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About Last Night

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For thirty years, best friends Stephanie and Philippa have been practically inseparable. There's nothing they would not do for one another. Until a few simple words change everything.

'I need you to say that I was with you.'

Steph, eternally solid, considerate and dependable, is begging her best friend to lie to the police as she's desperately trying to conceal two shocking secrets to protect her family. Pip, self-consigned to the role of scatty, frivolous hot-head is overwhelmed; she's normally the one asking for help in a crisis although never anything as catastrophic as this. Both women have always believed that friendship is built on mutual selflessness, compromise and trust. Are those beliefs now to be tested beyond endurance?

416 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2011

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About the author

Adele Parks

47 books2,791 followers

Adele Parks MBE is one of the most-loved and biggest-selling women's fiction writers in the UK. She has sold over 4 million books and her work has been translated into 30 different languages.

She has published 21 novels, all of which have been London Times bestsellers.

Adele has written 19 contemporary novels and 2 historical ones, Spare Brides and If You Go Away, which are set during and after WW1. Her latest novels, Both of You, Just My Luck, Lies Lies Lies, I Invited Her In, The Image of You and The Stranger in My Home are twisty, domestic noirs. Adele likes to scrutinize our concepts of family, our theories on love, parenting and fidelity.

During her career Adele has lived in Italy, Botswana and London. Now she lives happily in Surrey, UK with her husband, son and cat.

If you want to stay in touch you can find Adele on Twitter @AdeleParks, Instagram @Adele_Parks or Facebook @OfficialAdeleParks. You can sign up to her newsletter at eepurl.com/cI0l and there’s lots more info about Adele and her books on www.adeleparks.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 159 reviews
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,463 reviews184 followers
January 12, 2023
Another great read from Adele Parks, she still hasn't let me down. Would recommend :)

Five stars.
Profile Image for Komal.
44 reviews17 followers
August 3, 2012
I had heard so much about Adele Parks books, so thought to give one of her books a go. Utterly disappointed after reading it and won't be picking her book again! Want to know why???

Well, given the good blurb, which had all the ingredients to grow into a good full-blown well, she messed it with her writing style. I found her characters one-dimensional, her pace extremely slow and her grip on the story - LOOSE! The author seems to be torn between making the book a women's fiction and a chick-lit while desperately wanting to put in some element of suspense, and the result: a spoiled broth which is neither here nor there!

After knowing that Pip and Steph are forever friends, the story does not evolve till the very last chapters of the book, and when it FINALLY does, it is neither exciting climax nor a satisfying resolution of events. It made me wonder what was the whole point of writing so many pages when the author was herself unsure what to do next with the characters and in which situation to put them to make it a worth-while read. From Steph's complicated marital life to her bizarre decisions, the ending seems un-natutal, as if imposed on the characters, out of the blue!

I also found that there was a dearth of dialogues between characters, while long and tedious descriptions made me yawn! The book is a classic example of how a good plot turns sour because of bad writing! Not impressed at all, Adele!
Profile Image for Francesca.
349 reviews130 followers
March 8, 2014
Well, I thought I enjoyed all books but this has proved me wrong. For the first time ever, I made a huge effort to finish it. It's well written interesting story, from a certain point of view but I found il slow and very boring. I was expecting something completely different. I will try other books by this author but in a while...................
Profile Image for Mellisa.
537 reviews157 followers
September 27, 2021
Best friends Pip and Steph have close for thirty years. Steph is the reliable, dependable one, who Pip can rely on for everything. Pip is the one who is always in a crisis, always in a rush and leaving things to the last minute. So when Steph turns to Pip, and asks her to lie to the police for her, tell them she was with her, Pip knows it must be bad - because there's a lot more than just friendship at stake....

I like Adele's books because they are so different to what I normally read but still manage to keep me hooked. I love how I always end up questioning myself when reading her books, they always have some question behind them that really makes you sit back and think once you've read the book. I mean, best friends for thirty years, would you lie for your best friend? Such a huge question, one that you couldn't really even begin to think you'd have to answer. Really good book.
Profile Image for Megan.
469 reviews188 followers
August 13, 2012
About Last Night centers around a topic that I’m sure is going to be widely debated among readers after devouring this book: Would you lie for your best friend if they asked you to? Some women would answer yes, best friends help each other out, but what happens when it comes to not only telling a lie to your best friends family and friends, but also to the police? This then enters a new ballpark completely.

Steph is a dependable, caring person, with what seems to be a dream life. She has her gorgeous successful husband Julian and her beautiful children, she lives in a stunning spacious house, she has everything she could ever want. Steph and Pip have been thick as thieves since they were eight years old, they tell each other everything. That is, until an accident happens, leaving everybody shocked, and with no clue of how it happened, Steph approaches Pip and utters the words “I need you to say that I was with you.”

