueda de los minerales, es ese pequeño diálogo que hace que cambie todo el enfoque de la historia. Finalmente, la persona no quería extraer los minerales, sino quería preservar la naturaleza, a ver el maravilloso paisaje que encontró, lo cual fue gracias a la paz que existen en el reino luego de vender al Rey de los demonios, ¿o no es así Himmel?

Posterior a estas pequeñas historias, no adentramos fuertemente en la historia de Denken. La historia ya la conocías un poco por el examen de primer grado, pero aquí vamos al grano. El viejo mago nos menciona que su pueblo fue tomado hace cierta cantidad de tiempo por el demonio Macht. Las razones son descritas en el volumen, haciendo varios flashback de ida y vuelta, narrando tanto en presente y pasado distintos eventos. Y si bien todo el contexto es interesante, son las bases para el conflicto que se viene, y aquí es donde más me gusta Frieren, si bien existen extraordinarias batallas, el problema aquí no es de poder, sino de principios. Si vencen por fuerza a Macht, no podrán recuperar el pueblo convertido en oro, debido que su magia no se termina una vez él esta muerte, por lo tanto deben pedirle al medio que lo deshaga. ¿Cómo pedirle a un demonio que lo deshaga? ¿Qué motivos podría llevarlo a tomar esa decisión? Es ahí donde Frieren y Denken tratan de tener un debate con el mismo demonio, por lo que él aclara varias cosas: la primera, es pacifista, y lo segundo, hay cosas que no entiende, por lo que no tiene respuesta a ello. De ser así, preguntas sobre qué significa la malicia no lo entiende, por lo que la batalla será más un viaje introspectivo que una batalla épico, y es justamente lo que busco en Frieren.

Si bien, el volumen no me voló la cabeza, ni tampoco me emocionó (salvo el segundo capítulo), me gusta muchísimo la premisa, y tengo altas expectativas sobre cómo se irá desarrollando la historia. Al fin de cuentas, Frieren está en el mismo viejo, sobre comprender las emociones que irradian los humanos, ¿por qué no podría hacerlo Macht con su discípulo?
Profile Image for Alessandro.
50 reviews3 followers
February 10, 2024
There is a maximum time by which even the best of ideas begin to become stale if something is not renewed. The more I read this work, the more I get the impression that the soup gets watered down more and more and the story takes forever before getting to the point. Moreover, everithing I really liked in the early volumes is progressively more and more diluted. This is not good...

I also begin to get that unpleasant feeling I often have from reading manga: the characters never change, they have no growth arc, they live on the edge of possibility but always remain the same. Every time it seems that something is going to happen, that they can take a step forward, but it is always an illusion. And so the relationships between the characters never changes, repaying me with a sense of inconclusiveness that I honestly can't stand anymore and that has caused me to abandon many readings (the last one for example was Spy X Family, where after 10 volumes the characters were still the same as in the first).
I can understand this about Frieren (after all she is hundred of years old) but all the others characters, after years they travel together, they still act like strangers. For example, two of the main characters had a date a couple of volumes ago and nothing, absolutely nothig has changed between them.

Keeping characters on the verge of something can be a good trick for an author to push readers to buy more products, but I'm too old for that crap.
Profile Image for 4.
141 reviews
September 16, 2024
"Chúng ta là con người, thời gian sống trên đời là hữu hạn. Trong cuộc đời chúng ta làm gì có chỗ cho "một lúc nào đó" chứ? Thật ngu ngốc. Đến tuổi này ta với Denken mới nhận ra điều đơn giản ấy. Cả ta cũng luôn trì hoãn việc đền ơn Denken. Ta cứ nghĩ khi nào ông ấy gặp khó khăn thì mình giúp một tay là được. Nhưng thời khắc bọn ta nói lời vĩnh biệt có thể đến bất kì lúc nào. Đối với bọn ta, không phải bây giờ thì còn đợi đến bao giờ nữa?"

Volume này phức tạp cả về nội dung câu chuyện lẫn tuyến nhân vật. Mặc dù không thể nói Frieren là tiêu chuẩn của thể loại manga phiêu lưu, song cũng không quá lời khi nói rằng series này có nền tảng rất vững trong cách xây dựng thế giới quan, tình tiết truyện và diễn đạt chúng đến với độc giả (chẳng bù *cough* JJK *cough*). Ngay từ những volume đầu, Kanehito Yamada đã đề cập đến khía cạnh 'hiểu' nhưng không 'thấu' của loài quỷ. Tuy nhiên, trong volume 9, concept này được khai thác sâu sắc hơn thông qua ký ức của Macht và lời nguyền hoàng kim Diagoldze. Mấy chương đầu của volume có vẻ lê thê vì cách kể chuyện dài dòng của Denken (đúng kiểu kể chuyện của mấy ông có Si trong function stack) . Tuy nhiên, tình tiết về sau lại cực kỳ ấn tượng, khiến volume 9 trở thành một trong những volume yêu thích của mình trong cả series. Ngóng volume sau.
Profile Image for Tachan.
1,219 reviews11 followers
August 30, 2023
Entre deux visites de lieux insolites, Frieren commence à s’intéresser également à la nostalgie des autres. Une évolution de la série qui fait plaisir à l’heure où elle commençait à tourner un peu en rond et à peiner à se renouveler.

Sur un ton à nouveau tout tranquille, la série entame doucement une nouvelle mue dans ce tome avec une héroïne s’intéressant toujours un peu plus aux gens qu’elle croise et plus seulement à ceux avec qui elle voyage. C’est encore une fois reposant mais également splendide et émouvant cette fois, avec une pointe de tension finale qui se mélange avec des réflexions intéressantes sur la définition de l’humanité et des désirs. Avec Macht, c’est une évolution que je n’avais pas vu venir et qui me rend curieuse.

Avis complet : https://lesblablasdetachan.wordpress....
Profile Image for Brandon.
2,282 reviews36 followers
July 8, 2023
This arc looks to be the party coming up against an incredibly powerful demon (with a unique magical power that is interesting to think about) but instead of being a direct fight both sides are trying to understand each other, not knowing whether that's actually possible. I like that! I like that this 'battle' so far isn't about out-smarting each other and there's no easy decision with regards to what they're supposed to do. This reminds me of one of the early arcs, against another powerful demon, where the reveal was that the demons couldn't be reasoned with and were only impersonating humanity. I don't know if that's where this arc is going, or if there's something more complex going on, and that's exciting.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 119 reviews

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