This is a fantastic read exploring just how far you would go to protect your best friend, and questioning how much we really know about those closest to us. I found it a fast paced read, I couldn’t put it down and I desperately wanted to know what Steph was trying to cover up. Steph and Pip were very relatable as best friends, I could see parts of my own friendships in theirs and that helped make the book that bit more enjoyable.

The side characters were brilliant additions to the story and really helped you to learn more about the main characters. The only criticism I would have is that I would have loved to have seen more of Subhash, I particularly enjoyed the parts he was in and would have liked an extra few pages of him!

After I had finished the story, I gave it to my Nan to read, and she telephoned me the very next morning telling me that the story was so thrilling that she could not put it down and had to stay up in bed reading it all night! I think it is safe to say that my Nan and I will be buying her future books!
Profile Image for Kate’s Book Spot.
632 reviews21 followers
January 1, 2013
I had read some good reviews for this book so when I saw it on the shelves of my local bookshop I thought I’d give it a go.

The beginning gave me an insight into Steph and Pip’s childhood years and how they came to be friends. This made me feel like I understood each of their characteristics really well and so their friendship made sense to me.

There were familiar domestic scenes with Steph’s husband and children and I found myself nodding my head in recognition of the little things that went on in her day-to-day life, but then this turned into something not so familiar and I wasn’t too keen on it.

When the book first introduced Kirsten I couldn’t figure out where she fit into the storyline and once her role became clear I felt a strong dislike towards her. I actually found it very difficult to read her scenes and a couple of times I stopped reading completely because I couldn’t read any more about her! I have to say that this was purely due to the subject matter and not the writing which was obviously good to get such a reaction out of me.

I was dying to know just what had happened on the night that this whole book revolved around, the author cleverly drew it out so that the exact sequence of events weren’t revealed until quite near the end – I came up with a few theories of my own, one of which was correct but I continuously switched opinions as I read.

There were a couple of surprises along the way and I just had to keep turning the pages to find out what the outcome would be. I must admit that I was a little disappointed by the ending, I would have preferred it to go a different way but it didn’t spoil the book for me.

This was an enjoyable read with some thought-provoking moments.
Profile Image for Clo.
153 reviews8 followers
July 28, 2012
I haven't read any books by this author before, I think I tried reading one by her when I was about 16 and just didn't get into it.
So, I was pleasantly surprised with the book to be honest!

Stephanie - I definately preffered her over Pip, I can imagine feeling just like that if somebody cheated on me. She reminded me of myself, because she did feel guilty for having that thing with Subhash, even though nothing actually happened, despite what Julian had done she was still loyal to him and I had so much respect for her in doing and feeling that way.

To the friendship between Stephanie and Pip. If I'm all honest with myself, it is very easy to say that you would do anything for your friends in their hour of need, which I think is fair to say for most genuine relationships, but is there limits? Reading it made me question how far I would go to help my friend, and at first what I thought Pip had done was pretty harsh, disloyal even, but when I sat back and thought about it, I loved Pip for doing it; tough love hard as it seems is usually better than pandering!

Pip - wasn't my favourite character in the beginning, unorganised, scatty, a bit of a free spirit, insensitive, tactless almost. It was only in the last few pages that I grew to respect her and love her, in fact towards the end, I preferred her!
Question is, is she pregnant? That little cliffhanger wound me up!

A happy ending, LOVE THEM!!
Profile Image for Agi.
1,623 reviews100 followers
August 19, 2012
I start reading every book full of anticipation and hope that I will enjoy it. It was the same with this book. I have expected a lot of this one. But unfortunately, I am bitterly dissapointed.
I have read page by page till more or less the half of "About last night" and reading it was more and more confused. The characters were very unfriendly, I didn't like them, Pip played with my nerves from the very beginning, Steph... I couldn't read Steph, I don't know what kind of person she is. The most expressive person is Kirsten, like it or not, I am not judging her now, I just say that she was the only one who knew what she want and was lively. The others were just like dolls, going there where you told them to go.
And the narration. I don't want to say it was just bla, bla, bla because I guess that without such narration there won't be this book, but it was just boring, the retrospections, the feelings, thoughts... I'm really sorry but it didn't work for me, at all. And in the second half of the book I just skipped, skipped and skipped and read only there where there were dialogues.
And to be really honest, this big, big secret of Steph, the one that Pip should give her alibi... I mean, heloooo? Is that all?
Will try some of Parks's books in the future, of course I'll do this, hoping I will enjoy them much more than this one.
Profile Image for Angela.
64 reviews2 followers
August 22, 2018
About last Night doesn't actually start to be about "last night" until half way through the book.
Whilst the first half is no doubt meant to give us an insight into the characters; it doesn't. Well at least I can't really understand the need to go off on what seem like random tangents with the characters. Pip is worried forgetting to pack her daughters swimsuit makes her a bad mother. Whilst Julian thinks running machines have ruined running cause you don't have to clean your shoes, but actually when he thinks about it, its maybe a good thing. I don't read chick-lit, and now I remember why. Its just ridiculously dull.
The only good thing I can take from this is that it makes me think that if this sort of thing can get published then maybe trying to write for a living isn't beyond my reach.
Profile Image for Emily Wilcock.
6 reviews
September 21, 2019
So bad!!! Can’t believe the ending!!

After Steph’s husband cheats on her for months she has no problem forgiving him completely and their marriage has never been better - erm what???
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Caitlin.
160 reviews
May 26, 2019
I love Adele Parks I’ve read a couple of her books now and every single one of them draw me in. This book in particular has rather a suspenseful plot and left you wondering in places just as the characters were. It was great that you got to see the story from different points of view and it was done well enough that the story still flowed well. Overall this is a great read and would recommend.
Profile Image for Iram.
16 reviews
July 26, 2023
I thought it'd be really good, it had me hooked but I was really disappointed with the ending. Feels very misogynistic
Profile Image for Alyce King.
70 reviews
April 6, 2024
Gentle start then BANG!!! Page turner!!! So many events, excellent characters yet not at all confusing. Really enjoyed it and couldn't put it down.
Profile Image for Jane.
820 reviews754 followers
September 28, 2011
When I lived in London I commuted from almost one end of the Jubilee line to almost the other. Living near the end of the line and working near the other meant that I nearly always got a seat and that I could get a lot of reading done on the journey. Classics and serious literature didn’t really work for me on the underground, I read those at home and readable, mainstream fiction on those journeys.

I think it was back in those days that I last read Adele Parks. She wrote the kind of books I threw into my book for the daily commute – chick lit, with a clever balance of gloss and grit. But in Cornwall I either drove or, more recently, walked to work and so she slipped through the net as the pattern of my life changed and as I discovered new authors.

We met again a couple of months ago, when a copy of About Last Night landed, unexpectedly, in my porch. I wasn’t sure that it was the book for me, and so I didn’t rush to begin reading. But, eventually, curiosity got the better of me and I began to read.

The opening chapter was lovely. Two girls – Steph and Pip – met at junior school and became fast friends. They were very different – Steph quiet and sensible and Pip curious and sociable – and I could see that they complemented each other beautifully.

Thirty years later they were still best friends. Steph had married a successful man. They had three children, they had a lovely home, everything they had ever wanted. Pip though had been betrayed and abandoned by her husband and it still hurt. But she still had her business, her daughter. I saw two women’s’ lives, I understood how they had evolved, and I wondered where they were going.

I saw lives thrown out of kilter when Steph made a painful discovery. When she found that her life wasn’t as perfect as she thought. How she reacts, and how Pip reacts, could change their lives, their friendship, forever.

I could empathise with each woman. I loved that sometimes they did exactly what I expected and sometimes they did something entirely different. I didn’t always agree but I always understood.

The story could have been predictable, but it wasn’t, and I enjoyed the third person narrative that allowed me to see so many details, look over so many lives.

It was an easy read, but an easy read with substance.

I’m afraid I was a little disappointed in the ending. It was dramatic, it was right, but it was a little too neat.

My final verdict though is positive – Adele Parks is now writing rather more grown up chick lit, still with that clever balance of gloss and grit.
Profile Image for Jennifer Joyce.
Author 21 books134 followers
October 6, 2012
About Last Night is set over five days but, despite the short time frame, we get to delve into the lives of best friends, Steph and Pip. The women grew up together but their lives have taken completely different paths; Steph lives in a large house with her successful husband and their three sons and never has to worry about money while Pip is a struggling single parent who relies heavily on her best friend.

At the beginning of the book, Pip's life is starting to take a turn for the better with a revival of a career and the possibility of a love life on the horizon while Steph's idylic world is starting to crumble.

One night something terrible happens and Steph asks her friend to lie to the police and provide her with an alibi.

What is Steph hiding? And will Pip lie for her?

There is a bit of a mystery in About Last Night but I think the book is more about friendship, loyalty and trust. Steph and Pip have been best friends for thirty years but their friendship is put to the test when Steph asks Pip to lie for her. Pip begins to question Steph and what she is capable of so can their friendship survive her lack of faith?

My favourite character in the book was Kirsten. I probably shouldn't have liked her but her trains of thought were so amusing that I looked forward to the chapters centred around her. As a person, she is incredibly self-centred, dismissive and 'a bit thick' but being in her head was fantastic.

About Last Night is an enjoyable read that makes you question how far you would go to protect your friend - and your friendship.
270 reviews
May 21, 2019
I have been a long time avid reader of Adele Parks and was very happy when I received this book as a gift. I had high expectations and I’m glad to say I wasn’t disappointed.

The book centres around a no-doubt highly debated topic: would you lie for your best friend? This isn’t an ordinary little lie to family and friends, this would mean lying to the police.

The beginning of the book provided a glimpse in to the two main characters childhoods. Steph and Pip have been friends since school. They always had each others backs, helped out with the children and you couldn’t ask for a better friend.

When the character Kristen was first introduced I was puzzled as to her role in the story, but it all does become clear. However, she was definitely not a character I liked very much and preferred Steph and Pip’s voices over hers.

I read quickly, devouring the pages, wanting to know what happened on the fateful night in question. Parks cleverly kept the true events back until later in the book, drawing it out without the reader getting bored. I was constantly questioning myself; who did it?!

Overall, this really was an enjoyable read. I knew it would be.
42 reviews
February 24, 2024
Hmmm. I'm normally a big fan of Adele Parks, but this is not one of her better books. It took a long time to get to where it was going, and then the ending was very much an anti-climax. Not up to her usual standard at all.
Profile Image for Sarah.
112 reviews2 followers
August 11, 2011
I have not read anything from this author before but read a review of this book in a magazine and liked the sound of it. It is a bit chick litty which is not a genre that I usually enjoy that much but what with moving house and working 55 hours a week I needed an 'escape, non-taxing' book.

The story is about a happily married woman, Steph, her three children and her scatty single mother best friend Pip. It tells the story of Steph finding out that her perfect husband, Julian, may not be quite the perfect husband at all. Fast forward to Julian being in a coma and Steph asking Pip to lie about her whereabouts the night before asking her to tell the police she was with her all evening - what is Steph hiding?

It was an easy to read book that moved at the right pace and kept my interest, I stayed up late on a couple of evenings in order to find out what happenned. I am now keen to read more by this author when I need something light to pass the time. Would recommend this book to others.
Profile Image for Tanya.
416 reviews7 followers
May 14, 2012
Finished this book in 1.5 days. Easy, light reading.

I'm noticing a theme in Parks' books. Long-suffering, delusional housewives married to traders/bankers who are liars/cheaters. And round and round we go.

Steph's married to a stable, loving banker. Pip's husband left her. Steph and Pip could not be more different, but are BFFs.

When Steph finds out her husband is a cheating scumbag, things go from bad to worse in a fire hurry.

Predictable, light and easy to read.
Profile Image for Annie.
34 reviews
February 15, 2014
I was given this book by my Mum - it was a signed copy as she had been to the book launch for work. I nearly put it into the charity box but felt obliged to read it. I don't normally read this type of "chic-lit" genre. It definitely held my attention and I quite liked the story but agree with previous reviews that the characters weren't really that interesting and were 2 dimensional. Not really that funny or that sad in my opinion. Easy to read and ok if your on holiday I suppose.
434 reviews4 followers
July 5, 2011
I can’t say much about this book without giving away the whole story,
the Author kept the reader guessing until nearly the end, a great book
I would definitely recommend, I couldn’t put it down and had to see
what would happen.

Profile Image for Julie.
1 review
September 8, 2012
] have enjoyed and Loved all of adele parks books and am eagerly awaiting her new one which is not quite out yet in Calgary! Great beach read great anytime read! I can honestly say i have never disliked any one of her books
Profile Image for Colline Vinay Kook-Chun.
722 reviews18 followers
July 8, 2020
This was an okay read for me. I often found myself skim reading paragraphs as the text bored me - the storyline was too predictable for me. I did like that the women's friendship survived their obstacles.
Profile Image for Catherine.
180 reviews5 followers
February 26, 2012
I wanted to like this book but I really struggled!!! Infact TEDIOUS is a word that comes to mind. Sorry Adele Parks but you are not a 'chick-lit' author I would recommend.....
Profile Image for Leia.
31 reviews
June 8, 2012
Enjoyable juicy chick lit book! Decent story line and good characters.
Profile Image for Kaya Lia.
23 reviews9 followers
September 9, 2017
I ended up binning this one. (Not done that before in my life)
'Stranger in My Home' was excellent though.
Profile Image for Kate.
539 reviews8 followers
July 16, 2018
I usually enjoy Adele Parks books but there was too much over descriptive waffle in this one for me. Ended up skimming over sections of text which could have been much more succinct. Disappointed.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 159 reviews

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